


The second session of the 12th Council (33rd meeting) was held in the historic Refectory of Chester Cathedral, on Tuesday, June 2nd, 1925, at 11 a.m. The chair was taken by the President, Canon G. F. Coleridge. There were present 72 members, representing 41 Guilds and Associations.

The proceedings opened with prayer, offered by the Dean of Chester, who extended a welcome to the Council.

The minutes of the last meeting having been published were taken as read, and duly confirmed and signed.

Apologies for absence were received from the Revs. A. H. F. Boughey, E. W. Carpenter, C. C. Cox, B. H. Tyrwhitt Drake, F. J. O. Helmore, Maitland Kelly, C. C. Marshall, C. E. Matthews and H. Simpson, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Alderman R. B. Chambers, Messrs. H. Barton, G. Bolland, C. E. Borrett, J. Carter, E. H. Lewis, C. R. Lilley, T. E. Metcalfe, J. T. Rickman, T. H. Taffender and W. Willson.

At this point the Lord Bishop of Chester, who had now arrived, addressed the meeting, and gave the Council a most hearty welcome to Chester.- The President, on behalf of the Council, thanked the Bishop and Dean for their welcome, and the Precentor for his presence.

Arising out of the minutes, the Hon. Secretary explained what had been done in reference to ringers’ representatives being elected on Church Parochial Councils. Canon H. J. Elsee thought that further action was necessary, and after remarks by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, the Rev. Canon W. W. C. Baker, the Rev. H. Drake, Messrs. C. T. Coles, E. W. Elwell and F. Wilford, the hon. secretary undertook to send a circular letter to the 36 diocesan secretaries.

The hon. secretary and treasurer (Mr. E. Alexr. Young) presented a financial statement, which showed that the year began with a balance at the bank of £62 17s. 1d., and that the balance, after the receipts and expenditure had been dealt with, was £71 9s. 7d.- The accounts were adopted, on the motion of the Rev. H. Law James, seconded by Mr. J. Griffin.

The hon. librarian (the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn) then presented his statement of accounts, which showed receipts amounting to £8 4s. 3d. from the sale of publications, and an expenditure of £10 9s. 8½d., leaving a deficit of £2 5s. 5½d. The sales had been 250, as against 265 the previous year. The hon. librarian referred to some of the publications of the Council being now nearly exhausted or out of print, and the book of rules now being out of date. Arising out of his statement, it was agreed, on a proposal by the Rev. H. Law James, and seconded by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, that the hon. librarian should re-purchase copies of ‘Preservation of Bells’ held by Canon Elsee, and that he should also be authorised to sell the Corrigenda leaflets at 2d. per set, and further be authorised to obtain copies of the ‘Bell News’ for the years 1912-1915.

On the motion of the Hon. Secretary, seconded by Mr. A. A. Hughes, it was carried that the Council’s publications be advanced in price by 50 per cent.

The President stated that the Standing Committee recommend that the Council’s ‘Rules and Decisions’ be brought up to date, and submitted for approval by the Council at the next meeting, which was agreed to.

ELECTION OF HONORARY MEMBERS.- Those retiring, with the exception of Mr. H. Chapman, were unanimously re-elected, viz., Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, Rev. H. S. T. Richardson and Mr. J. W. Parker (the vacancy not being filled).

PEAL COLLECTION COMMITTEE.- The Rev. H. S. T. Richardson reported on behalf of the committee, and, though he had to apologise for the delay, said that they were now able to produce the result of many years’ work, which was all in MSS. After some discussion as to whether the whole or part should be printed, the committee, at the request of the president, agreed to reconsider the matter, and return to it later on in the day.

THE LITERATURE AND PRESS COMMITTEE.- Mr. G. P. Burton reported on behalf of the committee, in the absence of the Convenor (the Rev. C. E. Matthews). Mr. Burton was asked by the president to give a verbal report. He regretted that he was unable to make a statement. After a further statement by Mr. A. Paddon Smith and the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards (who was able to advert to useful work which was done during the year) on the motion of the president, the verbal statement was accepted.

METHODS COMMITTEE.- The Rev. H. Law James reported on behalf of the committee, and said they were now in a position to print the selection of some 70 or 80 Plain Major Methods. Year by year they had regretted the delay, but it was only now that the papers, as finally revised by Mr. Lewis, were to hand. The Rev. H. Law James formally moved the adoption of his report.- Mr. Trollope, in seconding, said that he hoped that the Major Methods would meet with the same success as the Minor, and he strongly recommended the work to the Exercise.

Mr. G. P. Burton, supported by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, deprecated the printing of the methods, especially as another committee (the Nomenclature) might have something to say as to the naming of them, but the Rev. Law James reminded the meeting that the committee was ordered at Lincoln to print the methods and attach the names, and this they proposed to do.- After some further discussion, the report was adopted.

PEALS ANALYSIS COMMITTEE.- The adoption of the report of this committee (which had already been printed in ‘The Ringing World’) was moved by the Rev. A. T. Beeston, and seconded by Mr. J. W. Parker. The former also moved that the names of the conductors of peals be omitted from the analysis, whereupon Mr. C. T. Coles moved further minor alterations, but, at the instance of the president, the report as presented was first adopted.- The Rev. H. Law James then moved that it be an instruction to the Analysis Committee to omit all points for peals, and this being seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles, was carried by a large majority.

TOWERS AND BELFRIES COMMITTEE’S REPORT was forwarded by Mr. E. H. Lewis. In this it was stated that experiments in the welding of cracks in bells were being made.- The report was adopted.- Arising from the report Mr. H. Fairclough, in referring to welding cracks in old bells, was prepared to put any member in touch with a firm in Warrington who were able to do such work.- After further discussion as to examples of welding cracks, the Council adjourned for lunch.

RECORDS COMMITTEE.- After the interval, the Rev. A. T. Beeston presented the report of this committee, which incorporates two years’ records of new methods rung, and the new progressive lengths, which he read to the meeting, and moved its adoption, which was seconded by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, and carried.

The President here called upon the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson resume the report of his committee. He said that the members had consulted together, and that Miss Parker had kindly undertaken to type the remainder of the collection, so that it could be placed in the library with the other typed volumes. The committee did not make any recommendation as to printing a selection of the peals, and it was decided to bring the collection up to date by including peals published since the first selections were compiled.- The report was adopted.

SCIENCE MUSEUM EXHIBIT COMMITTEE.- The Hon. Secretary verbally reported for the committee, and explained that the exhibit was still waiting to go into the new science gallery, and that Mr. Carpenter’s ringing machine, which was still at Mr. Young’s house, was being put into proper order, and a descriptive book of instructions being prepared to show how it was worked and controlled.- He moved his report, and the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, in seconding, referred to the unique value of the ringing machine, and stated that the committee would be glad to avail themselves of every opportunity given them by the authorities to form a good exhibit.- The report was adopted.

NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE.- The report of this committee was read at length by Mr. G. P. Burton, who further explained the attitude of the committee. They admitted, that many Minor names had been put right by the Analysis Committee in 1923, but there still remained considerable work to be done. They recognised that many of the old names which seemed absurd to laymen were deeply rooted by use amongst the Exercise. They deprecated the use of the word ‘Bob’ in many new methods. With regard to the suggested names, it would be seen that they had as far as possible endeavoured to link them with those previously used, where they had made a change. He appealed to the Methods Committee to work in cordial co-operation with them.- The report was seconded by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, who submitted that now was the time to get rid of objectionable names, especially in view of the re-issue of the Council’s publications in the near future.- Mr. E. W. Elwell moved, and Mr. J. A. Trollope seconded that the consideration of the subject should be adjourned until the report had been published, the former stating that it would be fairer if further consideration could be given to what they knew was a very difficult problem. He was not certain that some of the proposed names were any better than the old.- Mr. J. A. Trollope stated that the Methods Committee would have to move various amendments if the report was to be considered then. He did not think the use of the word ‘Bob’ in many methods was always redundant or objectionable. After some remarks by Alderman J. S. Pritchett, in favour of postponement, the Rev. H. Drake, as one of the committee, said he had no objection to the adjournment, but he would remind the meeting that a year ago they were informed that the matter was an urgent one. He thought that an opportunity should be given to those who first rang new methods to state whether they approved of a proposed new name. He felt, however, that the Council should give its authority as to what term should be used, and as to the actual meaning of any term. After some further remarks, the motion to adjourn the discussion was carried.- The Hon. Secretary said he would like to propose a vote of thanks to the committee, who had endeavoured to do well by the subject.- This being seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, was carried, whereupon, at the suggestion of the president, the vote was amplified by being accorded also to the other committees for the work they had done during the year.

The hon. secretary then presented the card of instruction as to the care and use of church bells, of which 500 copies had been printed, one of which, at the desire of the Standing Committee, was handed to each of the members then present. It was for the Council now to instruct him how to proceed.- It was ultimately decided, on the proposal of Mr. T. Hervey Beams, seconded by the Hon. Librarian, that a copy be sent to each of the Archdeacons and the Secretaries of the Guilds with a view to the cards being distributed amongst ringing towers and the Rural Deans.

The President then called upon Mr. Elwell to move his resolution: ‘That considering the future possibilities of radio, the attention of the Literature and Press Committee of the Central Council be drawn to the performances of “bell chiming” occasionally broadcast, as such performances are liable to create a wrong impression of the true nature of bell ringing, and, further, to request the committee to bring to the notice of the British Broadcasting Company all unsuitable imitations of bell ringing which may be broadcast.’ Mr. Elwell said he was desired by the Chester Guild to introduce this motion, as it was felt that reproductions of bell chiming and carillons gave the public the impression that ringing was of a mechanical nature.- The motion was seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, and carried, it being suggested that Mr. A. Paddon Smith might get into touch with the British Broadcasting Company.

Alderman J. S. Pritchett then proposed: ‘That this Council, as a general rule, disapproves of the augmentation of peals of eight into peals of ten,’ pointing out that the music of eight bells was from many points of view the most satisfactory, and that often a good ring of eight was sacrificed for a poor ring of ten, and that these were sometimes placed in towers which were totally unsuitable for them, both in respect to size and strength.- It was seconded by the Hon. Secretary.- The Rev. C. D. P. Davies, the Rev. H. Law James, Messrs. A. Paddon Smith and T. Faulkner, having spoken against the motion, and Canon Elsee partly in favour, it was lost by a large majority.

Mr. W. A. Cave moved his resolution: ‘That, Rules and Decisions, 1891-1903, page 13, in the paragraphs headed : (a) On nine and eleven bells; (b) on eight, ten or twelve bells, to omit the words “in any one method.”’- This was seconded by Mr. T. Hervey Beams, and carried without discussion.

The Rev. E. S. Powell then moved: ‘That, Rules and Decisions, 1909 (Rules 9 and 12), that it be an instruction to the hon. secretary, that he adds the names of the proposer and seconder of a motion, when the same is printed in the agenda.’ He said that he thought it would facilitate the transaction of the Council’s business.- Mr. G. P. Burton seconded, and the motion was carried nem con.

THE NEXT ANNUAL MEETING.- The President said that the Standing Committee had considered where the next meeting should be held, and he desired to point out that the next one would be in the South-Eastern Counties. Canterbury and Ipswich had been suggested, and on behalf of the Standing Committee, he asked the Council to select the latter.- The Rev. H. Drake and Mr. C. Mee having supported this, and offered the Council a hearty welcome on behalf of the Suffolk Guild, the proposal was carried nem con.

THE WASHBROOK MEMORIAL.- The Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn reminded the meeting that the Council had entrusted the Oxford Guild with the task of providing this memorial in Oxford. He asked those associations who had not yet subscribed to the fund to kindly do so.

The Hon. Secretary gave notice that at the next meeting he would move, ‘That the time has now arrived when the Council should consider whether the so-called scientific or Simpson tuning is in the best interests of the Exercise.’

The meeting closed with a vote of thanks by Alderman Pritchett for the kind welcome given by the Bishop of Chester, the Dean, and the Cathedral authorities.- This was carried nem con., as was also a vote of thanks to the President, proposed by Mr. J. Griffin, and also a vote of thanks to the committee and secretary of the Chester Guild, which was proposed by Mr. W. H. Hollier.- This terminated the proceedings, and the Council rose at about 4.30.

The Ringing World, April 2nd, 1926, pages 214 to 215

The Associations were represented as follows:-

Ancient Society of College Youths: Messrs. A. A. Hughes and T. Faulkner.
Bath and Wells Association: Mr. A. E. Coles.
Bedfordshire Association: Rev. Canon W. W. C. Baker and Mr. A. E. Sharman.
Chester Diocesan Guild: Rev. A. T. Beeston, Messrs. E. W. Elwell, H. Fairclough and J. Ashmole.
Devonshire Guild: Rev. E. S. Powell.
Dudley and District Guild: Mr. S. J. Hughes.
Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Guilds: Messrs. W. Story and W. H. Barber.
Ely Diocesan Association: Mr. T. R. Dennis.
Essex Association: Messrs. W. J. Nevard, G. R. Pye and E. Butler.
Gloucester and Bristol: Messrs. W. A. Cave, E. Bishop and E. Guise.
Kent County Association: Messrs. T. Groombridge and E. Barnett.
Ladies’ Guild: Miss E. K. Parker.
Lancashire Association: Rev. Canon H. J. Elsee, Messrs. H. Chapman, J. R. Taylor and W. E. Wilson.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild: Rev. H. Law James, Rev. H. T. Parry and Mr. R. Richardson.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association: Messrs. J. W. Jones and W. Bolton.
London County Association: Mr. A. D. Barker.
Middlesex County Association: Messrs. F. A. Milne, C. T. Coles and W. H. Hollier.
Midland Counties Association: Messrs. Pryce Taylor and A. Coppock.
North Wales Association: Mr. A. J. Hughes.
Norfolk Guild: Messrs. A. Coleman and G. P. Burton.
Oxford Diocesan Guild: Rev. Canon G. F. Coleridge, Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Messrs. F. W. Hopgood and J. Evans.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild: Messrs. F. Wilford and J. J. Jutson.
Royal Cumberland Youths: Mr. J. Parker.
St. Martin’s Guild: Mr. A. Paddon Smith.
Salisbury Diocesan Guild: Rev. F. Ll. Edwards and Mr. T. Hervey Beams.
Stafford Archdeaconry: Messrs. H. Knight and T. J. Elton.
Suffolk Guild: Rev. H. Drake and Mr. C. Mee.
Surrey Association: Messrs. C. F. Johnston and C. Dean.
Warwickshire Guild: Messrs. H. Argyle and A. Roberts.
Winchester Diocesan Guild: Messrs. G. Williams and A. H. Pulling.
Worcester and Districts Association: Messrs. T. J. Salter and W. Short.
Yorkshire Association: Messrs. P. J. Johnson and J. Cotterell.
Hon. members: Revs. C. D. P. Davies, H. S. T. Richardson, Messrs. J. S. Pritchett, H. W. Wilde, J. Griffin, J. George, J. W. Parker, J. A. Trollope and E. Alex Young (hon. secretary and treasurer).

The Ringing World, June 12th, 1925, page 377

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