


Minutes of the Second Session of the fifteenth Council (42nd annual), meeting held in the Court House, Warwick, on Whitsun Tuesday, May 22nd, 1934, at 11 o’clock.

The Deputy Mayor, Alderman Malins, supported by Alderman W. T. Collier, extended a cordial welcome on behalf of the Mayor and Corporation.

The Lord Bishop of Coventry welcomed the Council on behalf of the Church.

Prayers were offered by the Lord Bishop, and the president took the chair.


Ancient Society of College Youths: Mr. A. B. Peck.
Bath and Wells Diocesan Association: Messrs. H. W. Brown, J. T. Dyke and J. Hunt.
Bedfordshire Association: Messrs. A. King and A. E. Sharman.
Cambridge University Guild: Messrs. E. M. Atkins and E. H. Lewis.
Chester Diocesan Guild: Messrs. J. Norbury and T. Wilde.
Devon Guild: Rev. E. S. Powell and Messrs. T. Laver, E. W. Marsh and G. C. Woodley.
Dudley and District Guild: Mr. F. Colclough.
Durham and Newcastle Association: Mr. W. H. Barber.
East Derbyshire and Notts Association: Mr. T. Clarke.
Ely Diocesan Association: Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt-Drake and Miss K. Willers.
Essex Association: Messrs. E. J. Butler and G. R. Pye.
Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Association: Messrs. J. Austin, E. Guise and W. Rose.
Guildford Diocesan Guild: Messrs. G. L. Grover and A. C. Hazelden.
Hereford Diocesan Guild: Messrs. J. Clark and A. W. Davis.
Hertford County Association: Mr. W. Ayre.
Irish Association: Mr. G. Lindoff.
Kent County Association: Messrs. T. Groombridge and F. M. Mitchell.
Ladies’ Guild : Mrs. E. K. Fletcher and Mrs. R. Richardson.
Lancashire Association: Rev. Canon H. J. Elsee and Messrs. G. R. Newton, W. H. Shuker and A. Tomlinson.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild: Messrs. R. Richardson and J. Phillips.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan Association: Messrs. D. G. Clift and J. W. Jones.
London County Association: Messrs. A. D. Barker and F. E. Dawe.
Middlesex County Association: Messrs. C. T. Coles, G. W. Fletcher, W. H. Hollier and W. Pickworth.
Midland Counties Association: Messrs. E. Denison Taylor, E. C. Gobey, J. H. Swinfield and W. E. White.
Norwich Diocesan Association: Mr. A. L. Coleman.
Oxford Diocesan Guild: Rev. Canon G. F. Coleridge and Messrs. W. Evetts, jun., R. T. Hibbert and A. E. Lock.
Oxford Society: Mr. W. Collett.
Oxford University Society: Mr. H. Miles.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild: Messrs. H. Baxter, R. G. Black, T. Tebbutt and F. Wilford.
St. Martin’s Guild: Mr. A. Paddon Smith.
Salisbury Diocesan Guild: Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Messrs. S. Hillier, C. H. Jennings and F. W. Romaine.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: Mr. J. Parker.
Stafford Archdeaconry Society: Messrs. T. J. Elton and H. Knight.
Suffolk Guild: Rev. H. Drake and Mr. C. Mee.
Surrey Association: Messrs. D. Cooper and C. H. Kippin.
Swansea and Brecon Guild: Mr. Gwyn Lewis.
Truro Diocesan Guild: Rev. W. H. R. Trewhella.
Warwickshire Guild: Messrs. F. W. Perrens and J. H. W. White.
Winchester and Portsmouth Guild: Messrs. G. Williams, H. Barton and G. Pullinger.
Worcester and Districts Association: Messrs. H. G. Bird, R. G. Knowles and J. D. Johnson.
Yorkshire Association: Messrs. J. Cotterell, P. J. Johnson and S. F. Palmer.
Honorary members: Messrs. W. A. Cave, C. Dean, J. S. Goldsmith, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Messrs. A. A. Hughes, C. F. Johnston, Alderman J. S. Pritchett, Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Messrs. J. A. Trollope, A. Walker, S. H. Wood and E. Alex Young.


Secretary reported that the total membership was unaltered, being 51 associations represented by 128 members, and 14 honorary members.

The only subscription unpaid was that of the Shropshire Association.


Members retiring according to the rules were the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Messrs. A. A. Hughes and Stephen H. Wood.

The Standing Committee recommended their re-election and the election of Mr. E. C. S. Turner to the remaining vacancy.

The recommendation was adopted on the proposal of Mr. F. M. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. W. A. Cave.


In accordance with Rule 11, the following were presented: Mr. F. Colclough, Dudley and District Guild, Mr. W. Evetts, jun., Oxford Diocesan Guild, Mr. G. Lewis, Swansea and Brecon.


Apologies for absence were received from Archdeacon Parry, Canon C. C. Marshall, Rev. J. B. Frith, Messrs. E. Bishop, C. E. Borrett, J. H. Cheesman, G. Chester, W. T. Cockerill, A. Coppock, G. H. Cross, W. J. Davidson, F. N. Golden, C. Matthews, T. Metcalfe, W. J. Nevard, J. W. Parker, J. C. Pollard, A. H. Pulling, J. T. Rickman, F. W. Rogers, T. E. Sone, S. H. Symonds, T. H. Taffender; hon. members: Messrs. J. Griffin and C. W. Roberts.


The President referred to the death of the following members and past members: Rev. A. T. Beeston 1911-1929, Mr. J. D. Matthews 1912-1934, Mr. J. Waghorn 1897-1908.

In their memory members stood in silence.


It was proposed by Canon Coleridge, seconded by Mr. E. A. Young, that the minutes published in ‘The Ringing World’ on May 11th, 1934, be taken as read and be approved, subject to the inclusion of Mr. F. W. Rogers’ name under ‘Members presented.’

Arising out of the minutes, Mr. E. M. Atkins asked what action was taken on the resolution expressing the hope that the Stedman Bells at St. Bene’t’s, Cambridge, would be rung regularly to the glory of God by a local band of ringers. The Hon. Secretary reported that this resolution was brought to the notice of the Ely Diocesan Association for their attention.


The following reports, etc., were circulated to all members and associations and were published in ‘The Ringing World.’ They are available for inspection.


The report was published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 1st, 1934, page 347, and was presented by the Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt-Drake, hon. librarian.

The Standing Committee recommended that the hon. librarian be given power to renew stocks of books in common demand, that the sum of £5 be available in any one year for the purchase of books for the library, and that the officers of the Council may at their discretion reduce the price of surplus stocks.

The report and recommendations were adopted on the proposal of Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt-Drake, seconded by Mr. W. Ayre.

Thanks were accorded to Mrs. Jenkyn for the gift of volumes of ‘The Ringing World’ up to 1932.


The accounts published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 1st, 1934, page 347, were presented by the hon. treasurer, and on the motion of Mr. A. A. Hughes, seconded by Mr. J. H. Swinfield, were adopted.


The Standing Committee recommended that honorary auditors be elected under Rule 8 to serve until the next London meeting, and further recommended that Messrs. A. A. Hughes and C. T. Coles be invited to serve.

The recommendation was adopted on the motion of the president.


Mr. E. A. Young reported for the trustees (see report published in ‘The Ringing World,’ June 1st, 1934, page 347). The Standing Committee recommended that the fee of 10s. 6d. be paid to the demonstrator who attended on April 28th. The report and recommendation were adopted on the motion of Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. A. A. Hughes.

On the president’s motion it was agreed to accept Mr. G. F. Woodhouse’s offer to demonstrate his ringing machine at the next Council meeting.


This was published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 1st, 1934, page 347.

The committee recommended that Mr. E. Denison Taylor be elected to fill, the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. J. D. Matthews. The report and recommendation were adopted on the president’s motion. Mr. E. Denison Taylor expressed his thanks.


The report (published in ‘The Ringing World’ on June 8th, 1934, page 362) was presented by Mr. G. Lindoff. The committee suggested that the articles on ‘Variations’ by Mr. J. A. Trollope, published in ‘The Ringing World’ in 1930 (pages 830-831) and 1931 (pages 10, 26, 42, 74, 90, 123, 138, 166 and 182), be reproduced in pamphlet form.

The Standing Committee recommended that the articles be considered by the committee, and that they collaborate with Mr. Trollope as to the suitability of publishing them as a pamphlet, either in their present form or as may be decided by the committee.

The committee agreed to include a few peals of Spliced Surprise Major in the collection of peals now being prepared.

The report and recommendation were adopted on the proposal of Mr. Lindoff, seconded by Mr. E. W. Marsh, and on the president’s motion it was agreed to give the committee power to print the pamphlet on ‘Variations’ when completed.


Mr. J. A. Trollope presented the report (published in ‘The Ringing World,’ May 18th, 1934, page 314).

With regard to the Council’s publications the committee recommended ‘that in no instance should any author or composer’s name be put to any method, and that in the case of peal compositions names should be omitted except to old and well-known productions or such modern ones in which the proofs of originality are unmistakable. (We suggest that this recommendation shall apply to all future publications by the Central Council.) In the case of the Triples book we felt that it would not be fair to adopt it in its logical completeness. Two gentlemen, who were not members of the committee, provided a number of peals for the book, and in every case we have attached their names to these compositions. On the other hand, all peals composed by any of us, whether obtained specially for the purposes of the book or got previously, are being published anonymously. (Our proposal is that in later books of the Central Council of a similar character, anonymity should be the rule and not the exception.).’

The committee were given permission to delete the following sentences from their recommendation: (a) ‘We suggest that this recommendation shall apply to all future publications by the Central Council.’ (b) ‘Our proposal is that in later books of the Central Council of a similar character, anonymity should be the rule and not the exception.’

On the proposal of Mr. Trollope, seconded by Mr. S. H. Wood, the report as amended was adopted.


It was proposed by Mr. S. Wood, seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles, and supported by the Rev. E. S. Powell, that Mr. E. C. S. Turner be elected to the committee.


The report and analysis published in ‘The Ringing World’ on April 6th was formally presented by Mrs. Fletcher.

Attention was drawn to a peal of Cambridge Surprise Royal rung by the Worcester and Districts Association which had been found to be false, and which the committee had already deleted from the official copy of the analysis.

The report was seconded by Mr. G. R. Pye and adopted.


The committee’s report stated that members had, during the year, dealt with problems in 17 towers. As in former years, the members of the committee reported verbally on matters dealt with (see ‘The Ringing World’, June 8th, 1934, page 363).

The committee recommended that the attention of all Archdeacons be drawn to the dangers of Ellacombe Chiming Hammers if they were not properly used and attended to.

On the president’s motion, seconded by Major J. H. B. Hesse, the report was adopted.


The report published in ‘The Ringing World,’ June 15th, 1934, pages 378 and 379, was presented by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, seconded by Mr. W. Cave, and carried.


It was proposed by Mr. J. A. Trollope and seconded by Mrs. E. K. Fletcher: ‘That no decision of the Council relating to the ringing of peals shall be binding unless passed by a two-third majority of the meeting.’

The Standing Committee recommended that, in place of the last two words, the words ‘those members present’ be substituted, and on the proposal of Mr. C. F. Johnston, seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles, it was agreed to make this substitution.

It was proposed by Mr. W. E. White, seconded by Mr. P. J. Johnson, that this resolution apply to all motions put before the Council. The amendment and resolution were both lost.

It was proposed by Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. J. A. Trollope: ‘That, notwithstanding any definition to the contrary, peals in any recognised Minor method or methods containing compositions in what is known as the “Bankes James Arrangement” are, in the opinion of this Council, permissible.’

The Rev. B. H. T. Drake proposed as a rider on behalf of the Standing Committee: ‘That the “Bankes James Arrangement” be as defined in the Council’s publication, “The Collection of Doubles and Minor Methods,” on pages 120 to 132, with the exception of the compositions on page 127 numbered 149, 150 and 151, which are known as the “Law James Arrangement of London.”’ This was seconded by Mr. C. T. Coles and accepted by the proposer seconder of the motion.

The motion in its amended form was carried.

It was proposed by Mr. E. M. Atkins, seconded by Mr. J. Parker and carried: ‘That this Council views with concern the comparatively small number of ringers ringing their first peal, and suggests that all ringers, mindful of their high calling, should do all in their power to encourage their less proficient brethren.’


The Standing Committee recommended that the next meeting be held at Shrewsbury, and on the president’s motion the recommendation was adopted.


The following motions were recommended by the Standing Committee for consideration by the Council:-


It was proposed by Mr. F. E. Dawe, seconded by Mr. W. A. Cave, and carried: ‘That in view of the meagre response made in answer to the resolution passed at Plymouth two years ago, a small committee of the Council be appointed to collaborate with the Editor of “The Ringing World” with a view to increasing the circulation of this paper among members of the Exercise.’

It was agreed that the committee consist of the officers of the Council and Mr. F. E. Dawe.


It was proposed by Mr. J. S. Goldsmith, seconded by Mr. W. A. Cave, and carried: ‘That a letter of greetings be sent by the Council to the ringers in Australia, and that the Council approves the scheme to prepare a collection of photographs of English towers for presentation to Melbourne Cathedral and Hobart.’


The Standing Committee recommended that a grant of £10 10s. be made to the memorial to the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, and £3 3s. to the memorial to Canon Baker.

On the president’s motion the recommendation was adopted.


On the president’s motion it was resolved that a letter of congratulation be sent to Archdeacon Parry, he being the first member of the Council to attain that dignity.


An enquiry by Mr. A. D. Barker as to the Council’s attitude to irregular methods which were still rung was stated by the president to be a matter for the affiliated associations, who had agreed to abide by the rules and decisions of the Council.


The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards invited all members of the Council to write to the B.B.C. suggesting that the great bell in St. Paul’s Cathedral be broadcast as well as the clock.


On the president’s motion, thanks were accorded to the Mayor and Corporation of Warwick for the use of the Court House, Alderman Dr. Malins, Deputy Mayor, and the Bishop of Coventry for their presence and welcome, the incumbents of the various churches for the use of bells, the Warwickshire Guild for their hospitality, Mr. F. W. Perrens and committee for making excellent arrangements, Mr. Adams, of St. Mary’s, Warwick, for his kind assistance, and to all tower and steeple keepers.

Mr. F. W. Perrens replied.

A vote of thanks to the president was proposed by the Rev. Canon G. F. Coleridge.

The meeting terminated at about 5.15 p.m.

After the meeting, members of the Council were the guests of the Warwickshire Guild to tea, with their president, the Rev. J. B. Davies, in the chair, supported by the Mayor of Warwick.

The Ringing World, April 12th, 1935, pages 229 to 230

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