Life Members: E. A. Barnett, C. W. Denyer, F. W. Perrens, E. C. Shepherd, the Very Revd. A. G. G. Thurlow.
Honorary Members: Mrs. O. D. Barnett, H. C. Chant, F. E. Collins, W. E. Critchley, W. H. Dobbie, R. H. Dove, S. J. Ivin, C. K. Lewis, W. H. Viggers, Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson, Mrs. M. A. Wratten.
Ancient Society of College Youths: W. T. Cook, D. E. House, A. N. Stubbs, A. W. R. Wilby.
Australia & New Zealand Assn.: R. F. Eccles.
Bath & Wells Dio. Assn.: G. W. Massey, E. Naylor, A. H. Reed, J. S. Walton.
Bedfordshire Assn.: K. Lewin.
Beverley & Dist. Society: I. G. Campbell.
Cambridge Univ. Guild: S. C. Walters.
Chester Dio. Guild: P. Dyson, A. F. Scholfield, M. Thomson.
Coventry Dio. Guild: P. Border, H. M. Windsor.
Derby Dio. Assn.: T. Ball, G. A. Halls.
Durham & Newcastle Dio. Assn.: A. G. Craddock, D. Martin.
Durham Univ. Society: C. C. Monson.
E. Derbyshire & W. Notts. Assn.: A. Dempster.
E. Grinstead & Dist. Guild: A. N. Brock.
Ely Dio. Assn.: G. E. Bonham, J. G. Gipson.
Essex Assn.: J. Armstrong, F. B. Lufkin, D. Sloman, O. C. R. Webster.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio. Assn.: B. Bladon, L. C. Edwards, J. R. Taylor, C. A. Wratten.
Guildford Dio. Guild: M. J. Church, T. Page, D. E. Parsons, P. G. Smart.
Guild of Devonshire Ringers: F. Mack, D. J. Roberts, the Revd. J. G. M. Scott.
Hereford Dio. Guild: R. G. Powell.
Hertford County Assn.: A. R. Agg, G. Dodds, R. E. Hardy.
Irish Assn.: F. E. Dukes.
Kent County Assn.: P. A. Corby, M. J. Hiller, D. M. Joyce, D. H. Niblett.
Ladies Guild: Miss D. E. Colgate, Mrs. J. Summerhayes.
Lancashire Assn.: C. Crossthwaite, D. R. Jones, J. Kershaw, F. Reynolds.
Leeds Univ. Society: C. J. Frye.
Leicester Dio. Guild: B. L. Burrows, J. M. Jelley, B. G. Warwick.
Lincoln Dio. Guild: G. E. Feirn, D. A. Frith, J. L. Millhouse, M. A. Rose.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio. Assn.: J. C. Baldwin, I. M. Holland, Mrs. J. S. King.
London County Assn.: H. W. Rogers, Mrs. O. L. Rogers.
Manchester Univ. Guild: M. C. W. Sherwood.
Middlesex County Assn. & London Dio. Guild: F. T. Blagrove, T. J. Lock, C. H. Rogers, D. W. Struckett.
Midland Counties Guild: M. Quimby.
National Police Guild: A. W. Gibbs.
N. American Guild: W. H. Jackson.
N. Wales Assn.: G. Parting, Mrs. N. M. Randles.
Norwich Dio. Assn.: F. C. J. Arnold, J. B. Pickup, J. R. Smith.
Oxford Dio. Guild: W. Butler, K. J. Darvill, H. Lawrenson, T. G. Pett.
Oxford Society: F. A. H. Wilkins.
Oxford Univ. Guild Society: P. N. Mounsey.
Peterborough Dio. Guild: E. Billings, C. J. Groome, R. F. B. Speed, J. M. Tyler.
Railwaymen’s Guild: T. Skilton.
St. Martin’s Guild: T. R. Hampton, R. W. Pipe.
Salisbury Dio. Guild: E. J. Hitchins, P. L. J. Matthews, R. G. W. Robertson.
Scottish Assn.: N. E. Booth.
Shropshire Assn.: P. J. Everall, F. M. Mitchell.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: J. S. Barnes, I. H. Oram, D. E. Sibson, P. M. Wilkinson.
Society of Sherwood Youths: G. A. Dawson.
Southwell Dio. Guild: B. A. Richards.
Stafford Archd. Society: B. Harris, C. M. Smith.
Suffolk Guild: T. N. J. Bailey, J. L. Girt, Revd. L. R. Pizzey, R. C. Whiting.
Surrey Assn.: E. G. H. Godfrey, S. F. Kimber, C. F. Mew.
Sussex County Assn.: A. R. Baldock, C. J. Champion, I. V. J. Smith.
Swansea & Brecon Dio. Guild: J. A. Hoare.
Truro Dio. Guild: W. C. Boucher, Mrs. M. P. Byrne, R. L. Byrne, Miss J. H. Dash.
Universities Assn.: Revd. M. C. C. Melville.
Univ. of Bristol Society: Mrs. A. Newing.
Univ. of London Society: A. J. Frost.
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild: R. Cater, K. S. B. Croft, J. Hartless.
Worcestershire & Dists. Assn.: A. C. Berry, W. B. Cartwright, M. D. Fellows, R. G. Morris.
Yorkshire Assn.: E. Hudson, A. Moreton, W. F. Moreton, D. Potter.
The Carlisle Diocesan Guild, Devon Association, North Staffordshire Association, St. David’s Diocesan Guild and South Derbyshire and North Leicestershire Association were not represented.
The Secretary (Mr. C. A. Wratten) reported that 65 societies were affiliated, with 172 representatives. The Rules provided for 24 Honorary members, and there were eight Life members, making a total membership of 204; there was one vacancy. All subscriptions had been paid.
Apologies for absence had been received from Messrs. J. Freeman, T. White and W. G. Wilson (Life members); D. A. Bayles, G. R. Drew, Mrs. S. M. Drew, H. W. Egglestone, Canon K. W. H. Felstead, D. Hughes, J. R. Mayne, G. W. Pipe, H. N. Pitstow, R. B. Smith and P. L. Taylor (Honorary members); and K. F. Chambers, J. T. Dunwoody, J. H. Edwards, W. L. Exton, P. M. J. Gray, D. Hird, I. M. Holland, E. Hotine, P. T. Hurcombe, B. Mills, E. Nixon, R. J. Palmer, W. A. Patterson, G. Penney, R. R. Savory, J. T. Shepard, N. O. Skelton, Mrs. J. Staniforth, P. J. Staniforth, W. A. Theobald, B. D. Threlfall and Dr. J. M. Weddell (representative members).
The President welcomed Messrs. R. Eccles (Australian & New Zealand), K. Lewin (Bedfordshire), P. Dyson (Chester), G. Parting (N. Wales), P. J. Everall (Shropshire), I. V. J. Smith (Sussex) and A. Moreton (Yorkshire).
W. H. Dobbie, G. R. Drew, Mrs. S. M. Drew and Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson were elected; three further vacancies were not filled. The President agreed to a request from Mr. C. J. Groome that the Administrative Committee should consider whether there was any case for changing the title of “Honorary members” or for the Council having both honorary and co-opted members, and said that the committee would report at the next meeting of the Council.
Members stood in silence as the President reported the deaths of the following: Messrs. F. T. Waite (Glos. & Bristol, 1945-47), A. E. Rushton (Bedfordshire, 1960-78), T. R. Boreham (Glos. & Bristol, 1954-60), J. P. Fidler (Leicester, 1946-51, Honorary, 1951-67), the Ven. C. O. Ellison (Yorkshire, 1948-51), J. Phillips (Llandaff & Monmouth, 1930-32), H. Walker (Doncaster & Dist., 1927-30), J. F. Smallwood (Honorary 1939-51, ASCY 1951-65, Life since 1965), G. S. G. Joyce (Guildford, 1957-60), and H. Miles (Oxford US, 1929-34, Truro, 1948-62).
Minutes of the previous meeting:
(R.W. 2 March 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mrs. O. D. Barnett, subject to the deletion of the name of P. L. Hughes (Hereford DG) from the list of those present and the correction of the name of the Oxford University Society.
Report of the Honorary Secretary:
(R.W. 6 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mrs. O. D. Barnett.
The President agreed to a suggestion by Mr. D. Potter that the Administrative Committee should make a detailed investigation of the type and level of insurance cover it considers advisable for ringers, and report to the Council at the next meeting.
Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(R.W. 6 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mr. W. T. Cook.
The President announced that Mr. H. N. Pitstow had resigned as auditor, and thanked him for his many years of service. In accordance with Rule 11, the Administrative Committee would arrange to fill the resulting vacancy.
Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(R.W. 6 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. H. Dobbie, seconded by Mrs. O. D. Barnett.
Report of the Trustee of the Rolls of Honour:
(R.W. 6 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. T. Cook, seconded by Mr. K. S. B. Croft.
Administrative Committee
(R.W. 6 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by the Revd. J. G. M. Scott.
Biographies Committee
(R.W. 6 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. T. J. Lock, seconded by Mr. G. A. Dawson.
Library Committee
(R.W. 13 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. T. Cook, seconded by Mr. D. M. Joyce. Mr. Joyce, a co-opted member of the Committee, was elected to fill a vacancy on the committee resulting from the resignation of Dr. J. C. Baldwin.
The President expressed the Council’s thanks to Cdr. J. D. R. Davies, son of the late Revd. C. P. D. Davies, for the gift to the Library of his father’s ringing papers.
Methods Committee
(R.W. 13 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. M. C. W. Sherwood, seconded by Mr. F. T. Blagrove.
Records Committee
(R.W. 13 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. D. E. Sibson, seconded by Mr. G. Dodds, as was a recommendation by the Committee that the Winchester & Portsmouth DG be asked to obtain or suggest an acceptable name for the method rung by members of the Guild on 14 Feb. 1978 and reported as “Superlative Minor Surprise Major”; or, if it were unable to do so, that the Council should itself decide the name.
Peals Analysis Committee
(R.W. 13 July 1979)
A proposition by Mr. D. E. Potter, seconded by Mr. J. S. Walton, that peals of Doubles which do not conform to the Council’s Decisions should not be accepted, was passed; and one, proposed by Mr. G. A. Dawson, seconded by Mrs. A. Newing, that a peal at St. Paul’s Cathedral on 1 November 1978 be deleted from the Analysis was defeated.
The Committee’s report was then adopted, subject to the deletion of unacceptable peals of Doubles, on the proposition of Mr. F. B. Lufkin, seconded by Mr. C. H. Rogers. Mr. O. C. R. Webster was elected to the Committee, filling the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Dr. R. J. Johnston.
Computer Co-ordination Committee
(R.W. 13 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. J. R. Taylor, seconded by Mr. D. E. Sibson.
Peal Compositions Committee
(R.W. 13 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. E. Critchley, seconded by Mr. R. W. Pipe. Dr. T. G. Pett proposed, and Mr. Critchley seconded, that the Committee’s recommended nomenclature for peal compositions should be adopted by the Council and adhered to in all Council publications, including The Ringing World, and this was agreed.
Publications Committee
(R.W. 13 and 20 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. J. Groome, seconded by Mr. J. R. Taylor.
Education Committee
(R.W. 20 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. Butler, seconded by Mr. J. M. Tyler.
“The Ringing World” Committee
(R.W. 20 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. R. F. B. Speed, seconded by Mrs. A. Newing.
Public Relations Committee
(R.W. 20 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mrs. J. S. King, seconded by Mr. P. G. Smart. Mrs. King reported that Mr. J. L. Girt had been co-opted to the Committee to fill a vacancy left by the resignation from the Council of Mr. G. W. Pipe.
A proposition, proposed by Mr. A. W. R. Wilby and seconded by Mr. J. R. Taylor, that the Committee should write to all affiliated societies, inviting them to elect a public relations officer, was agreed.
Committee for Redundant Bells
(R.W. 20 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. A. J. Frost.
Bell Restoration Funds Committee
(R.W. 20 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of Mr. J. S. Barnes, seconded by Mr. I. H. Oram.
Towers & Belfries Committee
(R.W. 20 July 1979)
Adopted on the proposition of the Revd. J. G. M. Scott, seconded by Mr. A. J. Frost.
Mr. I. G. Campbell moved “that the Council accords Territorial status to the Beverley & District Ringing Society.” Mr. W. F. Moreton seconded. The motion was passed.
Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson moved on behalf of the Committee for Redundant Bells, and Mr. J. S. Barnes seconded on behalf of the Bell Restoration Funds Committee “that the Central Council sets up a fund for the rescue of redundant bells.” The motion was passed.
Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson then moved, and Mr. J. S. Barnes seconded, the adoption of the following rules for the rescue fund:
“The fund shall be known as The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells.
The object of the Fund shall be to advance the Christian religion by the rescue of redundant bells for the purpose of their being rehoused elsewhere for ringing in churches.
The Fund may take any reasonable action for the furtherance of its objects, including the acquisition, removal and storage, of bells, fittings and frames.
Members for the time being of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers shall be members of the Fund.
The President, the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer of the Central Council and the Chairman of the Central Council Bell Restoration Funds Committee for the time being shall be Trustees of the Fund.
The Fund shall be administered by a Committee consisting of the members for the time being of the Central Council Committee for Redundant Bells.
Such bank accounts as may be required shall be opened in the name of the Fund. All cheques drawn on the Fund must be signed by two of the Trustees.
Any monies not required for the immediate purposes of the Fund shall be invested in any manner the Trustees and the Committee acting together may think fit. Any investments must be made in the names of all the Trustees.
The Committee shall have the power to raise funds by any means it sees fit, so long as permanent trading is not engaged in.
Subject to the consent of the Trustees the Committee shall have the power to dispose of bells, fittings, or frames if attempts at rehousing have proved unsuccessful.
The Trustees shall effect such insurances as they from time to time shall deem appropriate.
The Committee shall elect from their number a Chairman, an Honorary Treasurer, and an Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet as at December 31st in each year, and an income and expenditure account for the year ending on that date. The accounts shall be audited by the Honorary Auditors of the Central Council, and presented to the members of the Fund at the next annual meeting of the Central Council.
In the event of the dissolution of the Fund, its assets shall be distributed by the Central Council for the purposes of church bell restoration.
No alteration of, addition to, or deletion from, these rules shall be made so as to cause the Fund at any time to cease to be a charity in law.
No alteration of, addition to, or deletion from, these rules shall be made except at the Annual Meeting of the Central Council, following notice given to the Honorary Secretary of the Central Council at least six weeks prior to the date of the meeting. All alterations to these rules shall require the agreement of two-thirds of those present.”
The motion was passed.
An invitation from the Kent County Association, proposed by Mr. P. A. Corby and seconded by Mr. M. J. Hiller, to the Council to hold its 1981 meeting in Kent, was accepted.
On behalf of the Council the President thanked the Truro Diocesan Guild, the Mayor of Penzance, the Bishop of St. Germans, the Vicar of Penzance, Canon A. S. Roberts, and the various incumbents for their contributions towards the success of the meeting, and to Miss D. E. Colgate and Mr. C. W. Denyer for taking a record of the proceedings.
Mr. P. A. Corby thanked the officers of the Council for their work.
Members | |||
Societies | Present | Absent | |
Wholly represented | 37 | 91 | - |
Partly represented | 23 | 46 | 29 |
Not represented | 5 | - | 6 |
65 | 137 | 35 | |
Life members | 5 | 3 | |
Honorary members | 11 | 12 | |
153 | 50 |
The Ringing World, February 8, 1980, pages 129 to 130, correction February 6, 1981, page 133
(Archivist’s note: also absent were B. Austin (Honorary), T. W. Groom (Bedfordshire Assn.), S. Richardson (Carlisle Dio. Guild), J. Hine and H. Pidler (Devon Assn.), P. Rogers (Durham & Newcastle Dio. Assn.), J. M. Clarke (Guild of Devonshire Ringers), T. Cooper, P. L. Hughes and A. T. Wingate (Hereford Dio. Guild), L. F. Bailey (Norwich Dio. Assn.), D. J. Roaf (Oxford Univ. Society), R. W. Sherriff (St. David’s Dio. Guild) and J. E. Collins (South Derbys & North Leics Assn.))