

Minutes of the First Session of the Thirtieth Council (81st Annual Meeting), held in the Civic Hall, Guildford, on Tuesday, 30 May, 1978.


Life Members: E. A. Barnett, J. Freeman, F. W. Perrens, E. C. Shepherd, the Very Revd. A. G. G. Thurlow, T. W. White, W. G. Wilson.
Honorary Members: Mrs. O. D. Barnett, H. C. Chant, F. E. Collins, W. E. Critchley, C. W. Denyer, W. H. Dobbie, R. H. Dove, G. R. Drew, Mrs. S. M. Drew, Canon K. W. H. Felstead, D. Hughes, C. K. Lewis, J. R. Mayne, R. B. Smith, W. H. Viggers, Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson, Mrs. M. A. Wratten.
Ancient Society of College Youths: W. T. Cook, D. E. House, A. N. Stubbs, A. W. R. Wilby.
Australia & New Zealand Assn.: P. M. J. Gray.
Bath & Wells Dio. Assn.: G. W. Massey, E. Naylor, A. H. Reed, J. S. Walton.
Bedfordshire Assn.: J. H. Edwards, T. W. Groom, A. E. Rushton.
Beverley & Dist. Society: I. G. Campbell.
Cambridge Univ. Guild: B. D. Threlfall, S. C. Walters.
Carlisle Dio. Guild: S. Richardson.
Chester Dio. Guild: A. J. Martin, M. Thomson.
Coventry Dio. Guild: P. Border, K. Chambers, H. M. Windsor.
Derby Dio. Assn.: T. Ball, G. A. Halls, D. Hird.
Durham & Newcastle Dio. Assn.: A. G. Craddock, D. Martin, P. Rogers.
Durham Univ. Society: C. C. Monson.
E. Derbyshire & W. Notts. Assn.: A. Dempster.
E. Grinstead & Dist. Guild: A. N. Brock.
Ely Dio. Assn.: G. E. Bonham, J. G. Gipson, R. J. Palmer.
Essex Assn.: J. Armstrong, F. B. Lufkin, D. Sloman, O. Webster.
Gloucester & Bristol Dio. Assn.: B. Bladon, L. C. Edwards, J. R. Taylor, C. A. Wratten.
Guildford Dio. Guild: M. J. Church, T. Page, D. E. Parsons, P. G. Smart.
Guild of Devonshire Ringers: F. Mack, D. J. Roberts, the Revd. J. G. M. Scott.
Hereford Dio. Guild: T. Cooper, P. L. Hughes, R. G. Powell, A. T. Wingate.
Hertford County Assn.: A. R. Agg, G. Dodds, R. E. Hardy, G. Penney.
Irish Assn.: F. E. Dukes, J. T. Dunwoody.
Kent County Assn.: P. A. Corby, M. J. Hiller, D. M. Joyce, D. H. Niblett.
Ladies Guild: Miss D. E. Colgate, Mrs. J. Staniforth, Mrs. J. Summerhayes.
Lancashire Assn.: C. Crossthwaite, D. R. Jones, J. Kershaw, F. Reynolds.
Leeds Univ. Society: C. J. Frye.
Leicester Dio. Guild: B. L. Burrows, J. M. Jelley, P. J. Staniforth, B. G. Warwick.
Lincoln Dio. Guild: G. E. Feirn, D. A. Frith, J. L. Millhouse, M. A. Rose.
Llandaff & Monmouth Dio. Assn.: J. C. Baldwin, I. M. Holland, Mrs. J. S. King.
London County Assn.: H. W. Rogers, Mrs. O. L. Rogers, J. T. Shepard, Dr. J. M. Weddell.
Manchester Univ. Guild: M. C. W. Sherwood.
Middlesex County Assn. & London Dio. Guild: F. T. Blagrove, T. J. Lock, C. H. Rogers, D. W. Struckett.
Midland Counties Guild: M. Quimby.
National Police Guild: A. W. Gibbs.
N. American Guild: W. H. Jackson, W. A. Theobald.
N. Staffordshire Assn.: E. Nixon.
N. Wales Assn.: Mrs. N. M. Randles.
Norwich Dio. Assn.: F. C. J. Arnold, L. F. Bailey, J. B. Pickup, J. R. Smith.
Oxford Dio. Guild: W. Butler, K. J. Darvill, H. Lawrenson, T. G. Pett.
Oxford Society: F. A. H. Wilkins.
Oxford Univ. Guild Society: P. N. Mounsey, D. J. Roaf.
Peterborough Dio. Guild: E. Billings, C. J. Groome, R. F. B. Speed, J. M. Tyler.
Railwaymen’s Guild: T. Skilton.
St. Martin’s Guild: T. R. Hampton, R. W. Pipe.
Salisbury Dio. Guild: E. J. Hitchins, P. L. J. Matthews, R. G. W. Robertson, N. O. Skelton.
Scottish Assn.: N. E. Booth.
Shropshire Assn.: R. B. Dorrington, F. M. Mitchell.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: J. S. Barnes, I. H. Oram, D. E. Sibson, P. M. Wilkinson.
Society of Sherwood Youths: G. A. Dawson.
Southwell Dio. Guild: R. B. Mills, B. A. Richards.
Stafford Archd. Society: B. Harris, C. M. Smith.
Suffolk Guild: T. N. J. Bailey, J. L. Girt, Revd. L. R. Pizzey, R. C. Whiting.
Surrey Assn.: E. G. H. Godfrey, S. F. Kimber, C. F. Mew.
Sussex County Assn.: A. R. Baldock, C. J. Champion, P. T. Hurcombe, D. D. Smith.
Truro Dio. Guild: W. C. Boucher, Mrs. M. P. Byrne, R. L. Byrne, Miss J. H. Dash.
Universities Assn.: Revd. M. C. C. Melville.
Univ. of Bristol Society: Mrs. A. Newing.
Univ. of London Society: A. J. Frost.
Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild: R. Cater, K. S. B. Croft, J. Hartless.
Worcestershire & Dists. Assn.: A. C. Berry, M. D. Fellows, R. G. Morris.
Yorkshire Assn.: S. J. Gullick, E. Hudson, W. F. Moreton, D. Potter.

The Devon Association, St. David’s Diocesan Guild, S. Derbyshire & N. Leics. Association, and the Swansea & Brecon Diocesan Guild were not represented.

Report as to membership:

The Secretary (Mr. C. A. Wratten) reported that 65 societies were affiliated, with 171 representatives. The Rules provided for 24 Honorary members, and there were eight Life members, making a total membership of 203; there was one vacancy. All subscriptions were paid.

Apologies for absence:

Apologies for absence had been received from Messrs. N. Chaddock, S. J. Ivin, H. N. Pitstow, P. L. Taylor, W. B. Cartwright, J. M. Clarke, J. A. Hoare and A. F. Scholfield.

Welcome to new members:

The following were welcomed by the President: Messrs. R. H. Dove (Honorary), A. W. R. Wilby (College Youths), T. Ball (Derby), F. D. Mack (Devonshire Guild), A. G. Craddock and P. Rogers (Durham & Newcastle), R. J. Palmer (Ely), O. Webster (Essex), B. Bladon (Glos. & Bristol), D. M. Joyce and D. H. Niblett (Kent), C. J. Frye (Leeds Univ.), M. A. Rose (Lincoln), I. M. Holland (Llandaff & Monmouth), J. T. Shepard (London County), D. W. Struckett (Middx. County), M. Quimby (Midland Counties), W. H. Jackson (N. American), F. C. J. Arnold, L. F. Bailey, J. B. Pickup and J. R. Smith (Norwich), H. Lawrenson (Oxford Dio.), P. N. Mounsey (Oxford Univ.), R. F. B. Speed (Peterborough), T. Skilton (Railwaymen’s), P. L. J. Matthews (Salisbury), F. M. Mitchell (Shropshire), N. E. Booth (Scottish), B. A. Richards (Southwell), J. L. Girt and R. C. Whiting (Suffolk), E. G. H. Godfrey (Surrey), A. R. Baldock (Sussex), and R. Cater (Winchester & Portsmouth).

Election of officers:

President: Mr. E. A. Barnett was re-elected on the proposition of Mr. P. M. J. Gray, seconded by Mr. J. Freeman.

Vice-president: Revd. J. G. M. Scott was re-elected on the proposition of Mr. J. M. Clarke, seconded by Mr. F. D. Mack.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Mr. C. A. Wratten was re-elected on the proposition of Mr. F. E. Dukes, seconded by Mr. W. G. Wilson.

Hon. Librarian: Mr. W. T. Cook was re-elected on the proposition of Mr. J. R. Mayne, seconded by Mr. J. S. Barnes.

Election of Life Member:

Mr. C. W. Denyer was elected a Life Member of the Council on the proposition of Mr. M. J. Church, seconded by Mr. P. G. Smart.

Election of Honorary members:

Mrs. M. A. Wratten, Canon K. W. H. Felstead, and Messrs. D. Hughes, S. J. Ivin, H. N. Pitstow, R. B. Smith, P. L. Taylor and W. H. Viggers were re-elected, and Messrs. D. A. Bayles and H. W. Egglestone elected, Honorary members.

Election of Auditors:

Messrs. H. N. Pitstow and M. J. Church were re-elected Hon. Auditors.

Losses through death:

The President reported the deaths of the following past members of the Council, members standing in silence: Messrs. C. A. Bassett (E. Grinstead, 1951-60), R. Leigh (Lancashire, 1963-66), R. G. Bell (Hertford, 1948-72), G. I. Lewis (Swansea & Brecon, 1934-39 and 1951-73), W. Ayre (Hertford, 1926-73, Life Member since 1973), A. Locke (Truro, 1963-75), and B. Horton (Stafford, 1936-45).

Minutes of the previous meeting:

On the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mrs. O. D. Barnett, the Minutes as circulated to members and published in the Ringing World of 24 February 1978 were adopted.

Report of the Honorary Secretary:
(R.W. 7 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mr. F. E. Dukes.

Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(R.W. 7 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Dr. J. C. Baldwin.

Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(R.W. 7 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. D. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. O. D. Barnett. The two Trustees, Mr. D. Hughes and Mr. W. H. Dobbie, were re-elected.

Report of the Trustee of the Rolls of Honour:
(R.W. 7 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. T. Cook, seconded by Mr. W. F. Moreton. Mr. Cook was re-elected Trustee of the Rolls.


Mr. W. T. Cook proposed, and Mr. C. A. Wratten seconded, the following changes to the Council’s Rules:

“That in Rule 12(ii) the following be added:

(m) Library.

and that in Rule 13 the following be added:

(xiv) The Library Committee

To be responsible for the care and maintenance of the Council’s Library.”

The motion was passed.

Mr. J. S. Barnes then proposed, and Mr. I. H. Oram seconded

“That in Rule 12(ii) the following be added:

(n) Bell Restoration Funds

and that in Rule 13 the following be added:

(xv) Bell Restoration Funds Committee

To advise on all aspects of bell restoration funds.”

the second part of the motion being a change from that in the printed Agenda, which read

“(xv) Bell Restoration Funds Committee

(a) To investigate and collate information relating to fund-raising and administration;

(b) To create an awareness of the need for ringers to play a greater part in financing bell and tower restoration;

(c) To give advice on setting up bell restoration funds and in establishing existing funds as charities.”

The change was not accepted by the Council, nor was a proposal by Mr. N. E. Booth, seconded by Mr. I. M. Holland, that it be added to the terms of reference that appeared on the Agenda.

Mr. A. J. Martin then proposed, and Mr. C. Crossthwaite seconded, that the motion as printed be put. This was agreed, and the motion was then passed.

Mr. C. F. Mew proposed, and Mr. R. B. Smith seconded,

“That the Peal Compositions Committee examine and make recommendations on the standardisation of composition notation in ringing publications and report their findings to the Council, and that the Education Committee of the Council produce a pamphlet explaining the recommended and past situations.”

After amendments deleting the words “the standardisation of” (proposed by Mr. J. R. Mayne, seconded by Mr. C. K. Lewis) and deleting the words “that the Education Committee of the Council” (proposed by Mr. W. F. Moreton, seconded by Mr. D. E. Sibson) had been agreed, the motion was passed in its amended form.

Mr. W. Butler proposed, and Mr. K. J. Darvill seconded,

“That this Council considers its conditions for membership, as detailed in Rules 4 and 5, do not allow for fair representation of the ringers of the Exercise, and that a small ad hoc Committee be appointed to make recommendations for revision where necessary.”

After some discussion, Mr. P. M. J. Gray proposed that the Council move to the next business. Mr. P. A. Corby seconded, and this was agreed.

Committee Reports:

Records Committee
(R.W. 7 July 1978, 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. D. E. Sibson, seconded by Dr. J. C. Baldwin. The Committee (Messrs. D. E. Sibson, F. T. Blagrove, G. Dodds, J. R. Mayne and C. A. Wratten) was re-elected.

Methods Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. F. T. Blagrove, seconded by Mr. M. C. W. Sherwood. The Committee (Messrs. F. T. Blagrove, S. J. Ivin and M. C. W. Sherwood) was re-elected.

Peal Compositions Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. E. Critchley, seconded by Mr. M. C. W. Sherwood. Messrs. Critchley and Sherwood were re-elected, and P. Border, R. E. Hardy and R. W. Pipe elected, to the Committee by ballot.

Computer Co-ordination Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. J. R. Taylor, seconded by Dr. J. C. Baldwin. The Committee (Messrs. J. R. Taylor, J. C. Baldwin, S. J. Ivin, D. E. Sibson, and C. A. Wratten) was re-elected.

Peals Analysis Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978, 21 July 1978)

The report was adopted, less a peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor rung by the Worcestershire & Districts Association on 30 July 1977 pending the outcome of enquiries by Mr. M. D. Fellows as to the composition used, on the proposition of Mr. F. B. Lufkin, seconded by Mr. C. H. Rogers.

Messrs. F. B. Lufkin, R. J. Johnston and C. H. Rogers and Canon K. W. H. Felstead were re-elected, and Dr. T. G. Pett elected, to the Committee.

“The Ringing World” Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. G. Wilson, seconded by Mr. R. F. B. Speed. After it had been agreed by the Council that the Committee should continue to have six members, Messrs. D. A. Bayles and H. W. Egglestone, Mrs. J. S. King, Mrs. A. Newing, and Mr. R. F. B. Speed were re-elected, and Mr. A. N. Stubbs elected, by ballot. The President expressed the Council’s gratitude to Mr. W. G. Wilson, who had declined nomination for re-election, for his many years’ work on the Committee.

Public Relations Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mrs. J. S. King, seconded by Mr. G. E. Feirn. Mrs. J. S. King and Messrs. H. N. Pitstow and G. W. Pipe were re-elected, and Messrs. P. G. Smart and W. A. Theobald elected, to the Committee by ballot.

(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. Butler, seconded by Mr. J. M. Tyler; the Committee’s recommendation that the “Beginners’ Handbook” be revised was endorsed by a large majority on being put to the vote.

The Council having agreed that the Committee should continue to have seven members, Messrs. W. Butler, W. F. Moreton, C. M. Smith and J. M. Tyler were re-elected and Messrs. R. Cater, B. Harris and D. M. Joyce elected.

Publications Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. G. R. Drew, seconded by Mr. W. G. Wilson; the Council endorsed the Committee’s recommendation that the 1952 “Collection of Plain Major Methods” be reprinted.

Messrs. G. R. Drew, C. J. Groome, E. C. Shepherd and W. G. Wilson were re-elected, and Mr. J. R. Taylor elected, to the Committee.

Towers & Belfries Committee
(R.W. 14 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of the Revd. J. G. M. Scott, seconded by Mr. B. D. Threlfall.

The Council agreed that the Committee should still have 12 members, the Revd. J. G. M. Scott and Messrs. J. C. Baldwin, W. Exton, A. J. Frost, J. Freeman, G. W. Massey, F. Reynolds, B. D. Threlfall and S. C. Walters were re-elected and Messrs. A. Dempster, B. Harris and J. Hartless elected to form the Committee.

Bell Restoration Funds Committee
(R.W. 21 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. J. S. Barnes, seconded by Mr. I. H. Oram. After the Council had agreed that the Committee’s membership could be increased to six, Messrs. J. S. Barnes, E. Billings, K. S. B. Croft, G. A. Halls and I. H. Oram were re-elected and Mr. M. J. Church elected by ballot.

Committee for Redundant Bells
(R.W. 21 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. A. J. Frost. The Council endorsed Mrs. Wilkinson’s recommendation that the Committee be increased to eight members, and Mr. G. W. Massey was elected and Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson, Messrs. E. A. Barnett, G. A. Dawson, J. Freeman and A. J. Frost, Canon K. W. H. Felstead and Dean Thurlow were re-elected to the Committee.

Library Committee
(R.W. 21 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. T. Cook, seconded by Mr. J. S. Barnes, subject to the proviso (proposed by Mr. G. W. Massey and seconded by Mr. G. A. Dawson) that any surplus copies of books in the Library should be offered on long loan to affiliated societies which had libraries of their own. A formal motion by Mr. W. T. Cook, seconded by Mr. J. S. Barnes, to open a bank account for the “Friends of the Central Council Library” was also adopted.

Mr. Cook, as Hon. Librarian of the Council, is ex-officio a member of the Committee, and Messrs. W. Butler, D. E. House and P. M. Wilkinson were re-elected, and Dr. J. C. Baldwin elected, to complete the Committee.

Biographies Committee
(R.W. 21 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. T. J. Lock, seconded by Mr. W. H. Viggers. Messrs. T. J. Lock, G. A. Dawson and W. H. Viggers were re-elected, and Mr. B. D. Threlfall and the Revd. M. C. C. Melville elected, to the Committee.

Administrative Committee
(R.W. 21 July 1978)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by the Revd. J. G. M. Scott. The Secretary then announced the ex-officio members of the new Committee: the officers - Mr. E. A. Barnett, the Revd. J. G. M. Scott, and Mr. C. A. Wratten - and Committee chairmen - Messrs. J. S. Barnes (Bell Restoration Funds), W. Butler (Education), W. T. Cook (Library), W. E. Critchley (Peal Compositions), G. R. Drew (Publications), Mrs. J. S. King (Public Relations), Messrs. T. J. Lock (Biographies), F. B. Lufkin (Peals Analysis), M. C. W. Sherwood (Methods), D. E. Sibson (Records), R. F. B. Speed (“The Ringing World”), and J. R. Taylor (Computer Co-ordination) and Mrs. M. J. Wilkinson (Redundant Bells); the Revd. J. G. M. Scott (Towers & Belfries) was already a member.

On a ballot, the following were elected to the Committee: Dr. J. C. Baldwin, Mrs. O. D. Barnett, Messrs. W. B. Cartwright, M. J. Church, P. A. Corby, F. E. Dukes, J. Freeman, P. M. J. Gray, G. A. Halls, I. H. Oram, B. D. Threlfall and W. G. Wilson.

Future Meetings:

An invitation from the Truro Diocesan Guild to hold the 1979 meeting in Penzance on Tuesday, 29 May, was accepted, as was an invitation from the Winchester & Portsmouth Diocesan Guild to hold the 1980 meeting in its area on Tuesday, 27 May.

The Secretary reported the receipt of an invitation for 1983 from the Archdeaconry of Stafford Society, and, after he had raised the possibility of the Council meeting in North America, Mr. W. A. Theobald offered to obtain further information by the 1979 meeting.

Votes of Thanks:

On behalf of the Council the President thanked the Guildford Diocesan Guild for its arrangements, the Mayor and Bishop of Guildford for their welcome, the Rector of Holy Trinity, Guildford, the Dean of Gloucester and the Revd. M. C. C. Melville for their various parts in the Corporate Communion Service, to the various incumbents for the use of their bells and to Miss D. E. Colgate and Mr. C. W. Denyer for the record they had taken of the proceedings.

The Dean of Gloucester thanked the officers for their conduct of the meeting.

Wholly represented53138-
Partly represented8199
Not represented4-5

Life members71
Honorary members176


The Ringing World, March 2, 1979, pages 193 to 194, correction February 8, 1980, page 129

(Archivist’s note: also absent were J. F. Smallwood (Life), B. Austin and G. W. Pipe (Honorary), R. J. Johnston (Australia & New Zealand Assn.), E. Hotine (Chester Dio. Guild), J. Hine and H. Pidler (Devon Assn.), P. L. Hughes (Hereford Dio. Guild), D. McEndoo (Irish Assn.), R. W. Sherriff (St. David’s Dio. Guild), J. E. Collins (South Derbys & North Leics Assn.), W. L. Exton (Southwell Dio. Guild) and R. R. Savory (Winchester & Portsmouth Dio. Guild))

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