

Minutes of the First Session of the Twenty-Eighth Council (75th Annual Meeting)
Held at the Guildhall, City of London, on Tuesday, May 30, 1972


Life Members: E. A. Barnett, J. Freeman, F. W. Perrens, F. Sharpe, E. C. Shepherd, J. F. Smallwood, Canon A. G. G. Thurlow, T. W. White.
Honorary Members: Mrs. O. D. Barnett, F. E. Collins, C. W. Denyer, G. R. Drew, Mrs. S. M. Drew, J. L. Garner-Hayward, F. E. Haynes, D. Hughes, S. J. Ivin, C. K. Lewis, J. R. Mayne, H. N. Pitstow, G. W. Pipe, R. B. Smith, R. F. B. Speed, P. L. Taylor, F. A. White.
Ancient Society of College Youths: W. T. Cook, J. S. Mason, R. B. Meadows, W. Williams.
Bath and Wells Dio. Assn.: G. W. Massey, E. Naylor, A. H. Reed, J. S. Walton.
Bedfordshire Assn.: J. H. Edwards, K. H. Fleming, A. E. Rushton.
Beverley and District Society: I. G. Campbell.
Cambridge U. Guild: C. M. P. Johnson, B. D. Threlfall.
Chester Dio. Guild: B. Jones, A. J. Martin, D. Mottershead.
Coventry Dio. Guild: P. Border, G. W. Randall, H. M. Windsor.
Cumberland and N. Westmorland Assn.: R. W. D. Wetenhall.
Derby Dio. Assn.: G. A. Halls, M. Phipps, Revd. R. D. St. J. Smith.
Devon Association: B. E. Bartlett.
Durham and Newcastle Dio. Assn.: K. Arthur, D. A. Bayles.
E. Grinstead and District Guild: K. G. Game.
Ely Dio. Assn.: A. M. Barber, J. G. Gipson, E. H. Mastin.
Essex Assn.: J. Armstrong, F. B. Lufkin, P. J. Rothera, D. Sloman.
Gloucester and Bristol Dio. Assn.: L. C. Edwards, A. R. Peake, J. R. Taylor, C. A. Wratten.
Guildford Dio. Guild: M. J. Church, T. Page, D. E. Parsons, P. G. Smart.
Guild of Devonshire Ringers: J. M. Clarke, D. J. Roberts, Revd. J. G. M. Scott.
Hereford Dio. Guild: T. Cooper, P. Hughes, R. G. Powell, A. T. Wingate.
Hertford County Assn.: A. R. Agg, B. M. Barker, G. Dodds.
Irish Assn.: F. E. Dukes, J. T. Dunwoody.
Kent County Assn.: P. A. Corby, S. Jenner, I. H. Oram.
Ladies’ Guild: Miss D. E. Colgate, Mrs. P. J. Staniforth, Mrs. N. Summerhayes.
Lancashire Assn.: N. Bennett, C. Crossthwaite, J. P. Partington, F. Reynolds.
Leicester Dio. Guild: R. H. Cook, J. M. Jelley, P. J. Staniforth, B. G. Warwick.
Lincoln Dio. Guild: G. E. Feirn, D. A. Frith, J. L. Millhouse, P. Reynolds.
Llandaff and Monmouth Dio. Assn.: Mrs. J. S. King, M. J. Pryor, T. M. Roderick.
London County Assn.: H. W. Rogers, Mrs. O. L. Rogers, W. G. Wilson, D. Woodward.
Manchester U. Guild: M. C. W. Sherwood.
Middlesex County Assn.: F. T. Blagrove, T. J. Lock, C. H. Rogers, B. C. Watson.
Midland Counties Guild: J. W. Cotton.
National Police Guild: N. S. Bagworth.
N. Staffordshire Assn.: R. S. Anderson.
N. Wales Assn.: E. V. Woodcock.
Norwich Dio. Assn.: H. W. Barrett, M. Cubitt, N. V. Harding.
Oxford Dio. Guild: J. C. Baldwin, W. Butler, N. J. Diserens, P. Walker.
Oxford Society: F. A. H. Wilkins.
Oxford U. Society: J. E. Camp, D. J. Roaf.
Peterborough Dio. Guild: E. Billings, B. R. Care, C. J. Groome, J. M. Tyler.
Railwaymen’s Guild: E. J. Franklin.
St. David’s Dio. Guild: J. Prytherch.
St. Martin’s Guild: G. E. Fearn, R. W. Pipe.
Salisbury Dio. Guild: M. Hiller, E. J. Hitchins, B. J. Woodruffe.
Sheffield and District Society: J. Seager.
Shropshire Assn.: Mrs. E. Stevens.
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths: J. S. Barnes, D. Beresford, W. H. Dobbie, D. E. Sibson.
Society of Sherwood Youths: G. A. Dawson.
S. Derbyshire and N. Leicestershire Assn.: J. E. Collins.
Southwell Dio. Guild: W. L. Exton, S. Humphrey, R. B. Mills, Mrs. B. N. Reed.
Stafford Archdeaconry Society: C. F. W. Eyre, C. M. Smith.
Suffolk Guild: H. W. Egglestone, C. W. Pipe, Rev. L. R. Pizzey.
Surrey Assn.: A. P. Cannon, S. F. W. Kimber, C. F. Mew.
Sussex County Assn.: G. Francis, J. R. Morris, Miss J. M. Percy.
Truro Dio. Guild: W. C. Boucher, F. M. Bowers, A. J. Davidson, A. Locke.
Universities Assn.: Rev. M. C. C. Melville.
University of Bristol Society: T. P. Edwards.
University of London Society: A. J. Frost.
Winchester and Portsmouth Dio. Guild: A. V. Davis, G. K. Dodd, J. Hartless, R. R. Savory.
Worcestershire and Districts Association: D. Beacham, A. C. Berry, W. B. Cartwright, M. D. Fellows.
Yorkshire Assn.: R. Brown, N. Chaddock, W. E. Critchley, W. F. Moreton.

Apologies for Absence:

Apologies were received from E. J. Sollis, Fr. P. Angold, Miss K. M. H. Branson, and Messrs. W. Ayre, F. N. Golden, P. M. J. Gray, G. I. Lewis, G. S. Morris, M. H. D. O’Callaghan and W. L. Weller.

The Secretary was instructed to send the members’ best wishes to Mr. Ayre for a speedy recovery.

Report as to Membership:

The Secretary reported that 63 societies were affiliated, with 167 representatives. The rules provided for 24 honorary members, and there were eight life members, making a total possible membership of 199. There were two vacancies. All subscriptions had been paid.

Applications to Affiliate:

Applications to affiliate to the Council were received from the Leeds University Society of Change Ringers and from the Durham University Society of Change Ringers. Each failed to receive the necessary agreement of two-thirds of the members present.

Welcome to New Members:

The following were greeted by the President: Messrs. G. W. Massey, J. S. Walton (Bath and Wells), I. G. Campbell (Beverley and District), P. Border, G. W. Randall (Coventry), M. Phipps (Derby), P. J. Rothera, D. Sloman (Essex), L. C. Edwards (Gloucester and Bristol), M. J. Church, D. E. Parsons (Guildford), T. Cooper, R. G. Powell (Hereford), J. M. Clarke, D. J. Roberts (Devonshire Guild), A. R. Agg (Hertford), R. H. Cook (Leicester), D. A. Frith (Lincoln), M. J. Pryor (Llandaff and Monmouth), D. Woodward (London County), B. C. Watson (Middlesex), J. C. Baldwin (Oxford Diocesan), B. R. Care, C. J. Groome, J. M. Tyler (Peterborough), M. Hiller, B. J. Woodruffe (Salisbury), Mrs. E. Stevens (Shropshire), S. Humphrey, Mrs. B. N. Reed (Southwell), Miss J. M. Percy (Sussex), G. K. Dodd (Winchester and Portsmouth), A. C. Berry, M. D. Fellows (Worcestershire and Districts) and R. Brown (Yorkshire).

Election of Officers:

President- Mr. J. Freeman was re-elected on the proposition of Mrs. O. D. Barnett, seconded by Mr. F. Sharpe.

Vice-President- Mr. E. A. Barnett was re-elected on the proposition of Mr. P. A. Corby, seconded by Mr. R. F. B. Speed.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer- Mr. C. A. Wratten was re-elected on the proposition of Mr. F. E. Dukes, seconded by Mr. W. G. Wilson.

Hon. Librarian- Mr. F. Sharpe was re-elected on the proposition of Mr. E. A. Barnett, seconded by Mr. W. B. Cartwright.

Election of Honorary Members:

It was resolved that Messrs. D. Hughes, S. J. Ivin, H. N. Pitstow, R. B. Smith, R. F. B. Speed and P. L. Taylor be re-elected, and that Mrs. M. A. Wratten, Canon K. W. H. Felstead and Messrs. H. J. Sanger and W. H. Viggers be elected.

Election of Honorary Auditors:

It was resolved that Messrs. H. N. Pitstow and D. Hughes be re-elected.

Losses through Death:

The President reported the death of the following past members of the Council, the meeting standing in silence:-

Messrs. F. H. Dallaway (Sussex County Association, 1938-1959), C. Wallater (Archdeaconry of Stafford Society, 1945-1956), A. Relfe (East Grinstead and District Guild, 1939-1950), J. W. Clarke (Chester Diocesan Guild, 1947-1964) and J. Segar (Southwell Diocesan Guild, 1953-1959).

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

Subject to the deletion of the name of P. M. Adcock (Norwich Diocesan Association) from the list of members present, and of the words “as at Annex A” from the section dealing with the Balance Sheet and Accounts, the Minutes, as published in The Ringing World of April 21, 1972, and circulated to members, were adopted on the proposition of Mr. E. A. Barnett, seconded by Mr. C. A. Wratten.

Report of the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 1)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mrs. O. D. Barnett.

Report of the Honorary Librarian:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 1)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. F. Sharpe, seconded by Mr. R. F. B. Speed.

Balance Sheet and Accounts:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 2, and R.W., 11 August, 1972, page 647)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mr. E. A. Barnett.

Report of the Trustees of the Carter Ringing Machine:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 1)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. D. Hughes, seconded by Mr. F. E. Haynes.


  1. Proposed by Mr. C. J. Groome, seconded by Mr. J. M. Tyler

    “That the Council seek the co-operation of the Liturgical Commission in establishing a form of service for general use at ringing meetings and festivals.”

    The motion was lost.

  2. Proposed by Mr. R. B. Smith, seconded by Mr. W. F. Moreton

    “That in the Conditions relating to Peals the words, in brackets below be deleted:

    (i) Section B.4

    Peals of Triples (shall be rung on eight bells with the tenor as cover and) shall consist of one or more true and complete 5040s each starting from rounds.

    (ii) Section B.5

    Peals of Caters, Cinques, Sextuples, etc. (shall be rung on ten, 12, 14, etc. bells respectively with the tenor as cover and) shall consist of at least 5,000 true changes.”

    An amendment, proposed by Mr. G. W. Massey, seconded by Mr. P. G. Smart, “That the words in brackets be retained, and the words ‘Notwithstanding Conditions B.4 and B.5 above, in towers with odd numbers of bells hung for ringing, peals in odd-bell methods without a cover shall be permitted on the maximum number of ringing bells in the tower’ be added” was lost.

    A further amendment proposed by Mr. F. T. Blagrove, seconded by Mr. C. K. Lewis, “That the words ‘or on seven bells’ and ‘or on 9, 11, 13, etc. bells respectively’ be added after ‘with the tenor as cover’” was also lost.

    The motion was then put, and was lost.

  3. Proposed by Mr. R. R. Savory, seconded by Mr. G. K. Dodd,

    “That, owing to the unique nature of the ring of nine bells at All Saints’ Church, Basingstoke, all peals of Caters rung on these bells shall be accepted, so long as the ring remains in its present form.”

    After the motion was passed, the President had ruled that, if the motion were passed, it should not be retrospective, the motion was passed.

Alteration of Rule:

After the Council had agreed to the insertion of the word “normally” and of the words “each of” to the motion on the agenda, it was resolved, on the proposition of Mr. C. A. Wratten, seconded by Mr. E. A. Barnett, that Rule 12 (iv) be amended to read:-

“The other committees shall normally consist of not more than five elected members (chosen by ballot if more than five names are proposed); each of these committees shall have power to co-opt not more than two members of the Council.”


These have been published in The Ringing World as shown:-

Biographies Committee:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 1)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. T. J. Lock, seconded by Mr. C. A. Wratten. Messrs. T. J. Lock, G. A. Dawson and W. H. Viggers were elected to form the new committee.

Sunday Service and Education Committee:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 1)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. F. Moreton, seconded by Mr. N. Chaddock. The Education Committee, consisting of Messrs. W. F. Moreton, W. Butler, N. Chaddock, F. Sharpe, C. M. Smith and the Revd. R. D. St. J. Smith, was elected after the Council had agreed that its membership need not be limited to five.

Methods Committee:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 1)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. C. K. Lewis, seconded by Mr. R. F. B. Speed. The committee (Messrs. C. K. Lewis, F. T. Blagrove, S. J. Ivin and R. F. B. Speed) was re-elected.

Peals Analysis Committee:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement pages 3, 4, and R.W., 4 August, 1972, supplement page 1)

After the deletion of the reference to “heart searching”, adopted on the proposition of Mr. F. B. Lufkin, seconded by Mr. C. H. Rogers. Messrs. F. B. Lufkin, N. J. Diserens, C. H. Rogers and Canon K. W. H. Felstead were elected to form the new committee.

Peals Collection Committee:

Mr. W. E. Critchley said that the committee had nothing to report. The committee, henceforward known as the Peal Compositions Committee and consisting of Messrs. W. E. Critchley, G. E. Feirn and R. F. B. Speed, was re-elected.

Publications Committee:
(R.W., 28 July, 1972, supplement page 3)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. G. R. Drew, seconded by Mr. E. A. Barnett. The committee (Messrs. G. R. Drew, W. F. Moreton, F. Sharpe, E. C. Shepherd and W. G. Wilson) was re-elected.

Records Committee:
(R.W., 4 August, 1972, supplement page 3, and correction R.W., 12 January, 1973, page 26)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. F. T. Blagrove, seconded by Mr. D. E. Sibson. The name of Fanybedwell was accepted for the method rung at Bristol on 10 December, 1971, but the name given to the method rung there on 22 October, 1971 (Boghole) was rejected as unsuitable; the Secretary was instructed to ask the band to provide an acceptable alternative.

Messrs. F. T. Blagrove, G. Dodds, J. R. Mayne, D. E. Sibson and C. A. Wratten were elected to form the new committee.

The Ringing World Committee:
(R.W., 11 August, 1972, page 646)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. W. G. Wilson, seconded by Mr. D. A. Bayles. The committee (Messrs. W. G. Wilson, R. S. Anderson, D. A. Bayles, R. F. B. Speed and Mrs. P. J. Staniforth) was re-elected.

Towers and Belfries Committee:
(R.W., 4 August, 1972, supplement page 3)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. F. Sharpe, seconded by Mr. B. D. Threlfall. The Council agreed that the membership of the committee need not be limited to five, and the committee (Messrs. F. Sharpe, B. Austin, F. E. Collins, J. Freeman, A. J. Frost, H. J. Sanger, T. M. Roderick, B. D. Threlfall and the Revd. J. G. M. Scott) was re-elected; Mr. W. L. Exton was elected to the committee.

Joint Committee:
(R.W., 4 August, 1972, supplement page 4)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. F. T. Blagrove, seconded by Mr. J. R. Mayne.

Broadcasting and Television Committee:
(R.W., 4 August, 1972, supplement page 1)

With the substitution of “Knowle” for “Evercreech” in paragraph 5, the report was adopted on the proposition of Mr. H. N. Pitstow, seconded by Mr. J. T. Dunwoody.

Literature and Press Committee:
(R.W., 4 August, 1972, supplement page 1)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. E. C. Shepherd, seconded by Mr. F. E. Dukes.

Overseas Ringing Committee:
(R.W., 4 August, 1972, supplement page 2)

Adopted on the proposition of Mr. G. W. Pipe, seconded by Mr. F. T. Blagrove.

The president expressed the Council’s gratitude to the members of the last three committees, which had now ceased to exist.

Public Relations Committee:

The committee, consisting of Air Cdre. J. S. Mason, Mrs. D. J. King, Canon A. G. G. Thurlow and Messrs. G. W. Pipe and H. N. Pitstow, was elected.

Administrative Committee:

The Secretary announced the names of the ex-officio members: Messrs. J. Freeman, E. A. Barnett, C. A. Wratten, T. J. Lock, W. F. Moreton, C. K. Lewis, F. B. Lufkin, W. E. Critchley, G. R. Drew, F. T. Blagrove, W. G. Wilson, F. Sharpe and J. S. Mason.

On a ballot, the following were elected to the Committee: Canon A. G. G. Thurlow, Mrs. O. D. Barnett and Messrs. D. Beresford, W. B. Cartwright, P. A. Corby, C. Crossthwaite, F. E. Dukes, P. M. J. Gray, G. W. Pipe, R. F. B. Speed, P. J. Staniforth and B. D. Threlfall.

Future Meetings:

Invitations had been received from the Lincoln Diocesan Guild, the Salisbury Diocesan Guild, and jointly from the Oxford Diocesan Guild and the Oxford Society. It was agreed to accept the latter, the meeting to be held in Oxford on May 29, 1973.

The invitation of the Devon Guild to hold the 1974 meeting in Devon was accepted; it was agreed that the meeting should be held on May 28.

Invitations to Lincoln in 1975 and to Hereford in 1976 were noted.

Books of Remembrance:

Mr. W. T. Cook was appointed Trustee, on the proposition of Mr. D. E. Sibson, seconded by Mr. R. B. Meadows.

Votes of Thanks:

On the motion of the President, the thanks of the Council were extended to the Ancient Society of College Youths and the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths for their arrangements; to the other London societies; and to the incumbents and steeplekeepers for the use of their bells.

The President was thanked for his handling of the meeting, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wratten for secretarial assistance.

Wholly represented50128-
Partly represented92411
Not represented4-4


Life members82
Honorary members177


The Ringing World, March 2, 1973, pages 174 to 175, correction March 22, 1974, page 248

(Archivist’s note: also absent were B. Austin, Sir J. Betjeman, R. Dirksen and W. A. Osborn (Honorary), H. C. Lonyon (Chester Dio. Guild), J Hine, H. Pidler and A. Tapper (Devon Assn.), P. W. Brown (Irish Assn.) and P. M. Adcock (Norwich Dio. Assn.))

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