


Minutes of the first Session of the Sixteenth Council (44th Annual Meeting), held in the Council Chamber of the Guildhall, in the City of London, on Whitsun Tuesday, June 2nd, 1936, at 11 o’clock.

The Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Dr. Matthews, offered a hearty welcome on behalf of the Church and the Lord Mayor and Corporation.

Dr. Matthews opened the meeting with prayer and the president took the chair.


Ancient Society of College Youths- Mr. W. T. Cockerill and Mr. A. B. Peck.
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association- Mr. H. W. Brown, Mr. J. T. Dyke and Mr. J. Hunt.
Bedfordshire Association- Mr. A. E. Sharman.
Cambridge University Guild- Mr. E. M. Atkins and Mr. E. H. Lewis.
Chester Diocesan Guild- Mr. A. Crawley, Mr. J. W. Milner and Mr. H. Parker.
Devon Guild- Mr. T. Laver.
Dudley and District Guild- Mr. F. Colclough.
Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association- Mr. W. H. Barber and Mr. W. J. Davidson.
East Derbyshire and Notts Association- Mr. T. Clarke.
Ely Diocesan Association- Mr. C. W. Cook, Mr. F. Warrington and Miss K. Willers.
Essex Association- Mr. E. J. Butler, Mr. E. P. Duffield, Mr. G. R. Pye and Mr. L. W. Wiffen.
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association- Mr. J. K. Armstrong, Mr. J. Austin and Mr. W. B. Kynaston.
Guildford Diocesan Guild- Mr. G. L. Grover, Mr. A. Harman, Mr. A. C. Hazelden and Mr. A. H. Pulling.
Hertford County Association- Mr. W. Ayre, Mr. H. E. C. Goodenough and the Rev. R. F. R. Routh.
Irish Association- Mr. G. Lindoff.
Kent County Association- Mr. J. H. Cheesman, Mr. T. Groombridge, Mr. F. M. Mitchell and Mr. T. E. Sone.
Ladies Guild- Mrs. E. K. Fletcher and Mrs. R. Richardson.
Lancashire Association- Mr. G. R. Newton, Mr. W. H. Shuker and Mr. T. B. Worsley.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild- Mr. J. Bray, Mr. G. Chester, Ven. Archdeacon Parry and Mr. R. Richardson.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association- Mr. J. W. Jones and Mr. C. H. Perry.
London County Association- Mr. F. E. Dawe, Mr. T. H. Taffender and Mr. J. A. Waugh.
Middlesex County Association- Mr. C. T. Coles, Mr. G. W. Fletcher, Mr. W. H. Hollier and Mr. W. G. Wilson.
Midland Counties Association- Mr. A. J. Harris, Mr. W. H. J. Hooton, Mr. J. H. Swinfield and Mr. E. Denison Taylor.
Norwich Diocesan Association- Mr. A. L. Coleman and Mr. F. Nolan Golden.
North Staffs and District Association- Mr. A. Thompson.
Oxford Diocesan Guild- Mr. A. D. Barker, the Rev. Canon G. F. Coleridge, Mr. A. E. Lock and Mr. R. A. Post.
Oxford Society- Mr. W. G. Collett.
Oxford University Society- The Rev. C. E. Wigg.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild- Mr. H. Baxter, Mr. R. G. Black and the Rev. E. S. Powell.
Romney Marsh and District Guild- Mr. P. Page.
St. Martin’s Guild- Mr. A. Paddon Smith.
Salisbury Diocesan Guild- The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Mr. S. H. Hillier, C. H. Jennings and Mr. F. W. Romaine.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths- Mr. G. H. Cross, Mr. G. Gilbert, Mr. J. Parker and Mr. G. W. Steere.
Stafford Archdeaconry Society- Mr. B. Horton and Mr. H. Knight.
Suffolk Guild- The Rev. H. Drake, Mr. C. Mee and Mr. Stedman H. Symonds.
Surrey Association- Mr. D. Cooper and Mr. C. H. Kippin.
Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild- Mr. Gwyn I. Lewis.
Truro Diocesan Guild- Mr. C. Lanxon.
Warwickshire Guild- Mr. D. H. Argyle.
Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild- Mr. H. Barton, Mr. G. Pullinger, Mr. F. W. Rogers and Mr. G. Williams.
Worcester and Districts Association- Mr. S. T. Holt and Mr. C. H. Woodberry.
Yorkshire Association- Mr. J. Hardcastle, Mr. P. J. Johnson, the Rev. Canon C. C. Marshall and Mr. S. F. Palmer.
Honorary members - Mr. W. A. Cave, Mr. C. Dean, Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Mr. A. A. Hughes, Mr. C. F. Johnston, the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Mr. J. A. Trollope, Mr. E. C. S. Turner, Mr. A. Walker, Mr. S. H. Wood and Mr. E. Alex. Young.


The hon. secretary called attention to the new rules, and reported on those governing affiliation as follows:-

The operation of the rule governing affiliation divides the associations into two groups: (1) Territorial associations and (2) non-territorial associations.

In Group 1 there are three sections: (a) Associations with annual subscribing members; (b) associations whose members pay one life subscription only; (c) associations made up of affiliated towers with no individual subscriptions.

In this Council we have 43 associations in Group 1, of which 41 are in section (a). The aggregate membership of this section is returned as 21,860, made up of 19,445 annual subscribing ringing members, 1,674 annual subscribing honorary members, 438 resident life ringing members and 303 resident life honorary members.

Two associations previously associated with the Council are no longer included. The Sherwood Youths have advised me that they could no longer show a minimum membership of 75, and the Sussex County Association are considering the matter at their meeting on June 20th. The North Wales Association have rejoined.

The representation of this section is 116, but only 111 members have been elected - vacancies being left in Bath and Wells, Lancashire, North Notts, North Wales, Swansea and Brecon, and Worcester and Districts Associations.

The London County Association falls into section (b). No particulars as to numbers of its members are available, but efforts are being made to obtain them. The secretary has estimated that the numbers justify three representatives.

The Truro Diocesan Guild has 66 towers affiliated with a fee of 5s. per tower. They have elected one representative only.

In Group 2 are the following associations: Ancient Society of College Youths, Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, Cambridge University Guild, Oxford University Society, Oxford Society and the Ladies’ Guild. The Oxford Society and the Ladies’ Guild are the only two associations in this group to furnish actual figures of membership. Approximate figures have been supplied by the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths. The group is represented by 14 representatives. An affiliation fee of 5s. has been received from the St. Clement Youths, but no particulars of membership are available, and no member has been elected.

Excluding the St. Clement Youths, the total membership of the Council is as follows:-

Associations affiliated49
Total members to which entitled134
Total members elected127

All these associations have given an undertaking to loyally abide by the rules and decisions of the Council.

The total number of honorary members is 15.

With the exception of two associations, the North Notts and the Swansea and Brecon, who, whilst entitled to elect two representatives each, have only paid the fee for one member, all affiliation fees due to the Council have been paid.


On the motion of the president, it was resolved to send the following message of loyal congratulation:-

‘The Central Council of Church Bellringers, assembled in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, London, for their 44th annual meeting, take this, the first opportunity in your Majesty’s reign, humbly to express to your Majesty the loyalty of the 20,000 change ringers they represent, and pray that your Majesty’s reign may be long and prosperous.- E. H. Lewis, President.’

During the day a reply was received as follows:-

‘Please convey to the Central Council of Church Bellringers assembled in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, the King’s sincere thanks for their kind and loyal message of good wishes.- Private Secretary.’


President.- The hon. secretary reported that Mr. Lewis had been nominated for re-election by Mr. F. M. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. T. Groombridge, sen. The resolution was put to the meeting by Canon Coleridge and carried unanimously.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.- On the motion of the President, Mr. G. W. Fletcher was re-elected.

Hon. Librarian.- The Standing Committee recommended the election of Mr. W. H. J. Hooton, and, on the proposal of Mr. A. A. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. E. K. Fletcher, the recommendation was adopted.

Hon. Auditors.- On the proposal of Mr. G. R. Newton, seconded by Mr. E. Denison Taylor, Mr. C. T. Coles and Mr. A. A. Hughes were re-elected.

Hon. Members.- It was reported that Mr. J. Griffin had tendered his resignation, which it was agreed to accept with thanks for past work.

On the motion of Mr. A. Paddon Smith, seconded by Mr. W. T. Cockerill, the following retiring members were re-elected: Alderman J. S. Pritchett, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Messrs. C. Dean, J. S. Goldsmith, C. F. Johnston, C. W. Roberts, J. A. Trollope and E. Alex. Young.

On the proposal of the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. C. H. Jennings, supported by the Rev. H. Drake and Mr. E. Alex. Young, it was agreed that, subject to his lordship’s consent, the Earl of Shaftesbury be elected a member.


The following were presented to the president in accordance with Rule 11: Messrs. J. W. Milner, H. Parker (Chester), C. W. Cook, F. Warrington (Ely), E. P. Duffield, L. W. Wiffen (Essex), J. K. Armstrong, W. B. Kynaston (Gloucester and Bristol), A. Harman (Guildford), H. E. C. Goodenough, the Rev. R. F. R. Routh (Hertford), T. B. Worsley (Lancashire), J. Bray (Lincoln), C. H. Perry (Llandaff and Monmouth), J. A. Waugh (London County), W. G. Wilson (Middlesex), A. J. Harris, W. H. J. Hooton (Midland Counties), A. Thompson (North Staffs), A. D. Barker, R. A. Post (Oxford Diocesan), G. Gilbert, G. W. Steere (Cumberland Youths), B. Horton (Stafford), Stedman H. Symonds (Suffolk), C. Lanxon (Truro), D. H. Argyle (Warwickshire), S. T. Holt, C. H. Woodberry (Worcester).


Apologies were received from Alderman J. S. Pritchett, the Rev. E. V. Cox, Messrs. C. E. Borrett, J. P. Hyett, J. D. Johnson, A. King, J. W. Parker, C. D. Potter, C. W. Roberts, C. J. Sedgley, F. Wilford and C. W. Woolley.


The death of the following members and past members was reported by the president:-

Rev. Canon H. J. Elsee (1891-1935); Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt-Drake (1919-1935), hon. librarian of the Council; Rev. C. A. Clements (1895-1902, 1927-1935); Rev. E. S. C. Lock (1927-1935); Mr. R. A. Daniell (1900-1911); Mr. E. E. Richards (1891-1896); Mr. J. W. Rowbotham (1903-1905, 1909-1911).

The president also referred to the death of Mr. A. R. Powys, secretary of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

The Council expressed their sympathy with the bereaved by standing in silence.


On the proposal of Mr. J. H. Swinfield, seconded by the Rev. H. Drake, the minutes published in ‘The Ringing World’ on April 10th, 1936, were approved and taken as read.

The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards reported that action was taken on the motion passed last year, urging the provision of peals of bells in new housing estates, and a letter was addressed to all Bishops and Archbishops. Of 24 replies received, 17 were favourable, and these included the replies from four Archbishops.


The following reports, etc., were circulated to all members and associations, and have been published in ‘The Ringing World.’ They are preserved in the Council’s records and are available for inspection.


Owing to the death of the Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt-Drake, the report was presented by the hon. secretary and was published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 5th, 1936.

The president stated that Alderman J. S. Pritchett had now completed the revision of the pamphlet, ‘The Law Affecting Church Bells,’ and had considered the question of insurance of ringers.

On the motion of Mr. J. A. Trollope, seconded by Mr. E. J. Butler, the report was adopted.


The annual accounts were presented by the hon. treasurer and published in ‘The Ringing World,’ June 5th, 1936.

The accounts had been audited, and on the proposal of Mr. A. A. Hughes, seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles, were adopted.


The report was presented by Mr. E. Alex. Young and published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 19th, 1936.

The trustees recommended the appointment of Mr. A. G. Driver as an additional demonstrator.

The report and recommendation were adopted on the proposal of Mr. E. A. Young, seconded by Mr. A. A. Hughes.


A formal report was presented by the hon. secretary, stating that the agenda has been considered and recommendations would be placed before the Council.

In moving the adoption, the president drew attention to the fact that the Standing Committee did not try to rule the Council, but that, by its previous consideration of the agenda, it endeavoured to assist the conduct of the business.

The report was adopted.


(Note.- In 1933 the Council agreed that the Standing Committee should consist of (1) the president, hon. secretary and treasurer, hon. librarian and conveners of committees ex-officio; (2) twelve elected members.)

It was proposed by Mr. A. Paddon Smith, seconded by Mr. E. Denison Taylor and carried, that the two auditors, Messrs. C. T. Coles and A. A. Hughes, should also be ex-officio members of the committee, together with the ex-president, Canon Coleridge, and ex-secretary, Mr. E. Alex. Young, who are still members of the Council.

It was proposed by Mr. E. J. Butler, seconded by Mr. J. H. Swinfield and carried, that the following six members be re-elected: Alderman J. S. Pritchett, Messrs. W. A. Cave, W. T. Cockerill, C. F. Johnston, A. Paddon Smith and E. Denison Taylor.

For the remaining six vacancies, twelve names were proposed and seconded, and after ballot the following were declared elected: Archdeacon Parry, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Messrs. J. T. Dyke, R. Richardson, A. Walker and S. H. Wood.


The report published in ‘The Ringing World’ on May 29th, 1936, was presented by Mr. G. Lindoff, who also moved the adoption. The motion was seconded by Mr. G. R. Newton and carried.

Election of Committee.- On the proposal of Mr. G. R. Newton, seconded by Mr. G. H. Cross, the following members were re-elected: Rev. E. S. Powell, Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Messrs. G. Lindoff, G. R. Newton, G. R. Pye, C. W. Roberts, J. A. Trollope, with the addition of Mr. T. B. Worsley in place of Mrs. E. K. Fletcher, resigned.

On the proposal of the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. G. R. Newton, Mr. Lindoff was appointed convener.


The report was presented by Mr. J. A. Trollope and published in ‘The Ringing World’ on May 29th, 1936.

The Standing Committee reported the receipt of the book on Surprise Major Methods and recommended that printing be deferred in view of the estimated cost, to enable some opinion to be formed as to possible demand. The officers of the Council to consider the matter and if necessary to obtain permission from the Standing Committee to print, otherwise to report again next year.

The report and recommendation were adopted on the proposal of Mr. J. A. Trollope, seconded by Mr. S. H. Wood.

Election of Committee.- On the motion of Mr. E. J. Butler, seconded by Mr. W. Ayre, the following were re-elected: Messrs. J. A. Trollope. E. C. S. Turner and S. H. Wood, and on the proposal of Mr. E. J. Butler, seconded by Mr. W. A. Cave, Mr. Trollope was appointed convener.


The adoption of the report published in ‘The Ringing World’ on May 22nd, 1936, was moved by Mrs. E. K. Fletcher and seconded by Mr. G. R. Pye.

Mr. J. S. Goldsmith proposed and Mr. C. T. Coles seconded that the peal of Minor rung at Wistaston for the Chester Guild on July 13th, 1935, be deleted from the Council’s records, as it did not conform to any decision of the Council regarding a peal of Minor. (Note: The peal was stated to contain three 480’s of Little Bob.)

The amendment was accepted by the committee and the report was adopted.

In reply to an inquiry by Mr. F. W. Rogers, the president stated that the Chester Guild must withdraw the peal.

Mrs. Fletcher reported that since the publication of the report the record peal of Stedman Cinques had been proved false, and would, therefore, be deleted from the records.

Instruction to Committee.- It was proposed by Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. G. L. Grover and carried, that it be an instruction to the Analysis Committee not to include in the statistical tables any peal which was contrary to the decisions of the Council, but to draw attention to it in their report for decision by the Council.

Election of Committee.- It was proposed by Mr. G. R. Newton, seconded by Mr. S. F. Palmer and carried, that the following be re-elected: Mrs. E. K. Fletcher, Messrs. C. Dean, G. L. Grover and G. R. Pye, with Mrs. Fletcher as convener, proposed by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. R. Richardson.


The report published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 5th was presented by the president, who also reported on the steps taken to obtain the reopening of the Chesterfield bells, the ringing of which had been banned by the architect.

The committee reported on the Davis silencers and recommended the use of such silencers as well worth a trial in those cases where the bells were a serious source of nuisance on practice nights. They did not take the place of properly blocking up the windows, where the windows should be blocked up to render the bells quieter at all times, but in cases where funds were not available for this, the silencers were very well worth trying. The committed thought it desirable, before purchasing a complete set, that trials should be made to find the most suitable thickness of leather and steel, as each tower required to be treated on its merits.

The report and recommendation were adopted on the president’s motion.

Election of Committee.- It was proposed by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. A. Paddon Smith and carried, that the following be re-elected: Mr. E. H. Lewis, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Mr. E. Alex. Young and Mr. J. Hunt, and, on the motion of Mr. S. H. Wood, seconded by Canon C. C. Marshall, Mr. Lewis was appointed convener.


The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards presented the committee’s report, which reviewed the notice given to ringing during the year by the Press and others, together with a report on broadcasting published in ‘The Ringing World,’ June 19th, 1936.

After a lengthy discussion on broadcasting, it was agreed, on the suggestion of Mr. F. W. Rogers, supported by Mr. E. P. Duffield, that the committee should approach the B.B.C. and endeavour to obtain advance information of bell broadcasts for the next twelve months and try to influence the various local incumbents and local bands to give the best possible ringing.

The report was adopted on the motion of the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. A. Paddon Smith.

Election of Committee.- On the proposal of Mr. W. Ayre, seconded by Mr. J. Hunt, the following committee was re-elected: The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Messrs. J. S. Goldsmith, A. Paddon Smith and A. Walker, and on the motion of Mr. W. A. Cave, seconded by Mr. E. A. Young, the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards was appointed convener.


Mr. W. H. Hollier presented the committee’s report (published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 26th, 1936), which was adopted on the motion of Mr. W. Ayre, seconded by Mr. A. L. Coleman.

On the proposal of Mr. T. Groombridge, seconded by Mr. G. H. Cross, the committee was re-elected as follows: The Rev. C. E. Wigg, Messrs. W. Ayre and W. H. Hollier, and on the motion of Mr. G. H. Cross, seconded by Mr. H. Barton, Mr. Hollier was appointed convener.


The adoption of the report published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 5th was moved by Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. W. A. Cave and carried.

The following committee was re-elected on the proposal of Mr. H. Barton, seconded by Mr. C. H. Jennings, Mrs. E. K. Fletcher, Messrs. W. A. Cave and J. S. Goldsmith, and on the motion of Mr. G. H. Cross, seconded by Mr. S. F. Palmer, Mr. Goldsmith was appointed convener.


On the president’s motion, the thanks of the Council were accorded to all members of committees for their work during the past three years.


It was proposed by Mr. S. H. Wood, seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles, and carried, ‘That compositions which contain more than one method be called “Spliced,” provided that the methods are so joined the fundamental units of which they are constructed (i.e., the “leads” in the case of treble-dominated methods, the “sixes” in the case of Stedman, Duffield and similar methods, etc.) remain intact.

‘That reports of all spliced peals shall include a reference to the number of methods rung and the number of changes from one method to another during the peal.’

An amendment that the words ‘provided’ to ‘intact’ be deleted was lost.

The above motion was by permission substituted for the motions numbered 14 and 15 in the published agenda.

On the motion of Mr. F. E. Dawe, seconded by Mr. E. Alex Young, ‘To call attention to the present very inadequate support given to “The Ringing World,” and to consider what steps can be taken to increase the circulation,’ the following resolution, proposed by Mr. G. W. Fletcher and seconded by Mr. F. E. Dawe, was carried: ‘That this Council requests all members and secretaries of affiliated societies to send in suggestions with a view to increasing the circulation of “The Ringing World,” that the suggestion be considered by the officers of the Council and Mr. Goldsmith, and that a report be circulated to all members.’

It was proposed by Mr. J. S. Goldsmith and seconded by Mr. G. W. Fletcher: ‘That, with a view to providing future guidance, the officers of this Council be requested to consider the question of the correct method of muffling and ringing church bells on occasions of national and local mourning, and, after consulting at discretion those who may be able to give information, draw up a recommendation on the subject, which, if possible, shall be submitted to the Church authorities for approval, and laid before the Council at the next meeting.’

As an amendment, it was proposed by Mr. E. P. Duffield, seconded by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, supported by the Rev. H. Drake, and carried, that the words ‘which if possible shall be submitted to the Church authorities for approval,’ be deleted. This to give the Council the opportunity of agreeing the recommendations before they are submitted to the Church authorities.

The motion in its amended form was carried.

It was proposed by Mr. G. Pullinger and seconded by Mr. F. W. Rogers: ‘That in the opinion of this Council the morning session of the Council meeting should where possible commence at 10 a.m.’

An amendment to fix the time at 10.30, proposed by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, was lost, no one voting.

The motion was also lost.

It was proposed by Mr. E. H. Lewis (president), seconded by Mr. G. W. Fletcher and carried: ‘That all persons having collections of books on ringing matters be invited to supply particulars to the hon. librarian and to indicate whether they are willing to give access to their collection.’


It was decided on the proposal of Mr. F. M. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. A. A. Hughes, to hold the next meeting at Canterbury.


On the proposal of Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, seconded by Major J. H. B. Hesse, it was decided to send a letter of greeting and congratulation to the church and ringers of Hobart, Tasmania, on the occasion of the dedication of the new tower and bells of St. David’s Cathedral.

On the president’s motion, it was decided to convey the Council’s congratulations to the handbell band at Oxhey, who had rung a peal in four Spliced Surprise methods ‘in hand.’

Mr. C. T. Coles reported the completion of the William Pye Memorial, and, on behalf of the Memorial Committee, tendered thanks to all who had assisted the scheme.


On the president’s motion, the thanks of the Council were accorded to the Lord Mayor and Corporation for the use of the Council Chamber, the Dean of St. Paul’s for his welcome, H.M. Office of Works and Church authorities for the use of bells, and to all steeplekeepers.

To the following associations and their representatives for making arrangements: Ancient Society of College Youths, Mr. A. A. Hughes; Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, Mr. G. H. Cross; Essex Association, Mr. E. J. Butler; Middlesex Association, Mr. C. T. Coles; London County Association, Mr. T. W. Taffender; Kent County Association, Mr. F. M. Mitchell; Surrey Association, Mr. C. H. Kippin.

Thanks were also given to Mr. A. A. Hughes, who was solely responsible for obtaining permission to use the Council Chamber for the meeting.

On the proposal of Canon Coleridge, a vote of thanks was passed to the president, and, on the president’s motion, thanks were accorded to the hon. secretary.

The meeting terminated at about 5.30.

The Ringing World, March 26th, 1937, pages 197 to 199, and April 2nd, 1938, page 213

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