

Minutes of the Third Session of the Thirtieth Council (83rd Annual Meeting), held at the King Edward VI School, Southampton, on Tuesday, 27 May, 1980.


Life Members: E. A. Barnett, C. W. Denyer, J. Freeman, F. W. Perrens, E. C. Shepherd, the Very Revd. A. G. G. Thurlow, W. G. Wilson.
Honorary Members: Mrs. O. D. Barnett, H. Chant, F. E. Collins, W. H. Dobbie, G. R. Drew, Mrs. S. M. Drew, H. W. Egglestone, the Revd. Canon K. W. H. Felstead, D. Hughes, C. K. Lewis, J. R. Mayne, R. B. Smith, P. L. Taylor, W. H. Viggers, Mrs. P. M. Wilkinson, Mrs. M. A. Wratten.
Ancient Society of College Youths: W. T. Cook, D. E. House, A. N. Stubbs, A. W. R. Wilby.
Australia & New Zealand Assn.: R. F. Eccles, P. M. J. Gray.
Bath & Wells Dio. Assn.: G. W. Massey, E. Naylor, A. H. Reed, J. S. Walton.
Bedfordshire Assn.: J. H. Edwards, K. Lewin.
Beverley & Dist. Society: I. G. Campbell.
Cambridge Univ. Guild: B. D. Threlfall, S. C. Walters.
Carlisle Dio. Guild: S. Richardson.
Chester Dio. Guild: P. Dyson, E. Hotine, A. J. Martin, I. R. Nichols.
Coventry Dio. Guild: P. Border, K. Chambers, H. M. Windsor.
Derby Dio. Assn.: T. Ball, G. A. Halls, D. Hird.
Durham & Newcastle Dio. Assn.: A. G. Craddock, D. Martin, P. Rogers.
Durham Univ. Society: C. C. Monson.
E. Derbyshire & W. Notts. Assn.: A. Dempster.
E. Grinstead & Dist. Guild: A. N. Brock.
Ely Dio. Assn.: G. E. Bonham.
Essex Assn.: J. Armstrong, F. B. Lufkin, D. Sloman, O. C. R. Webster.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio. Assn.: B. Bladon, L. C. Edwards, J. R. Taylor, C. A. Wratten.
Guildford Dio. Guild: M. J. Church, T. Page, D. E. Parsons, P. G. Smart.
Guild of Devonshire Ringers: F. D. Mack, D. J. Roberts, the Revd. J. G. M. Scott.
Hereford Dio. Guild: R. G. Powell.
Hertford County Assn.: A. R. Agg, G. Dodds, R. E. Hardy, G. Penney.
Irish Assn.: F. E. Dukes, J. T. Dunwoody, W. A. Patterson.
Kent County Assn.: P. A. Corby, D. M. Joyce, D. H. Niblett.
Ladies Guild: Miss D. E. Colgate, Mrs. J. Staniforth, Mrs. J. Summerhayes.
Lancashire Assn.: C. Crossthwaite, D. R. Jones, J. Kershaw, F. Reynolds.
Leeds Univ. Society: C. J. Frye.
Leicester Dio. Guild: B. L. Burrows, J. M. Jelley, P. J. Staniforth, B. G. Warwick.
Lincoln Dio. Guild: G. E. Feirn, D. A. Frith, J. L. Millhouse, M. A. Rose.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio. Assn.: J. C. Baldwin, I. M. Holland, Mrs. J. S. King.
London County Assn.: H. W. Rogers, Mrs. O. L. Rogers, J. T. Shepard, Dr. J. M. Weddell.
Manchester Univ. Guild: M. C. W. Sherwood.
Middlesex County Assn. & London Dio. Guild: F. T. Blagrove, T. J. Lock, C. H. Rogers, D. W. Struckett.
Midland Counties Guild: M. Quimby.
National Police Guild: A. W. Gibbs.
N. Staffordshire Assn.: E. Nixon.
N. Wales Assn.: G. Parting, Mrs. N. M. Randles.
Norwich Dio. Assn.: F. C. J. Arnold, J. B. Pickup, J. R. Smith.
Oxford Dio. Guild: W. Butler, K. J. Darvill, H. Lawrenson, T. G. Pett.
Oxford Society: F. A. H. Wilkins.
Oxford Univ. Society: P. N. Mounsey, D. J. Roaf.
Peterborough Dio. Guild: E. Billings, C. J. Groome, R. F. B. Speed, J. M. Tyler.
Railwaymen’s Guild: T. Skilton.
St. Martin’s Guild: T. R. Hampton, R. W. Pipe.
Salisbury Dio. Guild: E. J. Hitchins, P. L. J. Matthews, R. G. W. Robertson.
Scottish Assn.: N. E. Booth.
Shropshire Assn.: P. J. Everall, F. M. Mitchell.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: J. S. Barnes, I. H. Oram, D. E. Sibson, P. M. Wilkinson.
Society of Sherwood Youths: G. A. Dawson.
Southwell Dio. Guild: W. L. Exton, R. B. Mills, B. A. Richards.
Stafford Archd. Society: S. G. Pick, C. M. Smith.
Suffolk Guild: T. N. J. Bailey, J. L. Girt, the Revd. L. R. Pizzey, R. C. Whiting.
Surrey Assn.: E. G. H. Godfrey, S. F. W. Kimber, C. F. Mew.
Sussex County Assn.: A. R. Baldock, C. J. Champion, P. T. Hurcombe, I. V. J. Smith.
Truro Dio. Guild: W. C. Boucher, Mrs. M. P. Byrne, R. L. Byrne, Miss J. H. Dash.
Universities Assn.: the Revd. M. C. C. Melville.
Univ. of Bristol Society: Mrs. A. Newing.
Univ. of London Society: A. J. Frost.
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild: R. Cater, K. S. B. Croft, J. Hartless, D. C. Jackson.
Worcestershire & Dists. Assn.: A. C. Berry, M. D. Fellows, R. G. Morris.
Yorkshire Assn.: A. Moreton, W. F. Moreton, D. E. Potter, D. Town.

The Devon Association, North American Guild, St. David’s Diocesan Guild, S. Derbyshire & N. Leicestershire Association, and Swansea & Brecon Diocesan Guild were not represented.

Report as to membership:

The Secretary (Mr. C. A. Wratten) reported that 65 societies were affiliated, with 172 representatives. The Rules provided for 24 Honorary members, and there were eight Life members, making a possible total membership of 204; there were three vacancies. All subscriptions except two had been paid.

Apologies for absence:

Apologies for absence had been received from Messrs. T. W. White (Life member); D. A. Bayles, R. H. Dove, S. J. Ivin and H. N. Pitstow (Honorary members); and W. B. Cartwright, J. M. Clarke, T. Cooper, J. G. Gipson, J. A. Hoare, P. L. Hughes, W. H. Jackson, R. J. Palmer, N. O. Skelton, W. A. Theobald and A. T. Wingate (representative members).

Welcome to new members:

The President (Mr. E. A. Barnett) welcomed Messrs. A. J. Martin and I. R. Nichols (Chester), S. G. Pick (Stafford), D. C. Jackson (Winchester & Portsmouth) and D. Town (Yorkshire), all of whom had been elected in 1980, and W. A. Patterson (Irish) who had been elected in 1979.

Election of Life member:

Mr. F. E. Collins was elected a Life member of the council in recognition of his work over many years for ringing in general and the Towers and Belfries Committee in particular, on the proposition of the Revd. J. G. M. Scott, seconded by Mr. K. S. B. Croft.

Election of Honorary members:

Mrs. O. D. Barnett and Messrs. H. Chant, R. J. Cooles, R. H. Dove, C. K. Lewis, J. R. Mayne, and M. H. D. O’Callaghan were elected Honorary members. Three vacancies were left unfilled.

Loss of members through death:

Members stood in silence as the President reported the deaths of the following: Messrs. F. W. Bailey (Midland, 1927-30), J. H. Bluff (Peterborough, 1966-72), A. L. Bennett (Devonshire Guild, 1957-60), T. R. Butler (Police, 1950-57), E. Hudson (Yorkshire, 1966-69 and 1975-79), B. E. Bartlett (Devonshire Association, 1961-78), J. S. Seager (Sheffield & District, 1967-73; Yorkshire, 1973-74), W. F. Judge (Oxford Society, 1946-53), J. L. Garner-Hayward (Coventry, 1960-62; Honorary, 1966-73), and the Revd. Canon W. R. Ingham (Chester, 1933-36).

Minutes of the previous meeting:
(R.W. 8 February 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mrs. O. D. Barnett, subject to the correction therein of the name of the Oxford University Society.

Report of the Hon. Secretary:
(R.W. 11 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. Wratten, seconded by Mr. D. Potter.

Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(R.W. 11 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. Wratten, seconded by Mr. K. S. B. Croft.

Report of the Trustee of the Rolls of Honour:
(R.W. 11 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. T. Cook, seconded by Mr. Wratten.

Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(R.W. 11 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. D. Hughes, seconded by Mr. W. H. Dobbie.

Committee Reports:

Administrative Committee
(R.W. 11 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mr. F. E. Dukes, after a proposal by Mr. C. J. Groome, seconded by Mr. J. S. Barnes, that the paragraph relating to honorary membership should be referred back, had been defeated.

Towers & Belfries
(R.W. 11 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of the Revd. J. G. M. Scott, seconded by Mr. B. D. Threlfall. The Council noted that the committee had elected Mr. Threlfall as its chairman in succession to the Revd. J. G. M. Scott; and elected Mr. D. Potter to the committee to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Mr. S. C. Walters.

Bell Restoration Funds
(R.W. 11 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. J. S. Barnes, seconded by Mr. M. J. Church. The committee’s surveys of societies’ bell restoration funds and of unringable bells were described by Messrs. M. J. Church and G. A. Halls respectively. The Secretary said that copies of the surveys would be sent to all affiliated societies.

Redundant Bells
(R.W. 18 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mrs. J. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. A. J. Frost. Mr. K. S. B. Croft, hitherto a co-opted member of the committee, was elected a full member.

“The Ringing World”
(R.W. 18 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. R. F. B. Speed, seconded by Mr. H. W. Egglestone. Mr. Speed assured the Council that at its next meeting the committee would carefully consider a number of points made by members on the financing of the journal.

(R.W. 18 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. G. R. Drew, seconded by Mr. C. J. Groome.

(R.W. 18 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. Butler, seconded by Mr. J. M. Tyler. The Council noted that Messrs. R. G. Morris and D. E. Parsons had been co-opted to the committee.

Public Relations
(R.W. 18 July 1980)

After the third paragraph of the report had been amended to start “We consider these aims should now be the ‘terms of reference’ …”, the report was adopted on the proposition of Mrs. J. S. King, seconded by Mr. P. G. Smart.

(R.W. 18 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. T. Cook, seconded by Mr. D. M. Joyce, after the Council had decided to refer the question of the Library’s insurance to the Administrative Committee.

(R.W. 18 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. T. J. Lock, seconded by Mr. G. A. Dawson. The Council noted that Mrs. O. D. Barnett had been co-opted to the committee.

The committee’s chairman presented a copy of Sir Arthur Heywood’s “Minimum Gauge Railways” to the Council’s Library.

(R.W. 18 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. M. C. W. Sherwood, seconded by Mr. F. T. Blagrove.

(R.W. 18, 25 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. D. E. Sibson, seconded by Mr. J. R. Mayne.

Peals Analysis
(R.W. 25 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. F. B. Lufkin, seconded by Mr. C. H. Rogers, after a proposal by Mrs. A. Newing on behalf of the Bristol University Society that a 5040 of Treble Jump Minor be recognised had failed to obtain a seconder, and a proposal by Mr. D. Hird, seconded by Mr. R. B. Smith, that ‘a peal on 12 bells’ at Nottingham on 13 August 1980 be recognised, had been defeated.

Mr. F. M. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. B. L. Burrows, proposed that a peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor rung at Strensham in 1977 and rejected by the Council in 1979 on the recommendation of the Peals Analysis Committee, should be referred back with an instruction to the committee either to accept it or to propose a change of Rule. The proposition was defeated.

Computer Co-ordination
(R.W. 25 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. J. R. Taylor, seconded by Dr. J. C. Baldwin.

Peal Compositions
(R.W. 25 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. R. W. Pipe, seconded by Mr. R. E. Hardy.

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells
(R.W. 25 July 1980)

Adopted on the proposition of Dean Thurlow, seconded by Mr. G. W. Massey.

Future Meetings:

An invitation from the Bedfordshire Association for the Council to hold its 1982 meeting in Bedfordshire was accepted, as was one from the Beverley & District Society for the 1984 meeting to be in the Beverley area.

Earlier invitations from the Society for the Archdeaconry of Stafford (for 1983) and the Sussex County Association (for 1985) were confirmed, and accepted.

Any other business

By vote the Council agreed to discuss a motion not on the agenda, proposed by Mrs. J. Staniforth and seconded by Mr. R. B. Smith, that

“the Auditors of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers be asked to look into the possibility of forming a finance company, open to Associations and Guilds and to individuals to take up shares in order that ‘The Ringing World’ may be put on a permanent business footing.”

After discussion, the proposition was modified and the Council approved the following revised motion:

“that Mr. M. J. Church and Mr. E. G. H. Godfrey, the Auditors of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers be asked to look into the general financial structure of ‘The Ringing World’ and to make a report, with any recommendations, through the Ringing World and Administrative committees.”

Mr. S. C. Walters was then elected a member of the Administrative Committee, filling the vacancy caused by the transfer of Mr. B. D. Threlfall from elected to ex-officio membership of the committee.

Votes of Thanks:

On behalf of the Council the President thanked the Winchester & Portsmouth Diocesan Guild, the Lord Mayor of Winchester, the Bishop of Southampton, the authorities at Portsmouth and Winchester Cathedrals, the incumbents and ringers of churches that had been visited, and the Headmaster and Bursar of King Edward VI School, for their various contributions to the success of the meeting. He also thanked Miss D. E. Colgate and Mr. C. W. Denyer for their help in recording the meeting, and the Secretary and Mrs. M. A. Wratten for their work through out the year.

Mr. P. A. Corby thanked the President, on behalf of the Council for his conduct of the meeting.

Wholly represented52135-
Partly represented81911
Not represented5-7

Life members71
Honorary members165


The Ringing World, February 6, 1981, pages 133 to 134

(Archivist’s note: also absent were B. Austin (Honorary), T. W. Groom (Bedfordshire Assn.), J. Hine and H. Pidler (Devon Assn.), M. J. Hiller (Kent County Assn.), L. F. Bailey (Norwich Dio. Assn.), R. W. Sherriff (St. David’s Dio. Guild) and J. E. Collins (South Derbys & North Leics Assn.))

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