


The first session of the fourteenth Council (38th annual meeting) was held in the Guard Room at Lambeth Palace, London, on Whitsun Tuesday, June 10th, 1930, at 11 a.m. The chair was taken by the president, Canon G. F. Coleridge, who opened the meeting with prayer. There were present 96 members, 39 guilds and associations being represented.

The President then introduced the Rev. A. Sargent, the Archbishop’s secretary, and said that the Council were greatly indebted to the Archbishop for his permission to hold their meeting there. The Rev. A. Sargent then formally welcomed the Council on the Archbishop’s behalf, and, after referring to the historic associations of Lambeth Palace, thanked them, as ringers, for the work they did for the Church.


This being next upon the agenda, the President said that he felt the time had now come when, for the reasons of advancing age and the strain of recent illnesses, he should give way for a younger member. As a matter of fact, only one nomination, that for Mr. E. H. Lewis, had been received, but he thought they had found in that gentleman one both highly respected and one who would worthily carry on the traditions of the Council. Canon Coleridge then inducted Mr. Lewis into the presidential chair, and his election was ratified with acclamation, the outgoing president being also most heartily cheered.

The President, having thanked those present and warmly eulogised his predecessor, said that there was only one nomination for the post of hon. secretary and treasurer, that of Mr. E. Alexr. Young, who was declared to be again duly re-elected. The Hon. Secretary, in returning thanks, said that he would do his best to carry on for another year, when they would probably find a younger man to take his place.

The President then said that similarly there was only one nomination for the post of honorary librarian, the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, and he also was declared to be duly re-elected to that office, and Mr. Jenkyn briefly thanked those present.

The Hon. Secretary then said that the minutes of the last meeting had been published, but that his attention had been called to an alleged inaccuracy. Mr. C. T. Coles asked that the words in Mr. Willson’s amendment relating to certain compositions, i.e., ‘on the ground that they are hopelessly false,’ should be included. This being agreed, the minutes, on the motion of Mr. P. J. Johnson, seconded by Mr. W. T. Cockerill, were adopted.


Apologies for absence were received from Revs. C. D. P. Davies, A. T. Beeston, E. W. Carpenter, C. C. Marshall, H. T. Parry and W. P. Wright, Messrs. W. Ayre, T. Hervey Beams, C. E. Borrett, G. Chester, J. Clark, T. R. Dennis, J. W. England, N. Golden, T. Metcalfe and W. Story.


The Hon. Treasurer next presented his statement of accounts, and showed that the year started with a balance in hand of £31 19s. 6d. The receipts included a donation from Rev. Teape of £1 1s., affiliation fees £30 2s. 6d., interest on stock £5. The expenditure was £13 14s. 1d., leaving a balance at bank of £38 5s. 6d., and cash in hand £16 3s. 5d. The Hon. Secretary said that two new Guilds had joined the Council, i.e., the Romney Marsh and District Guild and the Oxford Society. The accounts were adopted on the motion of Mr. A. A. Hughes, seconded by Mr. A. Paddon Smith. The auditors were also thanked for their services.

The Hon. Librarian then presented his report (as previously published). He said that books were sent on sale or return, and with the help of the associations there should be a larger scale. ‘Rules for a local company’ was now reprinted, and soon the ‘Care and preservation of bells’ would be also reprinted. The receipts for the year were £4 16s. 6d., but the expenditure (largely advertising) was £9 10s. 6d., leaving a considerable adverse balance.


The following hon. members retire this year, and on the motion of Mr. A. L. Coleman, seconded by Mr. James George, were duly re-elected: Rev. C. D. P. Davies, Alderman J. S. Pritchett, Major J. H. B. Hesse, and Messrs. J. S. Goldsmith, J. Griffin, C. F. Johnston, J. A. Trollope and E. Alexr. Young. This being carried, it was agreed to leave one vacancy, i.e., that caused by the withdrawal of Rev. A. T. Beeston after many years of valuable service on the Council.


The Hon. Secretary reported generally, and, referring to travelling facilities, said that these had been obtained that year, but that less than the stipulated 100 tickets had been issued. In regard to the Carter ringing machine, he stated that a demonstration for members of the Council had been given the previous Sunday afternoon. The machine had been adjusted and was in fair order, for which they had to thank Messrs. Fardon and Sharman, and also Mr. A. A. Hughes for his gift of a new set of bells for it. On the motion of Canon Baker, seconded by Canon H. J. Elsee, the report was adopted.

On the motion of Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. Willson, the outgoing committee (with the exception of Rev. A. T. Beeston) were re-elected: Canon G. F. Coleridge, Canon H. J. Elsee, Revs. C. D. P. Davies, C. W. O. Jenkyn, H. Law James, Alderman J. S. Pritchett, Messrs. J. D. Matthews, W. T. Cockerill, W. A. Cave, C. T. Coles, J. Griffin, A. A. Hughes, C. F. Johnston, A. Paddon Smith and E. Alexr. Young, together with the conveners of the committees, ex officio.


The Rev. H. S. T. Richardson reported the proving of Treble Bob Major peals, with tenors parted, as nearly complete for typing. In reply to a communication forwarded to him from the Suffolk Guild, he thought it impracticable for the Council to publish Mr. Carter’s peals, however otherwise desirable. Mr. C. J. Sedgley and Rev. E. S. Powell having spoken in reference to this, Mr. G. R. Newton urged that the typed peals of Treble Bob, now in the library, should be printed. On the motion of the honorary secretary, seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles, the report was adopted.

On the motion of Mr. J. Hunt, seconded by Mr. A. A. Hughes, the committee were re-elected as follows: Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Rev. E. S. Powell, Mrs. Fletcher, Messrs. J. A. Trollope, H. W. Wilde and J. W. Parker.


Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, reporting, said that the previous year had been remarkable for the many articles relating to bells and ringing which had appeared, and that, too, in unexpected quarters such as trade journals. The committee observed that ‘The Ringing World’ had attained its thousandth issue, and might now look forward to its jubilee. The usual crop of complaints, he thought, had been satisfactorily dealt with. The year had also been remarkable for the Hyde Park carillon, which they had visited the previous day at the invitation of Mr. C. F. Johnston, and which had stimulated many articles in the public Press.

Mr. C. H. Howard took the opportunity to inform the Council that a trust had been formed, under the will of a Miss Barron having in view bell restoration, and established by a fund producing some £2,000 a year. Canon Coleridge said that Mr. Morris’ valuable new work on ringing would shortly appear, and he recommended it to ringers and libraries.

On the motion of Mr. P. J. Johnson, seconded by Mr. James George, the report was adopted, and the committee - Rev. Ll. Edwards, Messrs. A. Paddon Smith, J. S. Goldsmith and W. Willson - re-elected, and Mr. C. H. Howard added to the same (in lieu of Rev. A. T. Beeston and Mr. G. P. Burton, retired).


The Rev. H. Law James, in reporting, said that the printing of the new edition of the ‘Collection of Doubles and Minor Methods,’ authorised last year had been held up on account of the heavy outlay involved, i.e., some £68. They felt that the possibility of dividing the book should be discussed. Mr. J. A. Trollope, in reply to a question as to the alternative cost, pointed out that estimates were not in their province, but the book was, and they presented one which was complete and exhaustive. They were, if necessary, prepared to divide the book, and the parts came at about the two-thirds and one-third, but they could not recommend the least omission from the work.

Mr. Willson suggested some guarantee being obtained from the affiliated societies, whilst Mr. P. J. Johnson thought it might be as well to publish all the Council’s publications serially, and considerable discussion followed upon proposals to reduce the work. After Messrs. J. S. Goldsmith, A. D. Barker, J. Hunt, E. M. Atkins, Rev. E. S. Powell and others had spoken, the President suggested that it be left with the Standing Committee to print a section with a money limit of, say, £40, and the Rev. H. Drake that it be 2s. per copy.

Mr. T. Faulkner having pressed for the full book, Canon Coleridge moved that its publication in full be proceeded with, stock being sold out as necessary to meet the cost, and this being seconded by Mr. Faulkner, Mr. P. J. Johnson moved an amendment that such publication should be done serially. This being duly seconded, was put and lost.

Canon Elsee favoured two volumes, one at 2s. and one at 1s. 6d. instead of one at 3s., which was supported by Mr. Drake, but Mr. Faulkner, now pressing for the original motion to be put, this was done and declared carried by a large majority.

On the motion of Rev. H. Tyrwhitt-Drake, seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles, the report was adopted, and the committee, consisting of Rev. H. Law James, Rev. E. S. Powell, and Messrs. J. A. Trollope and E. H. Lewis, were re-elected and thanked by the Council.

The Council then adjourned for the luncheon interval.


Mrs. Fletcher reported for the committee, and said its tabulated statement had already been published. Mr. A. E. Sharman raised a point as to an apparently small error, and was promised that it would be investigated. (See explanatory letter from the convener in ‘The Ringing World,’ July 4th, 1930, p. 430.) On the withdrawal of Mr. James George, the committee had co-opted Mr. C. Dean in his stead, and, after many years’ valuable service, Mr. G. Williams was also withdrawing from it. On the motion of the president, the committee, consisting of the following, Mrs. G. Fletcher, Messrs. G. R. Pye, C. Dean and G. W. Fletcher, were re-elected and thanked for their services.


Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, in reporting for the committee, said that the new edition of the ‘Preservation of bells, frames and fittings’ was now in typescript. The original edition of 1891 (the compilers of which had all passed away, with the exception of Mr. F. E. Dawe, who was with them that day), had been extended and improved; they had, however, eliminated Section 5, the schedule of prices. The work would be found to contain most useful knowledge and all the latest information upon the subject. He, Mr. Jenkyn, must leave it to the Council as to whether it could see its way to publish the book at once.

The Convener, in continuing, said that both he and some other members of the committee had made various inspections and reports, and things generally seemed to be in a healthier state than was the case a few years ago. Major J. H. B. Hesse and Mr. E. Alexr. Young (hon. secretary) both referred also to cases which had come within their purview during the year.

The President then said that he had made some further investigations and had conferred with the architect at Barnet, where a reinforced concrete band had been let in within the tower, and had also been approached by the S.P.A.B. in regard to swinging bells diagonally. Mr. Lewis explained to the meeting that, in towers of perfectly equal strength and uniform section, stiffness to resist thrusts would be equal in either or any direction. He said, however, that such perfect towers did not exist, and gave illustrations from practical examples of the remarkable variations in the stiffness of towers, due to openings and the disposition of the walls, and particularly buttresses. The traditional tower, with its west window and nave arch, should have its heaviest thrusts arranged to occur east and west; there were other examples, such as in the case of Northaw, where the thrust should be north-west to south-east, but they were all capable of calculation. The thing to be done was to be sure that the forces were arranged so as to be in the line of the greatest stiffness of the tower.

Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn then proposed the adoption of the report, and moved that the new edition of the ‘Preservation of bells’ be printed as soon as possible; this was seconded by Canon H. J. Elsee and carried. On the motion of Rev. H. Drake, seconded by Rev. E. S. Powell, the committee, consisting of Rev. C. D. P. Davies, C. W. O. Jenkyn, Major J. H. B. Hesse and Messrs. E. H. Lewis and E. Alexr. Young, were re-elected.

Mr. F. E. Dawe said that he thought the book should be published now, and that part of the expense might be met by subscriptions from the members themselves. He would be pleased to start such a fund with a couple of guineas. Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn said that he was glad to hear the previous speaker’s proposal, and would also subscribe a similar amount for such a useful book. Several other members expressed their concurrence, and the proposal taken as a motion was carried.


The report of this committee, not having been published, was read by the hon. secretary (it has since been printed in ‘The Ringing World’). Rev. A. T. Beeston, who had been a member of the committee many years, having resigned, the remaining members were, on the motion of the president, re-elected as follow: Rev. H. Law James and Mr. T. Hervey Beams, with the addition of Mr. G. Grover.


Alderman J. S. Pritchett, reporting, said that, their work having been completed by their report last year, he moved that the committee be discharged, and Mr. A. Paddon Smith seconded. Rev. H. Drake was dubious as to this course, but in any case he would be pleased to pay for the publication of its report. After some remarks by Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, the President said that the committee had lost a valuable member in the person of the late Mr. F. A. Milne, and he would ask those present to stand in silence as a last token of respect, which was done. He added that he would propose that the committee be discharged with thanks, but that Alderman Pritchett be asked kindly to retain a watching brief on their behalf, and that they should thankfully accept Rev. H. Drake’s generous offer. The formal motion was then substituted and carried. Alderman Pritchett saying that he was happy to be of assistance.

The Council proceeded to consideration of the motions upon the agenda.

The Hon. Secretary proposed that the scale of the yearly subscriptions arranged last year be again reconsidered, and moved that affiliated societies pay 2s. 6d. only for their 3rd and 4th representatives, also that hon. members pay 5s. each. He thought that it would prove a fair arrangement and would leave the Council’s income much as now. Rev. F. Ll. Edwards seconded. Alderman Pritchett, whilst concurring in principle, moved as an amendment ‘that hon. members be invited to subscribe not less than 5s. in each year.’ The word ‘invited’ would not necessitate an alteration in the rules, for the attention of hon. members could be called to it every year, when he was sure they would give 5s. or more. Mr. W. Willson, having seconded the amendment, the Hon. Secretary said that he was prepared to accept it, and Rev. F. Ll. Edwards concurred.

Rev. E. S. Powell moved that, re societies, no alteration be made, Mr. Sedgley seconded, and, after some further discussion, the situation was clarified by the motion of the president, that the alterations proposed should be divided into two parts and voted upon successively, and, this being so agreed, the motion to increase representatives’ subscriptions was lost, and the motion to invite hon. members to pay 5s. or more was carried.

The Hon. Secretary then initiated a discussion upon suggested alterations of the Council’s rules, following upon an anonymous article which had appeared in ‘The Ringing World’ of October 18th, 1929. After reviewing the position, Mr. Young said that as Mr. Cave had an allied motion now on the agenda, it would be as well to pass on to it. Mr. Cave was then asked to propose his motion, ‘That, in order to bring ringing societies into closer cooperation with the Council, every affiliated society be requested to incorporate in its rules words to the following effect: “That this society be affiliated to the Central Council of Church Bellringers, and loyally carry out the rules and decisions thereof.”’ On Mr. Cave proposing this and explaining at some length both a series of misapprehensions and a mistake which appeared to have arisen in interpreting the rules, the Hon. Secretary, in seconding, said that alterations of the rules could only be effected by proper procedure, but they could pass advisory resolutions or requests such as the one proposed, a course which would probably be helpful. Rev. H. Law James moved, and Mr. J. A. Trollope seconded, to leave out the words ‘and decisions.’ Considerable discussion then ensued in which Messrs. C. T. Coles, W. Willson, P. J. Johnson, J. W. Jones, Revs. Canon Elsee and E. S. Powell took part. But the motion was carried as proposed, except that, at the suggestion of Alderman Pritchett (accepted by the sponsors) the words ‘loyally abide by’ were substituted for ‘loyally carry out.’

Mr. W. Cave then moved: ‘That a committee be appointed to consider, and, if thought necessary, to revise the rules of the Council and report at the next meeting,’ which Mr. J. S. Goldsmith seconded, but Alderman J. S. Pritchett then proposed that the motion be amended to read ‘That the Standing Committee be requested to consider, etc.,’ which, being accepted, was carried.

The foregoing concluded the motions proper to the list, and the Council then proceeded to select the place of next year’s meeting. This being by rota due to be held in the North, the Standing Committee supported Ripon. Mr. P. J. Johnson urged Leeds, and Mr. R. Murphy, who had come over especially from Ireland, offered the Council a cordial invite to Dublin. Mr. G. R. Newton gave many reasons why Liverpool should be chosen. The President said that, whilst they all appreciated very highly the invitation of the Irish Association to visit Dublin, he felt that it should fall in a Western group of visits, and be the subject of considerable pre-arrangement. In view of this, voting was confined to the three Northern cities, the numbers being, Ripon and Leeds 23 each and Liverpool 34, which was declared selected for next year’s meeting.

The President said that there were two other late motions which they had still time to consider, and called upon Rev. H. Drake to move: (1) ‘That a collection of lantern slides be formed by the Council to illustrate ringing in its various aspects,’ and (2) ‘That notices of motions shall be sent in the names of either individual members or of affiliated societies, for a preliminary agenda, before Easter, but in the names of societies only if sent in for a later agenda after Easter.’ Mr. Drake suggested that these proposals might be considered by the Standing Committee. This was agreed to.

Mr. J. S. Goldsmith then called attention to the statement in Regular Methods appearing in ‘Rules and Decisions,’ which, as regards ‘Little’ methods and spliced ringing, appeared to be out of date, and moved: ‘That the Methods Committee be requested to review the points and report at the next meeting as to what action, if any, should be taken.’ The motion, being seconded by Mr. G. Grover, was carried.

The President proposed a vote of thanks to the Archbishop of Canterbury for according them the use of Lambeth Palace, which was carried by acclamation. A cordial greeting, at the instance of Canon Elsee, seconded by Rev. Jenkyn, was also directed to be sent to the late hon. secretary, Rev. C. D. P. Davies, who was unable to be with them. The President referred to the fact that several of the original members were there that day, viz., Canon Coleridge, Canon Elsee, Canon Baker and Messrs. J. Griffin and F. E. Dawe.

Canon Coleridge having proposed a vote of thanks to the president (carried by acclamation), and the latter having briefly replied, the meeting closed at about five o’clock.

The Ringing World, March 13th, 1931, pages 170 to 171

The attendance was as follows:-

Ancient Society of College Youths: Messrs. W. T. Cockerill, A. A. Hughes, T. Faulkner and C. F. Winney.
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association: Messrs. J. Hunt and H. Brown.
Bedfordshire Association: Canon W. W. C. Baker and Mr. A. E. Sharman.
Cambridge University Guild: Messrs. E. H. Lewis and E. M. Atkins.
Chester Diocesan Guild: Mr. H. S. Brocklebank.
Devon Guild: Rev. E. S. Powell.
Dudley and District Guild: Mr. S. J. Hughes.
Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association: Mr. W. H. Barber.
Ely Diocesan Association: Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt Drake.
Essex County Association: Messrs. C. H. Howard, W. J. Nevard, E. J. Butler and G. R. Pye.
Guildford Diocesan Guild: Messrs. A. H. Pulling, G. Grover, A. C. Hazelden.
Irish Association: Mr. R. Murphy.
Kent County Association: Messrs. E. Barnett, sen., T. Groombridge, J. H. Cheesman and F. M. Mitchell.
Ladies’ Guild: Mrs. E. K. Fletcher.
Lancashire Association: Canon H. J. Elsee, Messrs. W. H. Shuker, G. R. Newton and A. Tomlinson.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild: Rev. H. Law James and Mr. R. Richardson.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association: Messrs. J. W. Jones and J. Phillips.
London County Association: Messrs. T. H. Taffender, F. E. Dawe and A. D. Barker.
Middlesex County Association: Messrs. C. T. Coles, W. Pickworth, W. H. Hollier and G. W. Fletcher.
Midland Counties Association: Messrs. E. Denison Taylor, W. Willson, J. H. Swinfield and Rev. R. P. Farrow.
North Notts Association: Rev. R. F. Wilkinson.
Norwich Diocesan Association: Mr. A. L. Coleman.
Oxford Diocesan Guild: Canon G. F. Coleridge, Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Messrs. F. Hopgood and J. Evans.
Oxford University Society: Mr. H. Miles.
Oxford Society: Mr. W. G. E. Collett.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild: Messrs. F. Wilford, R. G. Black, T. Law and T. Tebbutt.
Romney Marsh Guild: Mr. A. J. Battin.
St. Clement’s Youths: Mr. G. H. Cross.
St. Martin’s Guild, Birmingham: Mr. A. Paddon Smith.
Salisbury Diocesan Guild: Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Messrs. C. H. Jennings and S. Hillier.
Sherwood Youths: Mr. A. Coppock.
Stafford Archdeaconry Society: Messrs. H. Knight and T. J. Elton.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: Messrs. J. D. Matthews, F. Smith and J. Parker.
Suffolk Guild: Rev. H. Drake, Messrs. C. J. Sedgley and C. Mee.
Surrey Association: Messrs. C. H. Kippin and C. Dean.
Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Association: Mr. A. J. Pitman.
Warwickshire Guild: Messrs. H. Argyle and F. Perrens.
Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild: Mr. G. Williams.
Worcestershire and Districts Association: Messrs. R. G. Knowles and J. D. Johnson.
Yorkshire Association: Messrs. P. J. Johnson, J. Cotterell and S. Palmer.
Hon. members: Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Alderman J. S. Pritchett, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Messrs. J. Griffin, C. F. Johnston, W. A. Cave, J. A. Trollope, H. W. Wilde, J. S. Goldsmith, J. George and E. A. Young (hon. secretary).

The Ringing World, June 20th, 1930, page 397

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