The third Session of the eleventh Council (thirty-first meeting) was held on Tuesday, May 22nd, at 11 a.m., in the historic Chapter House at Salisbury Cathedral, by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter, sixty-two members being present.
The chair was taken by the President, Canon Coleridge, who opened the meeting with prayer. The Bishop of Salisbury, who attended with the Dean and the Archdeacon of Sarum, gave an address welcoming the Council. The President then expressed the Council's thanks for his words, and for the kindness of the Dean and Chapter in placing the Chapter House at their disposal.
The Minutes of the last meeting having been published, were taken as read, and duly confirmed and signed.
Apologies of absence were received from Mr. G. Bolland, Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, Rev. E. W. Carpenter, Messrs. J. Carter, J. H. Cheesman, W. T. Cockerill, H. Haigh, C. H. Howard, J. Hunt, P. Johnson, E. H. Lewis, W. Lawrence, J. D. Matthews, T. Metcalfe, R. Narborough, A. Paddon Smith, Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Messrs. J. R. Sharman, W. Story, H. W. Wilde and W. P. Wright.
The Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. E. Alexr. Young, presented the financial statement, which showed that the year began with a balance at the bank of £74 10s. 8d., and that the present balance, after the receipts and expenditure of the year had been dealt with, was £76 18s. 7d. Having been audited in detail by the Standing Committee, the statement was, on the proposal of the Rev. H. Law James, seconded by Canon Elsee, duly accepted.
The Honorary Librarian, the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, then read his statement, and referred to the loss of £2 15s. on sales of books and publications, also to the fact that there was no book for beginners. Mr. G. P. Burton called attention to some of the peals in the "Collection of Peals" being false. Messrs. Cave, Trollope, Pulling and the Rev. H. Law James addressed the meeting, and it was agreed to have a printed slip for insertion, in reference to these false peals. On the motion of the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, seconded by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, the librarian's report was adopted. The Rev. F. J. O. Helmore was thanked for offering to present a copy of "Campanology" to the library.
Mr. E. Bishop and Mr. S. J. Hughes (new members) were then introduced to the president.
The Honorary Librarian then gave a statement in respect to the "Roll of Honour," with which he had been instructed to proceed. He reported that he had written to the various secretaries, and the names for the roll now numbered about 1,100. It was for the Council to give him further instructions in the matter. After many suggestions and some discussion, it was resolved, on a motion, proposed by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, and seconded by Alderman J. S. Pritchett, that the wording of the "King's Scroll" should be adopted as the preface, and that the names should be written in alphabetical order, followed in each case by the name of the tower and association with which the ringer had been specially connected - abbreviated where possible - and that the roll should conclude with the text, "Their name liveth for evermore." It was not considered essential that more than the title page should be illuminated, but that the writing should be good and of a permanent character.
It was also agreed that the roll should be bound in the best leather, and the Standing Committee, having already suggested the payment of £20, this sum, together with the whole proposal, was, on the motion of the President, carried, nem. con., and all details left in the honorary librarian's hands.
Election of Honorary Members. The retiring members were the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, Mrs. Edwards, Messrs. J. George and H. W. Wilde. These were, on the proposal of the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, seconded by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, re-elected.
Peal Collection Committee. The President read a letter which had been received from the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson. As no other member of the committee could throw any further light on the present state of its work, a hope was expressed that a definite report would be forthcoming next year. The honorary secretary was directed to ask the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson to convene a meeting of the committee to that end.
Literature and Press Committee. Mr. W. Willson read a long and interesting report, and moved its adoption, which, being seconded by the Rev. C. E. Matthews, was carried. Mr. G. P. Burton, of the committee, said that the press was now more friendly and sympathetic towards ringing.
Methods Committee. On the motion of the Rev. H. Law James, who stated that the final inspection of the collection of Plain Major methods was in the hands of Mr. E. H. Lewis, and that he, owing to exceptional pressure of business, had been unable to complete the task; it was agreed to leave the work, which was now practically ready for printing, over until next year, when also the cost of printing might be reduced.
Peals Analysis Committee. The Rev. A. T. Beeston read his report in full and moved its adoption, which was seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, and carried. The President expressed the Council's indebtedness to the committee for the labour they had expended on the report. (See further reference to this later.)
Towers and Belfries Committee. In Mr. E. H. Lewis' absence the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn spoke as to the year's work, especially in reference to the report issued by the Joint Conference with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, and moved that the Council adopt the same. This being seconded by Major J. H. B. Hesse was carried. Canon H. J. Elsee expressed gratification that ancient and historic bells were receiving more care and attention under the auspices of the Council, and Major Hesse gave some interesting observations as to the advantages of ball bearings.
It was proposed by the Honorary Librarian, and seconded by Canon Baker, and carried, that the Council renounce any copyright it may have in the joint report with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.
The President here said that the Rev. A. T. Beeston desired to revert to a point inadvertently overlooked, viz., the report upon method nomenclature. The Rev. A. T. Beeston moved and Alderman Chambers seconded its adoption, which was declared carried, whereupon considerable difference of opinion arose, especially as to "College Single Reverse," Rev. H. Law James moving, and Mr. J. A. Trollope seconding, the report being referred back. Mr. J. W. Parker and the Rev. A. T. Beeston having defended their attitude and members having spoken, the Council adjourned for lunch, On resuming after the interval, discussion proceeded, the Rev. A. T. Beeston, Mr. G. P. Burton, Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Rev. E. S. Powell, Messrs. J. A. Trollope and A. F. Martin Stewart speaking. One of the various suggestions was that the point should be adjourned for another year. Ultimately upon it being pointed out that the whole discussion was somewhat irregular, inasmuch as the report had already been adopted, it was proposed by Mr. W. Willson, and seconded by Mr. J. Parker, that the Council proceed with the next business, and this was carried by 28 to 20 votes.
Records Committee. The Rev. A. T. Beeston read the report of this committee, giving the progressive lengths rung and the records of first peals since the last Council meeting. The attention of the Exercise was directed to the necessity of claiming any known or believed record performances, when publishing the same. On the motion of the President, the report was adopted by general consent. It was proposed by the Honorary Secretary, and seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, and carried, that the collection be typed and kept by the honorary librarian for circulation amongst ringers.
Science Museum Exhibit Committee. The Honorary Secretary gave a general statement as to the position, and said that the committee had had a meeting with the officers of the museum, where a case and wall space had been allotted for the purpose of the exhibit, the nucleus of which was now formed. He proposed that a sum of £10 should be spent for a series of framed diagrams. Some difference of opinion arising, the Rev. H. Law James moved, and Mr. W. Cave seconded, that a copy of "Standard Methods" be obtained and framed. An amendment by the Rev. H. Drake, seconded by the Honorary Secretary, that both the foregoing should be provided lost by 27 votes to 17, the original motion being then adopted. Mr. W. Cave hereupon offered to print the diagrams, for which President expressed the thanks of the meeting.
At this point it was agreed to defer the consideration of the card of instructions until later.
City Churches. The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards then briefly moved his motion, "That this Council meeting expresses the fervent hope that no sanction will be given to any further demolition of the City Churches." This, being seconded by Major C. C. Hughes D'Aeth, was strongly opposed by Mr. J. A. Trollope, and supported by Mr. G. P. Burton, who protested against the latter's statement that most of the City Churches were worth nothing. As the motion did not relate to bell-ringing, Rev. Canon Baker said it was out of place, and he proposed the "previous question." Alderman J. S. Pritchett seconded the same, which was then put and carried.
First and Record Peals. The Rev. H. Drake moved: "That this Council recommends that first or record peals should be rung for a society within the limits of that society's area." He asked the meeting to allow it to be put in this positive form. The alteration having been agreed to, the Honorary Secretary seconded the motion pro forma. This, on being put, was lost by a large majority.
The Rev. H. Drake proposed "That the Peals Analysis Committee be asked if they can add a column showing the ratio between the number of members and the points gained by each society." The motion found no seconder, and therefore was declared lost.
Spliced Method Peals. The Rev. C. D. P. Davies proposed "That in compositions of 5,000 changes or upwards on seven or more bells, it is essential that the whole composition shall be 'true.'" The Rev. E. S. Powell seconded the resolution, which was carried con.
Care and Use of Bells. The Honorary Secretary presented a draft rules for a proposed card of instructions, on the care and use of bells, suitable for hanging in a tower. This had been based in part upon cards issued by founders. He also read a part of a set of rules propounded by the Rev. H. Drake, when it was proposed by Rev. C. D. P. Davies, and seconded by Canon H. J. Elsee, and carried, that the draft first read be the basis of the card. Rev. H. Drake kindly offered to give £5 towards the card.
The next meeting of the Council being that held in London, it was resolved to apply to the Dean of Westminster for the use of the Jerusalem Chamber, at the Abbey.
Mr. Cave gave notice of motion in respect to "Spliced Peals."
It was proposed by Mr. C. T. Coles, seconded by Mr. W. Willson, and carried, that the College Youths be congratulated upon their peal of Stedman Cinques at Southwark Cathedral.
The President proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Dean and Chapter for letting the Council have the use of the beautiful Chapter House, and also to the Salisbury Diocesan Guild for the very special welcome which had been extended to them at this meeting of the Council. This was carried by acclamation. The meeting closed at 4.50 with a vote of thanks to the president.
The Ringing World, April 25th, 1924, pages 262 to 263
The attendance included the following: Rev. Canon G. F. Coleridge (Oxford Diocesan Guild), president; Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, M.C. (Oxford Diocesan Guild), hon. librarian; Mr. E. Alex. Young (London County Association), hon. secretary.
Hon. members: Rev. C. D. P. Davies, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Messrs. J. S. Pritchett, J. Armiger Trollope, J. George and J. W. Parker.
Ancient Society of College Youths: Mr. A. A. Hughes.
Bath and Wells Diocesan: Mr. A. E. Coles.
Bedfordshire: Canon W. W. C. Baker and Mr. A. E. Sharman.
Central Northants: Messrs. D. J. Nichols, F. Wilford, T. Law and E. M. Atkins.
Chester Diocesan: Rev. A. T. Beeston, Messrs. J. Norbury and W. Bibby.
Devon: Rev. Maitland Kelly and Rev. E. S. Powell.
Dudley and District: Mr. J. Hughes.
Ely Diocesan: Mr. T. R. Dennis.
Essex County: Messrs. G. R. Pye and W. J. Nevard.
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan: Messrs. W. A. Cave and E. Bishop.
Herts County: Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt Drake.
Kent County: Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, Messrs. T. Groombridge and E. Barnett, senr.
Ladies' Guild: Miss E. K. Parker.
Lancashire Association: Canon H. J. Elsee and Mr. W. E. Wilson.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan: Mr. J. W. Jones.
Lincoln Diocesan: Rev. H. Law James and Mr. R. Richardson.
Midland Counties: Alderman R. B. Chambers, J.P., Messrs. W. Willson and Pryce Taylor.
Middlesex County and London Diocesan: Mr. C. T. Coles.
Norwich Diocesan: Messrs. A. L. Coleman and G. P. Burton.
Oxford Diocesan: Messrs. F. W. Hopgood and J. Evans.
Royal Cumberland Youths: Mr. J. Parker.
Salisbury Diocesan: Major W. Hughes D'Aeth, Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Messrs. T. H. Beams and A. F. Martin Stewart.
Stafford Archdeaconry: Mr. H. Knight.
Suffolk: Rev. H. Drake and Mr. C. Mee.
Surrey: Mr. C. Dean.
Warwickshire: Messrs. H. Argyle and A. Roberts.
Winchester Diocesan: Rev. C. E. Matthews, Messrs. G. Williams and A. H. Pulling.
Worcestershire: Mr. A. E. Parsons.
Yorkshire: Mr. J. Cotterell.
The Ringing World, June 1st, 1923, page 345