© Anthony P. Smith, July 2024

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E2E Delight Major
Eadburgebyrig Surprise Minor
Eadburgebyrig Treble Place Minor
Eagle Surprise Minor
Eagle Treble Place Minor
Eagle Nebula Surprise Royal
Eaglethorpe Bob Doubles
Eakring Surprise Minor
Ealdincburnan Surprise Major
Ealing Delight Major
Ealing Surprise Major
Ealing Surprise Maximus
Ealing Surprise Sixteen
Ealing Little Surprise Royal
Ealing Common Slow Course Minor
Eanam Wharf Delight Royal
Eardisland Delight Major
Eardisland Manor Surprise Major
Eardisley Alliance Minor
Eardisley Bob Minor
Eardisley Slow Course Minor
Eardisley Surprise Major
Eardisley Treble Place Doubles
Eardleigh Surprise Royal
Eardley Surprise Major
Earin Doubles
Earith Bob Minor
Earl Baldwin Surprise Major
Earl Bathurst Surprise Major
Earl Cairns Surprise Major
Earl Cawdor Surprise Major
Earlham Bob Major
Earlham Bob Caters
Earl of Berkeley Surprise Major
Earl of Birkenhead Surprise Major
Earl of Clancarty Surprise Major
Earl of Dartmouth Surprise Major
Earl of Devon Surprise Major
Earl of Ducie Surprise Major
Earl of Dudley Surprise Major
Earl of Dunraven Surprise Major
Earl of Eldon Surprise Major
Earl of Kimberley Treble Bob Minor
Earl of Mount Edgcumbe Surprise Major
Earl of Plymouth Surprise Major
Earl of Powis Surprise Major
Earl of Radnor Surprise Major
Earl of St Germans Surprise Major
Earl of Shaftesbury Surprise Major
Earl St Aldwyn Surprise Major
Earls Barton Delight Major
Earls Barton Surprise Major
Earlsburn Surprise Royal
Earls Court Slow Course Minor
Earls Croome Delight Minor
Earl's Green Surprise Minor
Earlsheaton Treble Bob Minor
Earl Sterndale Surprise Major
Earlstoke Bob Major
Earl Waldegrave Surprise Major
Earn Surprise Major
Earnley Castle Delight Major
Earth Delight Minor
Earth Surprise Major
Earthium Surprise Major
Earthquake Surprise Royal
Earthworm Surprise Major
Easby Surprise Royal
Easily Done! Slow Course Minor
Easington Alliance Major
Easington Surprise Major
Easingwold Surprise Major
East Anglia Alliance Royal
East Belfast Delight Major
East Bergholt Surprise Major
Eastbourne Surprise Major
East Bridgford Delight Minor
Eastbury Surprise Major
Eastby Surprise Royal
East Carlton Bob Doubles
East Carlton Delight Minor
East Carlton Surprise Major
East Coast Alliance Major
East Coker Surprise Major
Eastcote Doubles
Eastcote Slow Course Minor
Eastcote Surprise Major
Eastcott Surprise Major
East Coulston Bob Major
Eastcourt Bob Major
East Crompton Surprise Major
East Dean Surprise Royal
East Dene Differential Doubles
East Devon Surprise Royal
East Drayton Surprise Minor
East Dundry Delight Major
Easter Alliance Major
Easter Delight Major
Easter Surprise Major
Easter Treble Bob Minimus
Easter Day Delight Royal
Easter Day Surprise Minor
Easterly Surprise Major
Eastern Bob Major
Eastern Bob Royal
Eastern Shore Treble Place Minor
Easterton Bob Major
Easterton Surprise Major
East Farleigh Lock Alliance Royal
East Farndon Bob Doubles
East Farndon Treble Bob Minor
Eastfield Delight Major
Eastfield Surprise Royal
East Finchley Slow Course Minor
East Garston Bob Cinques
Eastgate Alliance Royal
Eastgate Delight Major
East Haddon Delight Minor
East Haddon Surprise Royal
East Haddon Treble Place Minor
East Hagbourne Surprise Major
East Ham Bob Minor
Easthampstead Delight Minor
Easthampstead Surprise Major
East Harptree Bob Minor
East Hoathly Surprise Major
East Hoathly Treble Place Minor
Easthorpe Surprise Minor
East Horsley Treble Bob Minimus
East Ilsley Bob Triples
East Intercourse Island Delight Minor
East Kennett Little Bob Major
East Kilbride Surprise Major
East Knoyle Little Bob Major
East Lambrook Surprise Maximus
East Layton Little Place Minimus
Eastleach Bob Major
East Leake Delight Minor
Eastleigh Bob Minor
Eastleigh Surprise Major
East London Line Slow Course Minor
East Malling Surprise Minor
East Mill Tor Delight Minor
East Molesey Surprise Major
Eastmoor Alliance Minor
Eastnor Delight Minor
East of Arcadia Surprise Major
Easton Surprise Maximus
Easton-in-Gordano Delight Major
Easton Maudit Bob Doubles
Easton Neston Major
Easton Neston Alliance Major
Easton Neston Bob Major
Easton Neston Delight Major
Easton Neston Surprise Major
Easton Neston Treble Bob Major
Easton Neston Supreme Alliance Major
Easton-on-the-Hill Bob Doubles
Easton-on-the-Hill Surprise Minor
Easton Royal Bob Major
East Pennard Bob Cinques
East Pennard Surprise Major
East Raynham Surprise Major
East Retford Delight Royal
East Riding Delight Royal
East Riding Surprise Royal
Eastrington Alliance Major
Eastry Surprise Major
East Sussex Surprise Royal
Eastthorpe Surprise Major
Eastville Surprise Royal
Eastwell Bob Major
Eastwell Surprise Royal
Eastwick Doubles
East Winch Surprise Minor
Eastwold Surprise Royal
Eastwood Alliance Major
Eastwood Surprise Minor
Eastwood Surprise Major
Eastwoodbury Surprise Minor
East Worldham Bob Minor
Easy Rider Surprise Major
Eaton Delight Minor
Eaton Surprise Maximus
Eaton Hastings Little Bob Major
Eaton Hill Slow Course Minor
Eatonville Surprise Major
Eau Brink Surprise Minor
Eaves Wood Delight Major
Ebchester Alliance Major
Ebchester Surprise Minor
Ebchester Treble Place Minor
Ebeneezer Surprise Major
Ebenezer Delight Major
Ebernoe Surprise Major
Eblo Surprise Major
Ebony Little Alliance Maximus
Ebony Surprise Major
Ebor Surprise Minor
Ebor Treble Place Minor
Eboracum Alliance Maximus
Eboracum Delight Major
Eboracum Surprise Major
Ebrington Bob Major
Ebudae Surprise Major
Eburo Surprise Major
Ebury Bob Royal
Ebury Bob Maximus
Ecclefechan Alliance Royal
Ecclefechan Bob Triples
Ecclefechan Delight Royal
Ecclesall Surprise Major
Ecclesbourne Alliance Major
Ecclesfield Delight Royal
Ecclesfield Surprise Royal
Ecclesfield Treble Bob Minor
Eccleshall Delight Major
Eccleston Alliance Minor
Eccleston Surprise Major
Eccleston Park Bob Minor
Eccleswich Surprise Royal
E Charles Biggs Bob Doubles
Echidna Treble Bob Minor
Echidna Slow Bob Minor
Echo Alliance Major
Echotsebi Surprise Royal
Eckington Surprise Major
Eckland Surprise Major
Eckstein Surprise Major
Eclipse Treble Bob Minimus
E. Coli Surprise Major
Ecton Surprise Major
Ecton Treble Place Minor
Ecuador Delight Major
Ecuador Surprise Major
Ecumenical Surprise Royal
Ecumenical Surprise Maximus
Edale Delight Major
Edale Surprise Royal
Eddie Martin Bob Minor
Eddington Little Surprise Major
Eddone Hybrid Minor
Eddystone Lighthouse Surprise Minor
Eden Delight Major
Eden Surprise Major
Eden Ale Surprise Minor
Edenbridge Alliance Major
Edenbridge Surprise Major
Edenfield Surprise Royal
Eden Gardens Slow Course Minor
Edenham Alliance Major
Edenham Delight Royal
Edenham Surprise Major
Eden Park Slow Course Minor
Edgarley Hall Surprise Major
Edgbaston Bob Major
Edgbaston Differential Bob Minor
Edgbaston Slow Course Minor
Edgbaston Surprise Major
Edgbaston Old Church Bob Minor
Edgcote Delight Royal
Edgcote Surprise Major
Edgcote Treble Place Minimus
Edge Bob Major
Edgecombe Surprise Major
Edgefield House Surprise Maximus
Edge Hill Bob Minor
Edgehill Delight Royal
Edgeley Surprise Royal
Edgeley Park Surprise Royal
Edgmond Bob Major
Edgware Slow Course Minor
Edgware Surprise Major
Edgware Crunch Surprise Minor
Edgware Road Slow Course Minor
Edinburgh Delight Minor
Edinburgh Delight Major
Edinburgh Surprise Major
Edinburgh Castle Surprise Minor
Edingley Surprise Minor
Edington Bob Major
Edington Bob Caters
Edington Surprise Royal
Edison Delight Major
Edithmead Surprise Major
Edith Weston Surprise Minor
Edlesborough Surprise Major
Edlington Treble Bob Minor
Edmondson Park Surprise Major
Edmondthorpe Surprise Major
Edmonton Bob Major
Edmonton Bob Caters
Edmonton Surprise Major
Edmund Halley Surprise Minor
Edmundsbury Surprise Major
Edna Delight Maximus
Edom Bob Minor
Edoras Surprise Maximus
Edradour Surprise Major
Edradour Treble Place Minor
Edson Surprise Major
Edwalton Surprise Minor
Edward Storey Bob Minor
Edwin Ann Bob Major
Edwinstowe Surprise Minor
Edworth Surprise Royal
Edwyn Ralph Slow Course Minor
Edzell Surprise Royal
Eeklo Surprise Major
Eelingdon Surprise Royal
Eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious Alliance Major
Eeyore Surprise Major
Effin Surprise Major
Effin Treble Bob Major
Effingham Delight Major
Effingham Surprise Royal
Effingham Surprise Maximus
Egbury Place Doubles
Egerton Bob Triples
Eggborough Surprise Major
Eggesford Surprise Major
Egglestone Surprise Major
Eggplant Surprise Major
Eggybread Surprise Major
Egham Surprise Royal
Egleton Surprise Major
Egloskerry Differential Minimus
Egloskerry Surprise Minor
Eglwys Newydd Surprise Major
Egmanton Delight Minor
Egregious Treble Bob Major
Egremont Surprise Major
Egret Bob Triples
Eide Surprise Major
Eididh Nan Clach Geala Alliance Maximus
Eidumanis Surprise Major
Eiger Treble Place Minor
Eigg Surprise Minor
Eight Maids A-Milking Treble Place Minimus
Eilean Glas Lighthouse Surprise Minor
Eilean Leodhais Surprise Minor
Einsteinium Delight Minor
Einsteinium Surprise Major
Eire Surprise Major
Eisey Surprise Major
Eissedra Surprise Royal
Eitis Surprise Major
Ekma Bob Major
Ekoori Surprise Minor
Elaine Surprise Major
Eland Delight Major
Elbrus Surprise Maximus
Elbut Surprise Major
Elcombe Bob Cinques
Elcombe Surprise Maximus
Elcombe Hall Bob Major
Elcombe Hall Surprise Major
Eldean Surprise Maximus
Eldene Alliance Minor
Eldene Bob Major
Eldene Surprise Royal
Elderfield Bob Cinques
Eldersfield Bob Cinques
Eldersfield Surprise Minor
Elderslie Surprise Royal
Elder Street Surprise Major
Eldon Surprise Maximus
Electra Surprise Major
Electric Surprise Major
Elegy Delight Major
Elegy Surprise Major
Elektra Alliance Royal
Elephant & Castle Differential Bob Minor
Eleuthera Surprise Major
Eleven Pipers Piping Treble Place Minimus
Eleventh Hour Delight Royal
Eleventh Night Treble Place Minor
Elf Bob Doubles
'Elf n 'Appiness Slow Bob Minor
Elford Alliance Major
Elford Surprise Major
Elgin Surprise Royal
Elgood Surprise Royal
Elgood's Warrior Surprise Royal
Elie Ness Lighthouse Surprise Minor
Elijah Delight Royal
Eliminator Minimus
Eliminator Surprise Major
Eliot Surprise Royal
Elisabethium Surprise Major
Eliza Delight Major
Elizabeth Surprise Major
Elizabethan Delight Royal
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Surprise Major
Elizabeth II Alliance Royal
Elizabeth II Jubilee Surprise Major
Elizabeth of Glamis Delight Minor
Elizabeth of Glamis Surprise Major
Elizabeth of York Little Alliance Royal
Elizabeth R Surprise Royal
Elizabeth Regina Bob Triples
Elkesley Surprise Minor
Elkington Bob Doubles
Elkington Surprise Maximus
Elko Surprise Major
Elkstone Doubles
Elkstone Bob Cinques
Elkstone Surprise Royal
Ella Delight Royal
Ella Treble Bob Minor
Ellacombe Alliance Minor
Ellen's Delight Minor
Ellenwood Surprise Major
Ellerby Surprise Royal
Ellesbourne Alliance Major
Ellesmere Little Bob Major
Ellesmere Little Bob Caters
Ellesmere St Mary's Bob Doubles
Ellingham Bob Doubles
Ellisfield Bob Cinques
Ellistown Surprise Major
El Loco Minimus
Ellwoodii Bob Triples
Elmesthorpe Delight Major
Elmesthorpe Surprise Royal
Elmham Bob Triples
Elm House Bob Minor
Elmhurst Delight Maximus
Elmisti Surprise Royal
Elmley Castle Bob Cinques
Elmley Castle Delight Major
Elmley Lovett Surprise Major
Elmodesham Delight Royal
Elmodesham Surprise Major
Elmodesham Surprise Maximus
Elmore Bob Minor
Elmore Delight Minor
Elmore Surprise Major
Elmore Imperial Bob Major
Elmore Imperial Bob Caters
Elm Park Bob Minor
Elmstead Market Surprise Minor
Elmstone Hardwicke Hybrid Minimus
Elmstone Hardwicke Place Minor
Elmswell Bob Minor
Elmswell Surprise Minor
Elmton Surprise Major
Elm Tree Surprise Major
Elokuu Differential Bob Minor
El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula Alliance Major
Elsenham Surprise Minor
Elsham Alliance Minor
Elsham Surprise Minor
Elsie Mary Hybrid Minimus
Elsthorpe Delight Royal
Elston Bob Cinques
Elston Delight Minor
Elston Delight Major
Elstow Bob Minor
Elstow Little Delight Major
Elstow Surprise Major
Elstree Delight Major
Elstree Surprise Major
Elswick Surprise Major
Elsworth Surprise Major
Elterwater Bob Minor
Elthorne Delight Royal
Elton Delight Major
Elton Surprise Minor
Elton Treble Place Minor
Elul Delight Major
Elul Surprise Major
Elvaston Doubles
Elveden Surprise Major
Elveden Surprise Royal
Elvestone Delight Major
Elvina Surprise Royal
Ely Delight Minor
Ely Surprise Major
Ely Surprise Royal
Ely St Mary's Bob Doubles
Embankment Bob Minor
Embankment Surprise Maximus
Embarcadero Surprise Major
Embleton Surprise Major
E=mc² Surprise Major
Ememem Delight Major
Emerald Alliance Major
Emerald Differential Little Alliance Maximus
Emerald Delight Minor
Emerald Surprise Major
Emerald Hill Delight Major
Emergency Surprise Minor
Emergency Stop Bob Minor
Emersons Green Surprise Major
Emil Treble Place Minor
Emily Surprise Royal
Emily Charlotte Surprise Major
Emily May Delight Minor
Eminent Nick Lawrence Surprise Minor
Emjay Delight Royal
Emley Alliance Minor
Emma Caroline Delight Minor
Emma Louise Surprise Major
Emmanuel Surprise Minor
Emmanuel College Surprise Major
Emmem Surprise Royal
Emmet Alliance Major
Emneth Surprise Minor
Empingham Alliance Minor
Empingham Hybrid Minor
Empingham Surprise Major
Emscote Surprise Major
Emu Delight Minor
Endangered Spaces Surprise Major
Ende Surprise Major
Endeavour Surprise Major
Enderby Bob Major
Enderby Delight Minor
Enderby Surprise Major
Enderbybrook Surprise Royal
End of a Millennium Surprise Minor
End of Exams Surprise Royal
Endor Little Alliance Maximus
Enfield Bob Minor
Enfield Delight Major
Enfield Surprise Major
Enfield Surprise Maximus
Enford Bob Cinques
Engine Block Bob Minor
Engine Common Bob Major
England Differential Bob Doubles
England Surprise Major
England expects that every man will do his duty Delight Minor
Englefield Bob Cinques
Englefield Green Surprise Royal
Englishcombe Bob Cinques
Englishcombe Surprise Major
Enigma Delight Major
Enimatek Minimus
Enipla Delight Major
Enmore Surprise Major
Ennerdale Bob Minor
Enniskillen Surprise Royal
Enoch's Hammer Surprise Royal
Enoggera Delight Minor
Enotsehcaleda Surprise Royal
Enough of this Bolux Nonuple Treble Bob Minimus
Ensor Delight Minor
Enyo Surprise Major
Eostre Surprise Royal
Eothesic Treble Bob Minor
Epacris Impressa Surprise Major
Epe Surprise Major
E Peter Rock Bob Doubles
Ephebe Surprise Major
Epia Delight Major
Epiacum Surprise Major
Epidii Surprise Major
Epione Surprise Major
Epiphany Alliance Major
Epiphany Delight Major
Epiphany Surprise Maximus
Epiphany Treble Place Minor
Epperstone Surprise Minor
Eprohtsebbul Surprise Royal
Epsom Bob Major
Epsom Bob Caters
Epsom Common Surprise Major
Epyshe Surprise Royal
Equinox Delight Major
Equinox Surprise Major
Erasipteron Bolsoveri Surprise Major
Eratosthenes Surprise Minor
Erbium Delight Minor
Erbium Surprise Major
Ercall Bob Major
Erdington Delight Major
Erdington Surprise Major
Erdington Abbey Differential Bob Minor
Erdington St Barnabus Differential Bob Minor
Erebor Surprise Maximus
Erebus Surprise Major
Erewash Surprise Major
Eric Delight Minor
Erica Surprise Major
Erica Magnis Bob Triples
Eriha Surprise Major
Erin Minimus
Erin Doubles
Erin Triples
Erin Caters
Erin Cinques
Erin Sextuples
Erin Septuples
Erin Octuples
Eriskay Surprise Minor
Erith Little Bob Major
Erith Little Bob Royal
Erith Little Bob Maximus
Erith Surprise Major
Erix Surprise Major
Erlestoke Bob Cinques
Ermin Bob Major
Ermin Little Hybrid Minimus
Ermintrude Surprise Minor
Ernest Drew Bob Doubles
Ernest F Willcox Bob Doubles
Erophilia Surprise Major
Erophobia Surprise Major
Eros Delight Major
Eros Surprise Major
Erpingham Surprise Minor
Errigal Surprise Minor
Errol Treble Place Minimus
Erwarton Surprise Minor
Eryri Surprise Major
Erythrite Surprise Major
Esau Delight Major
Esbece Surprise Major
Esbester Delight Minor
Esha Ness Lighthouse Surprise Minor
Esher Surprise Major
Esher Treble Bob Major
Eskbank Bob Minor
Eskimo Blue Day Alliance Major
Eskimo Nebula Delight Royal
Esk Pike Alliance Royal
Eslov Surprise Major
Esperance Surprise Major
Esplanade Surprise Major
Essef Delight Major
Essendon Surprise Major
Essential Differential Bob Minor
Essex Bob Cinques
Essex Place Doubles
Essex Surprise Major
Essex Surprise Royal
Essex Surprise Maximus
Essex Girl Treble Place Minor
Esslemont Little Bob Major
Estley Delight Major
Estune Delight Major
Etah Surprise Major
Etang Surprise Major
Etchilhampton Little Bob Major
Etchilhampton Surprise Major
Etchingley Bob Cinques
Ethanim Delight Major
Ethanim Surprise Major
Ethel Hybrid Minimus
Etheldreda Delight Major
Ethelfleda's Delight Major
Etive Treble Bob Minor
Eton Little Bob Royal
Eton Delight Major
Eton Slow Course Doubles
Eton Surprise Major
Eton College Bob Major
Etosha Delight Major
Étricourt-Manancourt Surprise Major
Ettin Surprise Major
Ettington Little Bob Major
Ettington Treble Bob Minimus
Etwall Bob Minor
Etwall Surprise Minor
Eucalyptus Surprise Major
Euler Surprise Royal
Eureka Minor
Europa Surprise Major
Europa Little Treble Place Maximus
Europa Differential Little Treble Place Sixteen
Europa Point Lighthouse Surprise Minor
Europium Delight Minor
Europium Surprise Major
Euryalus Surprise Major
Eurydice Doubles
Eurydice Caters
Euston Surprise Minor
Euston Road Surprise Major
Euston Square Slow Course Minor
Euston Square Surprise Major
Euximoor Drove Surprise Minor
Euximoor Fen Surprise Maximus
Evans Delight Minor
Evans Surprise Major
Evdomida Surprise Major
Evedon Alliance Royal
Evelyn Delight Minor
Evelyn Treble Place Minor
Evening Delight Bob Minor
Evening Delight Bob Triples
Evening Exercise Bob Minor
Evening Exercise Bob Triples
Evening Exercise Bob Major
Evening Exercise Delight Minor
Evening Pleasure Treble Bob Minor
Evening Star Delight Minor
Evening Star Delight Major
Evening Star Place Doubles
Evening Star Surprise Major
Evenley Bob Doubles
Evenley Surprise Royal
Evenlode Surprise Major
Even Swindon Surprise Major
Evercreech Bob Caters
Evercreech Surprise Royal
Evercreech Junction Surprise Royal
Everdon Bob Doubles
Everdon Surprise Royal
Everest Delight Major
Everest Surprise Maximus
Everest Treble Place Minor
Evergreen Alliance Major
Everlee Bob Major
Everleigh Bob Cinques
Evermore Delight Royal
Eversfield Surprise Major
Evershot Treble Bob Minor
Eversley Treble Place Minor
Everton Delight Major
Everton Surprise Minor
Eves Surprise Major
Eves Surprise Maximus
Evesham Delight Minor
Evesham Surprise Major
Evesham Surprise Royal
Evesham Surprise Maximus
Evesham Abbey Surprise Maximus
Evie Delight Major
Evil Treble Bob Major
Evington Surprise Major
Evingtonbrook Surprise Royal
Evington Cheltenham Bob Minor
Evison Bob Minor
Evora Surprise Major
Ewan Surprise Major
Ewarton Surprise Major
Ewbank Surprise Major
Ewden Surprise Major
Ewell Surprise Major
Ewelme Treble Bob Minor
Ewen Bob Major
Ewen Surprise Major
Ewenny Bob Minor
Ewerby Alliance Royal
Ewerby Surprise Royal
Ewerby Surprise Maximus
Ewhurst Castle Delight Major
Ewhurst Green Differential Doubles
Ewyas Harold Bob Minor
Ewyas Harold Slow Course Minor
Ewyas Harold Surprise Royal
Excalibur Surprise Major
Exceedingly Bolux Octuple Treble Bob Minimus
ExCel Arena Surprise Maximus
Excelsis Delight Minor
Exeenda Delight Major
Exeenda Delight Royal
Exelby Surprise Royal
Exeter Delight Major
Exeter Surprise Major
Exeter College Little Bob Minor
Exeter Diocesan Delight Major
Exeter International Airport Delight Minor
Exeter St Davids Bob Minor
Exford Bob Cinques
Exford Treble Bob Minor
Exhibition Surprise Major
Exhibition Square Delight Royal
Exminster Surprise Major
Exmoor Bob Cinques
Exmoor Treble Place Doubles
Exmoor Beast Surprise Major
Exmoor Gold Surprise Royal
Exning Surprise Major
Exodus Surprise Royal
Exon Bridge Surprise Major
Exosades Surprise Major
Explorers Alliance Minor
Exton Alliance Minor
Exton Bob Minor
Exton Little Bob Major
Exton Delight Minor
Exton Surprise Major
Exumas Surprise Major
Eyam Delight Minor
Eydon Doubles
Eydon Surprise Minor
Eye Surprise Royal
Eye Treble Bob Minor
Eye Brook Bob Doubles
Eyemouth Surprise Minor
Eyeworth Surprise Major
Eykyn Surprise Major
Eynesbury Bob Doubles
Eynesbury Bob Minor
Eynesbury Bob Triples
Eynsham Bob Major
Eynsham Bob Caters
Eyres Monsell Surprise Royal
Eyton RA Delight Major

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