The Second Session of the Tenth Council (27th meeting) was held, by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter, in the Chapter House of Gloucester Cathedral, on Whitsun Tuesday, 10th June, 1919, at 11 o'clock a.m., when there were present of representative members 55 out of 96, and of honorary members eight out of 13, making a total of 63 present out of 109 on the roll.
The chair was taken by the President, the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, who said prayers.
After the Hon. Secretary had read the minutes of the last meeting, which were confirmed and signed.
The President, in a few graceful words, thanked the members for the honour conferred on him in electing him to the presidency.
He then referred to the losses sustained by the Council, through death, during the past year, viz., Mr. Bertram Prewett, Mr. John W. Taylor, and Mr. Henry White, and the hon. secretary was instructed to convey the sympathy of the Council to their relatives, the members all rising in their places. At the suggestion of Mr. J. S. Pritchett, a telegram was sent to Mrs. Taylor, whose bereavement was then very recent.
The President then intimated that as the Treaty of Peace was not officially signed, and the roll of honour of fallen ringers was as yet far from complete, it was proposed to defer the reading of it until a later occasion.
At the request of the President, the Hon. Secretary read the draft of a humble address which it was proposed to present to His Majesty, on behalf of the Council, at the conclusion of peace, the president and hon. secretary to sign the address in the name of the Council. It was unanimously agreed to send the address, and that any suggestions of alteration in its wording should be sent for consideration by the Standing Committee.
Apologies for absence were reported as having been received from the Rev. C. C. Marshall, the Rev. Canon Papillon, the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, the Rev. W. P. Wright, Messrs. J. D. Matthews, J. W. Parker, C. L. Routledge, W. Story, and F. Willey.
The Hon. Librarian, the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, read the account of sales of publications during the past year, exhibiting a net balance of £2 16s. 8d., which had been remitted to the hon. treasurer. The statement was adopted.
The Hon. Treasurer read the statement of accounts for the year of which the following is a summary: Balance in hand from last year, £70 2s. 1d.; affiliation fees, £11 10s.; sales of publications, £2 16s. 8d.; interest on War Stock, etc., £3 2s., making a total of £87 10s. 9d. Against this there had been the following outgoings, viz.: Expenses of meeting 1918, £2 10s.; purchase of War Bonds, 1928, £50; printing and postage, £1 17s. 4d., leaving in hand a balance of £33 3s. 5d. The accounts having been previously audited in detail by the Standing Committee, were adopted, on the motion of the Rev. Canon Coleridge, seconded by Mr. P. J. Johnson.
It was proposed by the Rev. A. T. Beeston, seconded by Major J. H. B. Hesse, and carried, that the accounts of the Council should be published annually.
It was moved by the Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, seconded by the Rev. C. E. Matthews, and carried, that the hon. secretary be authorized to pay for the insertion of the Council's notices in the columns of the "Ringing World."
The Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn proposed, and Mr. E. H. Lewis seconded, that the hon. librarian be authorised to advertise in the "Ringing World" the list of the Council's publications for sale, and also to make arrangements according to his judgment with the hon. secretaries of Guilds and Associations to take copies of the publications "on sale or return."- The motion was carried.
The re-election of the three retiring honorary members, the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, Mr. J. W. Parker, and the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson was proposed by the Rev. Canon Coleridge, seconded by Mr. A. A. Hughes, and carried unanimously.
To fill the vacancy caused by the cession of Mr. G. Williams, Mr. H. Chapman was elected, on the proposal of Mr. H. W. Wilde, seconded by the Rev. Canon Elsee.
The following new members were presented to and shook hands with the President, viz., the Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt Drake, of the Herts County Association; the Rev. H. Drake, of the Norwich Diocesan Association; Mr. H. R. Butcher, of the Sussex County Association; also Mr. James George, and Miss Nellie Gillingham, honorary members.
For the Peal Collection Committee, the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson sent a written report to the effect that the committee were ready to begin the printing of the collection of Treble Bob peals, if duly authorised by the Council. It was proposed by Mr. H. W. Wilde, seconded by the Rev. A. T. Beeston, and carried, that the Council authorise the expenditure required for the printing.
For the Literature Committee a letter was read from the Rev. Canon Papillon, which, on the motion of the Rev. H. Drake, was accepted as the report of the committee.- It was proposed by the Rev. Canon Elsee, seconded by Mr. G. P. Burton, and carried, that the committee be strengthened by the addition of one or more members, and that it subscribe to a press-cutting agency.- On the proposal of the Rev. Canon Elsee, seconded by the Rev. Canon Baker, it was resolved to alter the title of the committee by naming it the "Literature and Press Committee."
It was proposed by the Rev. H. Drake, seconded by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, and carried, that it be a special instruction to the committee to follow the advice of Canon Papillon by making all possible use of the Press for spreading knowledge and correcting misapprehension of ringing matters. The Rev. C. E. Matthews was added to the committee, and was requested to act as interim convener.- It was also agreed that the president should ask Mr. R. A. Daniell to hand in his material for the Bibliography of Ringing.
The Rev. H. Law James reported for the Legitimate Methods Committee that the situation was the same as last year, viz., that the collection of Plain Major Methods was ready for printing as soon as that course should be deemed expedient.- It was moved by Mr. E. H. Lewis, seconded by the Rev. H. Law James, and carried, that the word "Legitimate" be henceforth omitted in the name of the committee, which will, therefore, be known as the "Methods Committee" and that in all future documents the words "regular" and "irregular" be substituted respectively for "legitimate" and "illegitimate," as hitherto applied to methods.- It was further proposed by the Rev. H. Law James, and carried, that the selection of Plain Major Methods contained in the report of the committee be printed as soon as the hon. treasurer considers it expedient.
Mr. A. T. King moved, and Mr. G. Williams seconded, the adoption of the report of the Peals Analysis Committee.- The report was unanimously adopted, the President at the same time expressing the thanks of the Council to the committee for their labours.- It was proposed by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by the Rev. H. Law James, and carried, that the analysis be still published in the alphabetical order of the associations.
For the Towers and Belfries Committee, Mr. E. H. Lewis reported that owing first to the war and now to the continued state of general unsettlement, nothing had been done.- Major J. H. B. Hesse also spoke for the committee, which was asked to continue its work as opportunity offered.
Mr. E. H. Lewis reported also for the committee, relating to the bells of Belgium, and said that for the same reasons as in the last case practically nothing had been done, but he felt that, if the Council would continue their instructions, the committee would be in a position to make progress in due course.- The Rev. Canon Elsee said that among other things, the committee were awaiting accurate information as to the amount and degree of loss suffered by Belgium in the matter of her bells.- The report was received.
An interesting discussion, adjourned from the last meeting, on the subject of the utility and efficiency of the Council led to the adoption of the following resolutions, viz.: Proposed by the Rev. Canon Baker, and seconded by the Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt Drake, that the question of the desirability of giving power to the Council to enforce its decisions be referred to the Guilds and Associations affiliated to the Council, who should report to the hon. secretary of the Council not later than 26 April, 1920, no power to be considered to be conferred on the Council except by the vote of at least three-fourths of the Guilds and Associations concerned.
Proposed by the Rev. H. Drake, and seconded by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, that the Standing Committee be instructed to consider the future procedure of the Council at its meetings, and to take such action as they think fit.- This was carried by 24 votes to 20.
It was proposed by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. T. H. Beams, and carried, that this Council gives it hearty support to the movement for the revival of the ancient peace bell on Fridays at noon, as a perpetual memorial to those of our fellow-countrymen who have sacrificed their lives in the great war, and as a call to prayer for the peace of the realm.
On the proposal of Mr. F. Wilford, seconded by the Rev. Canon Baker, it was resolved to hold next year's meeting at Northampton.
The President proposed, the Rev. H. Law James seconded, and the Hon. Secretary supported, a very cordial vote of thanks to the Dean and Chapter for their kindness in allowing the Council to meet in the Chapter House, and particularly to the Dean for his kindness in conducting members round the Cathedral. The vote having been enthusiastically carried, was acknowledged by the Dean.
Votes of cordial thanks were passed to the Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association for their kindness in inviting the members to tea, and to Mr. John Austin for the valuable help that he had given in every possible way.
On the motion of the Rev. Canon Coleridge, a hearty vote of thanks was passed by acclamation to the President, and the meeting adjourned.
The Ringing World, September 5th, 1919, page 373
The Rev. A. H. F. Boughey (President) occupied the chair. The other members present were: The Rev. C. D. P. Davies (hon. secretary), Miss N. Gillingham, and Messrs. J. Carter, J. George, J. S. Pritchett, J. A. Trollope and H. W. Wilde (hon. members), and the following representatives of Associations:-
Ancient Society of College Youths: Messrs. E. Horrex and A. A. Hughes.
Royal Cumberland Youths: Mr. J. Parker.
Bath and Wells Diocesan: Rev. C. C. Parker.
Bedfordshire: Rev. Canon W. W. C. Baker.
St. Martin's Guild for Diocese of Birmingham: Mr. W. H. Godden.
Cambridge University: Mr. E. H. Lewis.
Chester Diocesan: Rev. A. T. Beeston, Messrs. H. S. Brocklebank and R. T. Holding.
Devon: Rev. M. Kelly.
Dudley and District: Mr. W. R. Small.
Essex County: Mr. W. J. Nevard.
Gloucester and Bristol: Mr. J. Austin.
Hereford Diocesan: Mr. J. Clark.
Hertford County: Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt Drake.
Kent County: Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, Messrs. E. Barnett and J. H. Cheesman.
Ladies' Guild: Miss E. K. Parker.
Lancashire: Rev. Canon Elsee, and Mr. W. E. Wilson.
Leeds and District: Mr. P. J. Johnson.
Lincoln Diocesan: Rev. H. Law James, and Messrs. R. Richardson and J. W. Seamer.
Llandaff Diocesan: Mr. J. W. Jones.
London County: Mr. E. A. Young.
Middlesex County: Major J. H. B. Hesse, Messrs. A. T. King, I.S.O., and J. R. Sharman.
Midland Counties: Mr. W. E. White.
Central Northants: Messrs. W. Perkins and F. Wilford.
Norwich Diocesan: Rev. H. Drake and Mr. G. P. Burton.
Oxford Diocesan: Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Rev. Canon Coleridge, Messrs. J. Evans and F. W. Hopgood.
Peterborough and District: Mr. R. Narborough.
Salisbury Diocesan: Rev. F. Ll. Edwards and Mr. T. H. Beams.
Staffs Archdeaconry: Messrs. W. Fisher and H. Knight.
Surrey County: Lieut. C. F. Johnston and Mr. C. Dean.
Sussex County: Mr. H. R. Butcher.
Warwickshire: Messrs. H. Argyle and A. Roberts.
Winchester Diocesan: Rev. C. E. Matthews and Mr. G. Williams.
Worcester and Districts: Messrs. A. E. Parsons, T. J. Salter and W. Short.
Yorkshire: Mr. G. Bolland.
The Ringing World, June 20th, 1919, page 240