Life Members: E. A. Barnett, J. Freeman, F. W. Perrens, E. C. Shepherd, the Very Revd A G G Thurlow, W G Wilson.
Honorary Members: Mrs O D Barnett, H C Chant, F E Collins, C W Denyer, R H Dove, G R Drew, Mrs S M Drew, Canon K W H Felstead, D Hughes, S J Ivin, C K Lewis, J R Mayne, G W Pipe, R B Smith, R F B Speed, W H Viggers, Mrs M J Wilkinson, Mrs M A Wratten.
Ancient Society of College Youths: W T Cook, D E House, J G A Prior, A N Stubbs.
Australia & New Zealand Assn: P M J Gray.
Bath & Wells Dio Assn: G W Massey, E Naylor, A H Reed, J S Walton.
Bedfordshire Assn: J H Edwards, A E Rushton.
Beverley & District Society: I G Campbell.
Cambridge U Guild: B D Threlfall, S C Walters.
Carlisle Dio Guild: R W D Wetenhall.
Chester Dio Guild: A P Foster, A J Martin, A F Scholfield, M Thomson.
Coventry Dio Guild: P Border, H M Windsor.
Derby Dio Assn: G A Halls, D Hird, M P Phipps.
Devon Assn: B E Bartlett.
Durham & Newcastle Dio Assn: K Arthur, D A Bayles, D Martin.
Durham U Society: C C Monson.
E Derbyshire & W Notts Assn: A Dempster.
E Grinstead & District Guild: A N Brock.
Ely Dio Assn: A M Barber, G E Bonham.
Essex Assn: Dr J Armstrong, F B Lufkin, P J Rothera.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio Assn: L C Edwards, A R Peake, J R Taylor, C A Wratten.
Guildford Dio Guild: M J Church, D E Parsons, T Skilton.
Guild of Devonshire Ringers: J M Clarke, D J Roberts, the Revd J G M Scott, W Simmonds.
Hereford Dio Guild: P Hughes, R G Powell, A T Wingate.
Hertford County Assn: A R Agg, G Penney, G Dodds, R E Hardy.
Irish Assn: F E Dukes, J T Dunwoody.
Kent County Assn: P A Corby, I H Oram, S Jenner, M J Hiller.
Ladies Guild: Miss D E Colgate, Mrs P J Staniforth, Mrs J Summerhayes.
Lancashire Assn: C Crossthwaite, D R Jones, J Kershaw, F Reynolds.
Leeds U Society: A M Glover.
Leicester Dio Guild: B L Burrows, P J Staniforth, B G Warwick.
Lincoln Dio Guild: G E Feirn, D A Frith, J L Millhouse, P H Reynolds.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio Assn: Dr J C Baldwin, Mrs J S King, M J Pryor.
London County Assn: H W Rogers, Mrs O L Rogers, Dr J M Weddell.
Manchester U Guild: M C W Sherwood.
Middlesex County Assn & London Dio Guild: F T Blagrove, T J Lock, C H Rogers, B C Watson.
Midland Counties Guild: J K Smith.
National Police Guild: N S Bagworth.
N American Guild: W A Theobald.
N Staffordshire Assn: E Nixon.
N Wales Assn: Mrs N M Randles.
Norwich Dio Assn: H W Barrett, M Cubitt, F N Golden.
Oxford Dio Guild: W Butler, K J Darvill, N J Diserens, Dr T G Pett.
Oxford Society: F A H Wilkins.
Oxford U Society: J E Camp, D J Roaf.
Peterborough Dio Guild: E Billings, B R Care, C J Groome, J M Tyler.
Railwaymen’s Guild: E J Franklin.
S David’s Dio Guild: J H Payton.
S Martin’s Guild: T R Hampton, R W Pipe.
Salisbury Dio Guild: E J Hitchins, R G W Robertson, N O Skelton.
Scottish Assn: T Lewis.
Shropshire Assn: R B Dorrington, Mrs A E Stevens.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: J S Barnes, D Beresford, D E Sibson, P M Wilkinson.
Society of Sherwood Youths: G A Dawson.
Southwell Dio Guild: W L Exton, S Humphrey, R B Mills, Mrs B N Reed.
Stafford Archd Society: B Harris, C M Smith.
Suffolk Guild: T N J Bailey, H W Egglestone, C W Pipe, the Revd L R Pizzey.
Surrey Assn: R J Cooles, S F Kimber, C F Mew.
Sussex County Assn: C J Champion, P T Hurcombe, R Percy, D D Smith.
Swansea & Brecon Dio Guild: J A Hoare.
Truro Dio Guild: W C Boucher, F M Bowers, W R Curtis, Miss J H Dash.
Universities Assn: the Revd M C C Melville.
University of Bristol Society: Mrs A Newing.
University of London Society: A J Frost.
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio Guild: K S B Croft, G K Dodd, J Hartless.
Worcestershire & District Assn: A C Berry, W B Cartwright, M D Fellows, R G Morris.
Yorkshire Assn: S J Gullick, E Hudson, W F Moreton, D E Potter.
The S Derbyshire and N Leics Association was not represented.
The Secretary (Mr C A Wratten) reported that 65 societies were affiliated, with 174 representative members. The Rules provided for 24 Honorary members, and there were nine Life members, making a total membership of 207. Only one subscription had not been paid. (Secretary’s note: the subscription was received after the meeting).
Apologies were received from Messrs W Ayre, N Chaddock, J E Collins, T Cooper, J W Cotton, J G Gipson, N V Harding, J M Jelley, R J Johnston, D McEndoo, T Page, H N Pitstow, G W Randall, D Sloman, P Taylor, M J Uphill, and T W White.
The following were welcomed by the President, Mr E A Barnett: Messrs A F Scholfield and M Thomson (Chester), W Simmonds (Devonshire Guild), B Harris (Stafford), P T Hurcombe and D D Smith (Sussex), J Hartless (Winchester & Portsmouth), D E Potter (Yorkshire), D Hird (Derby), and R Percy (Sussex). The last two had joined the Council in 1975 the remainder in 1976.
Mr W Butler was proposed by Mr W G Wilson and seconded by Mr J Freeman, and Mr W T Cook was proposed by Mr B D Threlfall and seconded by Mr P A Corby. In the ballot, Mr Cook received 101 votes and Mr Butler 67, and Mr Cook was accordingly elected Honorary Librarian of the Council.
After a ballot, Messrs C W Denyer, G R Drew, Mrs S M Drew, Mr G W Pipe and Mrs M J Wilkinson were re-elected and Messrs W E Critchley and W H Dobbie elected.
The President reported the deaths of the following past members of the Council, members standing in silence: Messrs W A Osborn (Honorary, 1948-74), B A Sollis (E Derbys & W Notts, 1960-63), T M Roderick (Llandaff & Monmouth, 1951-75), F Sharpe (Honorary, 1939-54; Life since 1954), E C Birkett (Police, 1957-65), E Guise (Gloucs & Bristol, 1925-28 and 1932-47), and Canon C E Wigg (Oxford University, 1935-54).
On the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by Mr D E Sibson, the Minutes as circulated to members and published in ‘The Ringing World’ of 30 April 1976 were accepted, subject to the addition of the following after Recommendation (c) of the Library Committee report:
“Mr J E Camp proposed, and Mr F Reynolds seconded, the next business, and this was agreed on a show of hands.”
Report of the Honorary Secretary:
(‘RW’ 25 June 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by Mr D E Sibson.
Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(‘RW’ 9 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by Mr D E Sibson.
Mr F Sharpe having died before writing his report on the Librarian’s work during 1975, there was no formal report. Mr W G Wilson said that the £50 allocated to the Library for maintenance and equipment in 1975 had been spent or committed on rebinding books.
Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(‘RW’ 25 June 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr D Hughes, seconded by Mrs O D Barnett. Mr W H Dobbie was elected a trustee on the proposition of Mr B D Threlfall, seconded by Mr D E Sibson.
On behalf of the Administrative Committee Mr P A Corby proposed, and Mrs O D Barnett seconded:
“That Rule 12(iv) be amended to read:
The other committees shall consist of not more than five elected members unless a greater number shall be decided by the Council before nominations are accepted. Members shall be chosen by ballot if nominations exceed the agreed membership. Each of these committees shall have power to co-opt not more than two members of the Council.”
After an amendment, proposed by Mr J E Camp and seconded by Mr J G A Prior, that the Rule should be amended with effect from the Council meeting to be held in 1978, had been defeated, the motion was passed.
On behalf of the Administrative Committee Mr C A Wratten proposed, and Mr P M J Gray seconded, the following three motions:
“That a committee, to be known as the Library Committee and to be responsible on behalf of the Council for the care and maintenance of the Council’s Library, be formed. The Honorary Librarian shall be chairman of the committee.”
“That the Council authorises the Library Committee to spend up to £200 as may be necessary on the Library during its first year.”
“That the Library Committee reports to the Council in 1977 on its future financial requirements, and its recommendations as to how these should be met.”
The motions were debated and voted on separately, and all were passed. A Library Committee consisting of Messrs W T Cook (chairman), J S Barnes, D E House and P M Wilkinson was elected. The Hon Secretary said that any monies still unspent from grants made to the Library in 1975 would count as part of the £200 made available to the Library in 1976-77.
On behalf of the joint Methods and Records Committees Mr F T Blagrove proposed, and Mr D E Sibson seconded:
“That the Council’s Decisions on Peal Ringing be amended as follows:
C.4. Add at end: ‘In peals of Doubles and/or Minor, the methods rung in each extent and/ or round block shall be listed separately.’
D.c. Delete ‘The Ringing World’ and substitute ‘the Chairman of the Records Committee.’”
The two parts of the motion were voted on separately, and both were passed.
On behalf of the joint Methods and Records Committees Mr F T Blagrove proposed, and Mr D E Sibson seconded:
“That the Council’s Decisions on Methods and Calls be amended as follows:
A.1. Insert at the beginning of the paragraph: ‘A change is the progress from one row (permutation) to the next, effected by the interchange of bells in adjacent positions in the rows.’
A.2. Delete the sentence starting ‘For methods with hunt bells …’
B.1. Amend ‘places’ in the last sentence to read ‘positions.’
B.2. Insert the following:
‘(h) Double methods shall have the prefix “Double” in their title. The corresponding method with no internal places below the treble shall have the same name and the prefix “Single.”’
B.3. Amend the first sentence to finish ‘the number of dodges in each position pair being the same.’
C. Amend the second sentence to start ‘With the treble as principal hunt, being generally unaffected by calls …’
D.5. Add at the end: ‘and the approval of the Council.’”
The individual items of the motion were voted on separately, and the first six were agreed. The proposer and seconder agreed to a suggestion by Mr J E Camp that the final item should be amended to read “subject to the power of the Council to change the name if it considers it necessary” and in this form the item was agreed.
Administrative Committee:
(‘RW’ 25 June 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr C A Wratten, seconded by Mr F E Dukes.
Biographies Committee:
(‘RW’ 25 June 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr T J Lock, seconded by Mr W H Viggers.
Towers and Belfries Committee:
(‘RW’ 25 June 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of the Revd J G M Scott, seconded by Mr B D Threlfall.
The Secretary undertook to pursue the matter of providing insurance cover for the members of the committee while engaged in work on the Council’s behalf.
Committee for Redundant Bells:
(‘RW’ 25 June, 2 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr D Beresford, seconded by Mr J Freeman.
Bell Restoration Funds Committee:
(‘RW’ 2 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr J S Barnes, seconded by Mr G A Halls. The President said that copies of the committee’s survey of existing bell restoration funds would be sent to all affiliated societies.
Methods Committee:
(‘RW’ 2 July 1976)
The Council took note of the report, which was proposed by Mr F T Blagrove and seconded by Mr S J Ivin; it was decided that it should be published in ‘The Ringing World’, and considered again after any comments had been received.
Records Committee:
(‘RW’ 2 July 1976, with corrections in ‘RW’ 23 July 1976, p617)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr D E Sibson, seconded by Mr J R Mayne.
Peal Compositions Committee:
(‘RW’ 2 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr W E Critchley, seconded by Mr I H Oram.
Computer Co-ordination Committee:
(‘RW’ 2 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr J R Taylor, seconded by Dr J C Baldwin.
Peals Analysis Committee:
(‘RW’ 2 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr F B Lufkin, seconded by Mr C H Rogers. Mr Lufkin said that Prof R J Johnston had been co-opted to the committee.
‘The Ringing World’ Committee:
(‘RW’ 9 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr W G Wilson, seconded by Mrs A Newing.
Public Relations Committee:
(‘RW’ 9 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mrs J S King, seconded by Mr G W Pipe.
Education Committee:
(‘RW’ 9 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr W Butler, seconded by Mr J M Tyler.
Publications Committee:
(‘RW’ 9 July 1976)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr G R Drew, seconded by Mr C J Groome.
After discussion about the date of the 1977 meeting in Derby, which seemed likely to coincide with the official celebrations of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, the President said that the Administrative Committee would resolve the question in consultation with the Derby Diocesan Association. A show of hands showed a preference for the meeting to be held on Wednesday, 8 June, should the Jubilee Day be 7 June.
Mr C W Pipe advocated the idea of shorter peals, and asked members to seek their societies’ reactions to the concept.
On the motion of the President, the Council’s thanks were extended to the Hereford Diocesan Guild for its arrangements for the meeting and the whole weekend; to the Dean and Chapter of Hereford for allowing the Council to hold its Communion service in the Cathedral, and to the Deans of Hereford and Gloucester for officiating; and to the various incumbents for the use of their bells. The Vice-President (the Revd J G M Scott) thanked the President for his conduct of the meeting, and the Secretary and his wife for their work; and Mr W G Wilson thanked Miss D E Colgate for taking notes of the meeting.
Members | |||
Societies | Present | Absent | |
Wholly represented | 49 | 121 | - |
Partly represented | 15 | 35 | 17 |
Not represented | 1 | - | 1 |
65 | 156 | 18 | |
Life members | 6 | 3 | |
Honorary members | 18 | 6 | |
180 | 27 |
The Ringing World, February 11, 1977, pages 130 to 131
(Archivist’s note: also absent were J. F. Smallwood (Life), B. Austin, Sir J. Betjeman and F. A. White (Honorary), T. W. Groom (Bedfordshire Assn.), J. Hine, H. Pidler and A. Tapper (Devon Assn.), B. J. Woodruffe (Salisbury Dio. Guild) and G. Nabb (Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild))