Life Members: E A Barnett, J Freeman, F W Perrens, F Sharpe, E C Shepherd, the Very Revd A G G Thurlow, W G Wilson.
Honorary Members: Mrs O D Barnett, H Chant, F E Collins, C W Denyer, R H Dove, G R Drew, Canon K W H Felstead, Mrs M J Wilkinson, D Hughes, S J Ivin, C K Lewis, G W Pipe, R B Smith, R F B Speed, P L Taylor, W H Viggers, Mrs M A Wratten.
Ancient Society of College Youths: W T Cook, D E House, J G A Prior, A N Stubbs.
Australia & New Zealand Assn: P M J Gray, R J Johnston.
Bath & Wells Dio Assn: G W Massey.
Bedfordshire Assn: J H Edwards, T W Groom, A E Rushton.
Beverley & District Society: I G Campbell.
Cambridge U Guild: B D Threlfall, S C Walters.
Carlisle Dio Guild: R W D Wetenhall.
Chester Dio Guild: A P Foster, A J Martin.
Coventry Dio Guild: P Border, G W Randall, H M Windsor.
Derby Dio Assn: G A Halls, M Phipps.
Devon Assn: B E Bartlett.
Durham & Newcastle Dio Assn: D A Bayles, D Martin.
Durham U Society: C C Monson.
E Derbyshire & W Notts Assn: A Dempster.
E Grinstead & District Guild: A N Brock.
Ely Dio Assn: A M Barber, G E Bonham, J G Gipson.
Essex Assn: J Armstrong, F B Lufkin, D Sloman.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio Assn: L C Edwards, A R Peake, J R Taylor, C A Wratten.
Guildford Dio Guild: M J Church, T Page, D E Parsons, T Skilton.
Guild of Devonshire Ringers: Revd J G M Scott.
Hereford Dio Guild: T Cooper, P Hughes, R G Powell, A T Wingate.
Hertford County Assn: G Dodds, R E Hardy, G Penney.
Irish Assn: F E Dukes, J T Dunwoody, D McEndoo.
Kent County Assn: P A Corby, M J Hiller, S Jenner, I H Oram.
Ladies Guild: Miss D E Colgate, Mrs P J Staniforth, Mrs J Summerhayes.
Lancashire Assn: C Crossthwaite, D R Jones, J Kershaw, F Reynolds.
Leeds U Society: A M Glover.
Leicester Dio Guild: B L Burrows, J M Jelley, P J Staniforth, B G Warwick.
Lincoln Dio Guild: G E Feirn, D A Frith, J L Millhouse, P Reynolds.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio Assn: J C Baldwin, Mrs D J King, M J Pryor.
London County Assn: H W Rogers, Mrs O L Rogers, M J Uphill, Dr J M Weddell.
Manchester U Guild: M C W Sherwood.
Middlesex County Assn & London Dio Guild: F T Blagrove, T J Lock, C H Rogers, B C Watson.
Midland Counties Guild: J W Cotton, J K Smith.
National Police Guild: N S Bagworth.
N American Guild: W A Theobald.
N Staffordshire Assn: E Nixon.
N Wales Assn: Mrs N M Randles.
Norwich Dio Assn: H W Barrett, M Cubitt, F N Golden, N V Harding.
Oxford Dio Guild: W Butler, K J Darvill, N J Diserens, T G Pett.
Oxford Society: F A H Wilkins.
Oxford U Society: J E Camp.
Peterborough Dio Guild: E Billings, C J Groome, J M Tyler.
S David’s Dio Guild: J H Payton.
S Martin’s Guild: T R Hampton, R W Pipe.
Salisbury Dio Guild: E J Hitchins, R G W Robertson, N O Skelton.
Scottish Assn: T Lewis.
Shropshire Assn: R B Dorrington, Mrs A E Stevens.
Soc of Royal Cumberland Youths: J S Barnes, D Beresford, D E Sibson, P M Wilkinson.
Soc of Sherwood Youths: G A Dawson.
S Derbyshire & N Leics Assn: J E Collins.
Southwell Dio Guild: W L Exton, S Humphrey, R B Mills, Mrs B N Reed.
Stafford Archd Society: C F W Eyre, C M Smith.
Suffolk Guild: T N J Bailey, H W Egglestone, C W Pipe, Revd L R Pizzey.
Surrey Assn: R J Cooles, S F W Kimber, C F Mew.
Sussex County Assn: C J Champion.
Swansea & Brecon Dio Guild: Revd J A Ellis.
Truro Dio Guild: W C Boucher, F M Bowers, W R Curtis, Miss J H Dash.
Universities Assn: Revd M C C Melville.
University of Bristol Society: Mrs A Newing.
University of London Society: A J Frost.
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio Guild: K S B Croft, G K Dodd, G Nabb, W T Perrins.
Worcestershire & Dist Assn: A C Berry, W B Cartwright, M D Fellows, R G Morris.
Yorkshire Assn: W E Critchley, S J Gullick, E Hudson, W F Moreton.
The Railwaymen’s Guild was not represented.
The Secretary (Mr C A Wratten) reported that 65 societies were affiliated, with 174 representatives. The Rules provided for 24 Honorary members, and there were ten Life members, making a total membership of 208. There was one vacancy. All subscriptions were paid.
Apologies were received from Messrs A R Agg, K Arthur, W Ayre, J M Clarke, Mrs S M Drew, and Messrs E J Franklin, B Jones, J R Mayne, E Naylor, R Percy, D Roaf, A H Reed, H N Pitstow, J S Walton, F A White, T W White, and B J Woodruffe.
The following were welcomed by the President, Mr J Freeman: Messrs H Chant (Hon), D E House, J G A Prior, A N Stubbs (College Youths), Prof R J Johnston (Australia & New Zealand), T W Groom (Bedfords), S C Walters (Cambridge U), A P Foster (Chester), D Martin (Durham & Newcastle), A Dempster (E Derbys & W Notts), A N Brock (E Grinstead), T Skilton (Guildford), R E Hardy (Hertford), J Kershaw (Lancashire), B L Burrows (Leicester), M J Uphill (London County), E Nixon (N Staffs), Mrs N M Randles (N Wales), Messrs K J Darvill, T G Pett (Oxford Dio), J H Payton (S David’s), T R Hampton (S Martin’s), R G W Robertson, N O Skelton (Salisbury), P M Wilkinson (Cumberland Youths), T Lewis (Scottish), R B Dorrington (Shropshire), T N J Bailey (Suffolk), R J Cooles (Surrey), Revd A J Ellis (Swansea & Brecon), W R Curtis, Miss J H Dash (Truro), Mrs A Newing (Bristol U), Messrs K S B Croft, G Nabb, W T Perrins (Winchester & Portsmouth), R G Morris (Worcs & Dist), S J Gullick and E Hudson (Yorkshire).
Four new members - Messrs J G Hallett (Chester), D Hird (Derby), P H D Jones (Devonshire G) and R Percy (Sussex) - were not present.
President: Mr E A Barnett was elected on the proposition of Mr P A Corby, seconded by Mr R F B Speed.
Vice-President: the Revd J G M Scott was elected on the proposition of Mr F Sharpe, seconded by Mr F E Collins.
Hon Secretary and Treasurer: Mr C A Wratten was re-elected on the proposition of Mr F E Dukes, seconded by Mr W G Wilson.
Hon Librarian: Mr F Sharpe was re-elected on the proposition of Mr J S Barnes, seconded by Mr W T Cook.
Mr Barnett paid tribute to the work of the retiring President, Mr J Freeman, during his term of office.
Mr R S Anderson was proposed by Mr W G Wilson and seconded by Mr C A Wratten, but received insufficient votes to be elected.
Canon K W H Felstead, Messrs D Hughes, S J Ivin, H N Pitstow, R B Smith, R F B Speed, P L Taylor, and W H Viggers, and Mrs M A Wratten were re-elected, and Mr N Chaddock elected to fill the vacancy, after a ballot.
Messrs H N Pitstow, D Hughes and M J Church were proposed and seconded, and Messrs Pitstow and Church elected. Mr Hughes was warmly thanked for his past services as auditor.
The President reported the deaths of the following past members of the Council, members standing in silence: Messrs S Burton (Leicester, 1954-72), M J Fellows (Dudley & District, 1966-71), G H Harding (Salisbury, 1946-69), L W Houghton (Norwich, 1939-45), G E Symonds (Suffolk, 1948-57), A Thompson (N Staffs, 1936-48) and J J Webb (Hereford, 1951-66).
On the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by the Revd J G M Scott, the Minutes as circulated to members and published in The Ringing World of 28 March 1975 were accepted subject to the following amendment to the final part of the Minute on the Ringing World Committee:-
“It was agreed, on the proposition of Mr D E Sibson, seconded by Mr N J Diserens, that in future all peal compositions should be independently proved before being published in The Ringing World. It was subsequently agreed that such compositions should be sent direct to the chairman of the Peal Compositions Committee.”
Report of the Honorary Secretary:
(RW 20 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by the Revd J G M Scott.
Report of the Honorary Librarian:
(RW 20 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr F Sharpe, seconded by Mrs A E Stevens. Mr Sharpe said that it had not proved necessary to publish the names of those holding long-overdue books, as had been agreed at Exeter.
The general policy set out in the Report was adopted, on the proposition of Mr J S Barnes, seconded by Mrs A E Stevens, as were recommendations that:-
(a) the Council should adopt a positive policy of planning and investment for the library;
(b) an annual grant should be available to the Librarian for maintenance and equipment, the amount for 1975 being £50;
(c) an annual grant should be available to the Librarian for the purchase of additional books, records, tape-recordings, etc., the amount of the grant to be determined annually and the sum to be cumulative so that any money unspent during one year is available during the next - the amount for 1975 being £50.
Mr J E Camp proposed, and Mr F Reynolds seconded, the next business, and this was agreed on a show of hands.
On the proposition of Mr E Billings, seconded by Mr J M Tyler, the report was then referred to the Administrative Committee for evaluation. Mr Barnes said that a catalogue of the Library’s content was now available through the Publications Committee.
Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(RW 20 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr D Hughes, seconded by Mr D A Bayles. Although no longer a member of the Council, Mr W H Dobbie confirmed that he would continue his association with the Machine.
Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(RW 4 July 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by Mr F E Dukes.
Mr J S Barnes proposed, and Mr C J Groome seconded:-
“That a committee be formed to advise on the operation of bell restoration funds, including model rules, fund raising, investment policy and charitable status; and to collate and publish annually a review of the year’s development.”
After debate the motion was passed, and a committee - to be called the Bell Restoration Funds Committee, and consisting of Messrs J S Barnes (chairman), K S B Croft, M D Fellows, G A Halls and I H Oram - elected.
Mr C K Lewis proposed, and Mr C A Wratten seconded:-
“That in Rule 12(ii) the following be added:
(k) Redundant Bells
(l) Computer Co-ordination
and in Rule 13 the following be added:
(xii) The Committee for Redundant Bells
(a) to consider and advise on all matters concerning bells in churches affected by redundancy, having where necessary the power to act on behalf of the Council;
(b) to develop and maintain contact with the statutory bodies charged with dealing with redundant churches, providing advice as necessary;
(c) to provide periodic reviews of the situation concerning bells in churches affected by redundancy, in order to promote an awareness of the problem among ringers generally.
(xiii) The Computer Co-ordination Committee.
(a) to collect information on ringing problems being tackled with the aid of computers;
(b) to provide a means of exchanging information on techniques used;
(c) to assist Council committees as required;
(d) to investigate whether computers might be used in other branches of ringing.”
The above Terms of Reference for the Committee for Redundant Bells were, with the consent of the Council, substituted for those circulated in the Agenda. The motion was passed.
Biographies Committee:
(RW 20 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr T J Lock, seconded by Mr W H Viggers. The committee (Messrs T J Lock (chairman), G A Dawson, and W H Viggers) was re-elected.
Computer Co-ordination Committee:
(RW 20 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr J R Taylor, seconded by Mr D E Sibson. The committee (Mr J R Taylor (chairman), Dr J C Baldwin, and Messrs S J Ivin, D E Sibson, and C A Wratten) was re-elected.
Education Committee:
(RW 20 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr W F Moreton, seconded by Mr W Butler. Messrs W Butler (chairman), A R Agg, N Chaddock, W F Moreton, C M Smith, R B Smith and J M Tyler were elected to form the new committee.
The committee had no report.
The Administrative Committee was asked to consider the function of the committee and the implications of disbanding it and reallocating its work. In the meantime a new committee, consisting of Messrs F T Blagrove (chairman), S J Ivin, W T Perrins and M C W Sherwood, was elected.
Peal Compositions Committee:
(RW 20 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr W E Critchley, seconded by Mr R F B Speed, the committee was asked to consider the feasibility of publishing small collections of recent compositions to complement existing collections.
Messrs W E Critchley (chairman), S Humphrey, S Jenner, I H Oram, W T Perrins and M C W Sherwood were elected to form the new committee.
Peal Analysis Committee:
(RW 27 June, 4 July 1975)
Amendments to include a peal of spliced Caters and Major at Basingstoke and one of 100-spliced Plain Royal “in hand” at Barrowford containing 3-lead methods, were defeated, and those to accept a peal of Cinques on the 11 bells at Accrington and one of Superlative Surprise Major with a variable hunt bell at Bristol were accepted - the former because of the analogy with the situation regarding 9-bell peals at Basingstoke, and the latter because the composition was considered to mark a significant advance. With these amendments the report was adopted on the proposition of Mr F B Lufkin, seconded by Mr C H Rogers.
The committee (Messrs F B Lufkin (chairman), N J Diserens and C H Rogers, and Canon K W H Felstead) was re-elected.
Publications Committee:
(RW 27 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr G R Drew, seconded by Mr W G Wilson.
It was agreed that the following method collections should be prepared for publication:
(a) Doubles: a revised version of the present Collection to be prepared by the Methods Committee during the next 12 months;
(b) Minor: the present collection to be reprinted, and the Computer Co-ordination Committee to prepare in addition a complete collection;
(c) Plain Major: a revised collection to be prepared by the Methods Committee in consultation with the Computer Co-ordination Committee.
Messrs G R Drew (chairman), C J Groome, E C Shepherd and W G Wilson were elected to form the new committee.
Public Relations Committee:
(RW 27 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr G W Pipe, seconded by Mr E Billings. Mrs J S King (chairman) and Messrs G W Pipe and H N Pitstow were elected to form the new committee.
Records Committee:
(RW 27 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr F T Blagrove, seconded by Mr D E Sibson.
The committee (Messrs D E Sibson (chairman), F T Blagrove, G Dodds, J R Mayne and C A Wratten) was re-elected.
Committee for Redundant Bells:
(RW 27 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr D Beresford, seconded by Mr J Freeman.
Mr D Beresford (chairman), the President of the Council, Mrs M J Wilkinson, Dean Thurlow, Canon Felstead, and Messrs G A Dawson, J Freeman, A J Frost, G Nabb and F Sharpe were elected to form the new committee.
The Ringing World Committee:
(RW 27 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr W G Wilson, seconded by Mr D A Bayles, subject to the addition of “35 technical articles” to the list of contents in the first paragraph.
Mr W G Wilson (chairman), Mrs J S King, Mrs A Newing, and Messrs D A Bayles, H W Egglestone and R F B Speed were elected to form the new committee.
Towers and Belfries Committee:
(RW 27 June 1975)
Adopted on the proposition of the Revd J G M Scott, seconded by Mr A J Frost.
A motion, proposed by Mrs O L Rogers and seconded by Mr H W Rogers:-
“That in view of the recent avoidable destruction by fire of the interior of the tower at S Leonard’s church, Streatham, and other such examples, the Towers and Belfries Committee should investigate and report on preventative measures for the avoidance of fire damage in towers.”
was lost, after it had been pointed out that general advice was in the committee’s Towers and Bells Handbook, and specific advice was obtainable free from local fire authorities. The Revd J G M Scott (chairman) and Messrs B Austin, J C Baldwin, W L Exton, J Freeman, A J Frost, F E Collins, G W Massey, F Reynolds, F Sharpe, B D Threlfall and S C Walters were elected to form the new committee.
Administrative Committee:
(RW 4 July 1975)
Adoption on the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by Mrs O D Barnett, subject to Mrs Barnett being shown as having attended five meetings.
After a ballot, Mrs O D Barnett, Mrs J Staniforth, Messrs W B Cartwright, P A Corby, C Crossthwaite, F E Dukes, P M J Gray, J Freeman, W F Moreton, B D Threlfall, R F B Speed, and Dean Thurlow were elected to the committee.
After invitations had been received from both the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association and the Derby Diocesan Guild for 1977, the latter was accepted on a show of hands. It was agreed that the meeting should be held at the Spring Bank Holiday.
On the motion of the President, the Council’s thanks were extended to the Lincoln Diocesan Guild for its arrangements for the weekend and the meeting; to the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln for allowing the Council to have its Communion service in the Cathedral and the Bishop and Dean for officiating; to the various incumbents for the use of their bells; to those who had prepared and served lunch; to Miss D E Colgate for taking the notes of the meeting; and to the Secretary.
Members | |||
Societies | Present | Absent | |
Wholly represented | 52 | 129 | - |
Partly represented | 12 | 23 | 21 |
Not represented | 1 | - | 1 |
65 | 152 | 22 | |
Life members | 7 | 3 | |
Honorary members | 17 | 6 | |
176 | 31 | ||
The Ringing World, February 27, 1976, pages 193 to 194, correction February 11, 1977, page 130
(Archivist’s note: also absent were J. F. Smallwood (Life), Sir J. Betjeman (Honorary), J. Hine, H. Pidler and A. Tapper (Devon Assn.), P. J. Rothera (Essex Assn.), D. J. Roberts (Guild of Devonshire Ringers), B. R. Care (Peterborough Dio. Guild) and G. Francis and J. R. Norris (Sussex County Assn.))