The first Session of the Ninth Council (twenty-fifth annual meeting) was held on Whitsun Tuesday, 25th May, 1915, in the Small Hall of the Church House, Westminster, at 11 a.m., when there were present of representative members 65 out of 103, and of honorary members 8 out of 14, making a total of 73 members present.
Only one nomination, that of Sir Arthur Heywood, Bart., had been received for the office of president, and after he had been proposed by the Rev. G. F. Coleridge, and seconded by the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, the hon. secretary, who temporarily occupied the chair, announced that he had been unanimously re-elected.
The President, having taken the chair, and having thanked the members for his re-election, announced that only one nomination, viz., that of the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, had been received for the office of honorary secretary and treasurer.- Mr. J. Griffin proposed, and the Rev. Canon Baker seconded, the re-election of Mr. Davies, which was carried unanimously.
The Hon. Secretary then thanked the Council for the confidence reposed in him, and expressed the pleasure that the work had always been to him.
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the hon. secretary, and were unanimously passed on the proposal of the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, seconded by Mr. W. T. Cockerill.
The Hon. Treasurer then presented the annual statement of accounts, of which the following is a summary: Balance in hand from last year, £42 15s. 2d.; affiliation fees, £12 17s. 6d.; sale of publications, £1 15s. 10d.; interest on deposit account, £1 0s. 7d., making a total of £58 9s. 1d. Against this there had been: Expenses of meeting in 1914, 10s.; expenses of committees, £1; advertisements, printing and postage, £2 17s. 10d., leaving in hand (in addition to the sum of £50 on deposit account), a balance of £54 1s. 3d. These accounts, having been previously audited in detail by the Standing Committee, were unanimously passed on the motion of the Rev. G. F. Coleridge, seconded by Mr. J. Griffin.
The Hon. Librarian (the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn) reported as to the sale of publications, showing how the sum of £1 15s. 10d., mentioned above, was reached.- His report was unanimously adopted.
The following retiring honorary members, viz., Mr. John Carter, Rev. H. A. Cockey, Mr. R. A. Daniell, Rev. C. D. P. Davies, Rev. Canon Papillon, Mr. J. S. Pritchett, Mr. W. Snowdon, Mr. J. A. Trollope, and Mr. G. Williams, were unanimously re-elected on the proposal of Mr. G. Watson, seconded by the Rev. Canon Baker.
The President drew attention to the fact of the presence of Mr. W. Banister on the platform, and expressed the pleasure felt by all the members in welcoming him as a visitor to the meeting, and in finding him still in apparent good health. To this Mr. Banister, who announced himself as being in his 92nd year, briefly responded, his remarks being received with hearty applause.
It was announced that expressions of regret for absence had been received from the following members, viz.: Mr. C. E. Borrett, Mr. John Carter, Rev. E. V. Cox, Mr. W. H. Godden, Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, Mr. A. T. King, Mr. J. W. Parker, Mr. G. T. Potter, Mr. J. S. Pritchett, Mr. C. L. Routledge, Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Mr. W. Snowdon, and the Rev. W. P. Wright.
The Hon. Secretary then read the Council's roll of service, as follows:
T. R. Dennis, Signal Service, R.E., 1st Army Headquarters, France.
*W. Haigh, wearing the badge for war service in Chatham Dockyard.
Lieut. J. H. B. Hesse, A.S.C., Mechanical Transport Section.
*Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Chaplain to the Forces, stationed at Rouen.
Lieut. C. F. Johnston, Royal Fusiliers, P.S. Battalion.
Rev. C. E. Matthews, Chaplain to the Forces, at the front in Belgium.
R. Narborough, Cambridge Regiment.
*B. Prewett, 1754, B Co., 5th Battalion London Rifle Brigade.
* Present at the meeting.
The following new members were introduced to and shook hands with the President: Of the Ancient Society of College Youths, Mr. A. A. Hughes; of the Royal Cumberland Society, Mr. F. Smith; of the Chester Guild, Messrs. J. Ashmole and J. Morgan; of the Dudley and District Association, Mr. W. R. Small; of the Essex Association, Mr. G. Dent; of the Kent Association, Mr. W. Haigh; of the Ladies' Guild, Miss Edith Parker; of the Lancashire Association, Mr. S. Wood; of the Midland Counties Association, Mr. W. E. White; of the Central Northants Association, Mr. W. Perkins; of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild, Messrs. T. H. Beams and W. Hughes D'Aeth; of the Staffs Association, Mr. H. Knight; of the Sussex Association, Mr. R. Stredwick; of the Towcester and District Association, Mr. J. Slarke; and of the Worcester and Districts Association, Messrs. A. E. Parsons and W. Short.
On the proposal of the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, the Standing Committee was re-elected as follows: The President, the Hon. Secretary, Rev. H. A. Cockey, Rev. G. F. Coleridge, Rev. H. Law James, Mr. W. T. Cockerill, Mr. H. Dains, Mr. R. A. Daniell, Mr. J. Griffin, Mr. C. H. Hattersley, and Mr. W. Snowdon, the name of the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Hon. Librarian, being added to the list.
The President then reported that the Committee had had before them the question of payment for advertisement of the Council's publications in the ringing papers, which they wished to refer to the Council.
It was proposed by Mr. E. H. Lewis, seconded by Mr. G. Williams and carried, that the terms for advertisements offered, by the "Ringing World" be not accepted. It was proposed by Mr. G. P. Burton, and seconded by Mr. B. Prewett, that the existing advertisement in "Bells News" be dropped. The motion was lost. It was proposed by the Rev. H. J. Elsee, seconded by Mr. P. J. Johnson, and carried unanimously, that the hon. secretary cause to be printed a list of the Council's publications on a slip of paper, and that a copy be forwarded to the hon. secretary of each affiliated Guild or Association with the request that, if possible, it may be printed in the Guild report.
On behalf of the Peal Collection Committee, Mr. J. A. Trollope reported that, as announced last year, the first part of the collection of Treble Bob Major Peals was ready for press.- The Rev. C. D. P. Davies, having intimated that he wished to resign his position on the committee, proposed the re-election of the committee, and that his vacant seat be filled by the election of Mr. E. H. Lewis.- This was seconded by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, and carried unanimously.
The report of the Literature Committee having been deferred till later in the proceedings,
Mr. E. H. Lewis reported on behalf of the Committee on Legitimate Methods, who had been authorised to print Vol. II of the Collection of Major Methods, and explained that a further careful scrutiny of the methods, together with other causes, had led to the postponement of its publication.- The report was adopted, and on the proposal of Mr. J. Griffin, seconded by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, the committee was re-elected.
The Rev. E. W. Carpenter moved the adoption of the report of the Peals' Analysis Committee, which was seconded by Mr. J. Griffin, and carried unanimously.- It was proposed by Mr. C. Dean, and seconded by Mr. W. E. White, that the committee be re-elected with the hearty thanks of the Council for their work.- Carried unanimously.
It was moved by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, and seconded by Mr. J. W. Taylor, that the reports of peals, in order to obtain recognition by the committee, must be published in either or both of the ringing papers within a period of eight weeks, after performance.- This was carried unanimously.
Mr. R. A. Daniell reported for the Literature Committee, that owing to his continued ill-health but little progress had been made. The re-election of the committee was proposed by Mr. J. Griffin, seconded by the Rev. Canon Baker, and carried.
Mr. E. H. Lewis, the Hon. Secretary, and the President reported as to the work of the Towers and Belfries Committee.- On the motion of the Rev. Canon Papillon, seconded by the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, the committee was re-elected.
The resolution on the agenda to the effect that "The Central Council approve and issue a National Badge for Ringers," failed to find a proposer, and, therefore, fell through.
It was proposed by the Hon. Secretary, and seconded by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, that it is desirable to reconsider some of the conditions laid down for the Legitimacy of Methods as stated on page 18 of "Rules and Decisions," 1904.- The President pointed out that it had always been the custom of the Council to refer such matters to an expert committee, and on his suggestion the motion was passed by a large majority, it being understood that the considerations advanced by the hon. secretary were referred to the Committee on Legitimate Methods.
The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards then moved, and Mr. Hughes D'Aeth seconded, that this Council recognises with emphatic approval the good judgment and consideration shown by ringers throughout the United Kingdom in their spontaneous abstinence from peal ringing since the outbreak of war, but at the same time the Council regards it as the privilege and sacred duty of ringers, whenever circumstances permit, to continue, alike in time of war and of peace, to honour with the music of the bells the Lord's Day and other Feasts of the Church, as also on Royal and National anniversaries to give expression to the thankfulness of the British people to Almighty God for the many blessings vouchsafed to this Empire, and for the preservation of His Most Gracious Majesty to preside over its momentous destinies.- The motion was carried unanimously.
Owing to the lateness of the hour, the consideration of an item on the agenda calling attention to the increasing abandonment raising and falling bells in peal was postponed.
For the place of meeting next year, Mr. J. Griffin proposed, and the Rev. G. F. Coleridge seconded, that Plymouth be chosen. To this the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards proposed, and Mr. J. D. Matthews seconded Bath as an amendment. The amendment having been lost, the original motion was carried by a large majority.
On the motion of Mr. H. White, seconded by Mr. C. H. Hattersley, a vote of condolence was passed with the families of the late Messrs. R. Cartwright and S. Reeves, members of the Council, who had died within the past year.
On the motion of the Rev. G. F. Coleridge, a hearty vote of thanks to the President was carried by acclamation.- The meeting then adjourned.
NOTE.- It is earnestly requested that, should any omission or inaccuracy be found in the foregoing minutes, the fact may be brought to the notice of the hon. secretary as soon as possible.
Stonehouse, Glos.
The Ringing World, September 24th, 1915, pages 136 to 137
The Bell News and Ringers' Record, Sept. 25, 1915, pages 26 to 27
The record of attendance was as follows:-
College Youths.- Present: Messrs. W. T. Cockerill, T. Faulkner, A. A. Hughes and A. Hughes.
Royal Cumberlands.- Present: Messrs. H. Dains, J. D. Matthews, J. Parker and F. Smith.
Bath and Wells.- Present: Rev. C. C. Parker. Absent: Messrs. E. E. Burgess, A. E. Coles and J. Maddock.
Bedfordshire.- Present: Rev. Canon Baker.
Birmingham, St. Martin's.- Absent: Mr. W. H. Godden.
Cambridge University.- Present: Mr. E. H. Lewis.
Chester Diocesan.- Present: Rev. A. T. Beeston, Messrs. J. Ashmole and J. Morgan.
Cleveland and N. Yorks.- Absent: Rev. W. P. Wright and Mr. T. Metcalfe.
Devon.- Present: Rev. M. Kelly and Rev. E. S. Powell. Absent: Mr. A. W. Searle.
Dudley and District: Mr. W. R. Small.
Durham and Newcastle.- Absent: Messrs. G. T. Potter, C. L. Routledge and W. Story.
Ely Diocesan.- Absent: Mr. T. R. Dennis.
Essex.- Present: Messrs. G. A. Black, G. Dent and W. J. Nevard. Absent: Mr. C. H. Howard.
Gloucester and Bristol.- Present: Mr. J. Austin.
Hereford Diocesan.- Present: Mr. J. Clark. Absent: Mr. R. Marston.
Hertfordshire.- Present: Pte Bertram Prewett.
Kent.- Present: Messrs. E. Barnett, T. Groombridge, senr., and W. Haigh. Absent: Rev. F. J. O. Helmore.
Ladies' Guild.- Present: Miss E. K. Parker.
Lancashire.- Present: Rev. H. J. Elsee, Messrs. H. Chapman and S. Wood. Absent: Mr. J. H. Banks.
Leeds and District.- Present: Mr. P. J. Johnson.
Lincoln.- Present: Mr. R. Richardson. Absent: Rev. H. Law James, Messrs. G. Chester and J. W. Seamer.
Liverpool Diocesan.- Absent: Mr. W. Bentham.
Llandaff Diocesan.- Present: Mr. J. W. Jones.
London County.- Present: Messrs. E. A. Young and T. H. Taffender.
Middlesex County.- Present: Messrs. W. Pye and J. R. Sharman. Absent: Lieut. J. H. B. Hesse and Mr. A. T. King.
Midland Counties.- Present: Sir Arthur Heywood, and Messrs. J. Griffin, J. W. Taylor and W. E. White.
Central Northants.- Present: Messrs. W. Perkins and F. Wilford.
North Notts.- Present: Mr. H. Haigh.
North Wales.- Absent: Rev. T. Lewis Jones.
Norwich Diocesan.- Present: Mr. G. P. Burton. Absent: Messrs. C. E. Borrett, W. L. Catchpole and J. Motts.
Oxford Diocesan.- Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Rev. G. F. Coleridge, and Messrs. J. Evans and F. W. Hopgood.
Peterborough and District.- Absent: Mr. R. Narborough.
Salisbury Diocesan.- Present: Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, and Messrs. T. H. Beams and W. Hughes D'Aeth. Absent: Mr. A. F. Martin Stewart.
Salop Archidiaconal.- Absent: Mr. J. Bradney.
Stafford Archidiaconal.- Present: Mr. H. Knight. Absent: Rev. E. V. Cox.
Surrey.- Present: Mr. C. Dean. Absent: Lieut. C. F. Johnston.
Sussex.- Present: Messrs. G. Howse, R. Stredwick and G. Watson. Absent: Mr. E. H. Lindup.
Towcester and District.- Present: Mr. J. Slarke.
Warwickshire.- Present: Mr. H. Argyle. Absent: Mr. A. Roberts.
Winchester Diocesan.- Present: Mr. H. White. Absent: Rev. C. E. Matthews, and Messrs. A. H. Pulling and J. W. Whiting.
Worcestershire.- Present: Messrs. A. E. Parsons, T. J. Salter and W. Short.
Yorkshire.- Present: Rev. C. C. Marshall and Mr. C. H. Hattersley. Absent: Messrs. G. Bolland and C. Glenn.
Hon. Members.- Present: Revs. A. H. F. Boughey, E. W. Carpenter, H. A. Cockey, C. D. P. Davies, and Canon Papillon, and Messrs. R. A. Daniell, J. A. Trollope, H. W. Wilde and G. Williams. Absent: Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, and Messrs. J. Carter, J. W. Parker, J. S. Pritchett and W. Snowdon.
The Ringing World, May 28th, 1915, page 271
The Bell News and Ringers' Record, May 29, 1915, page 619